Mysterious city

Chapter 209 Another Me

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is whether you know what you want?"

The voice asked again, and Jiang Zhe and Xiaoyan realized why they felt that the voice had a heavy echo.

This is because if you feel it carefully, it is not difficult to find that the sound is not coming from outside.

In comparison, it was more like a voice coming from inside their heads.

If Jiang Zhe was still conscious at this moment, it would not be difficult to find that this voice was exactly the same as the voice that came from the magic core of the "Magic Mountain" before.

It's just that at this moment, Jiang Zhe is more like Xiaoyan than his original self, whether in terms of memory, body or emotions.

So how could he deal with it calmly and become completely at a loss like Xiaoyan.

"What do I want?"

Jiang Zhe and Xiaoyan asked in unison. Their voices overlapped and blended into a complex timbre that belonged to both of them, but could not be said to be completely belonging to either of them.

After giving this reply, Xiaoyan's mixed memories flooded into Jiang Zhe's mind again.

what do you want.

Do you even need to ask?

Xiaoyan just wants to make her family live a better life. Her brother can marry a wife who doesn't have to be too beautiful, as long as she has someone to keep her company.

I hope that the old mother can no longer drag her old and injured body to do the heavy farm work.

I hope that my sisters will no longer let their husbands’ families worry about them and bear the title of “Vordemort”, even though there was no such term in those days.

There are many things Xiaoyan wants, but in fact, for most of them, they are the simplest and most common things.

"I know everything you're thinking in your mind, but if you think about it carefully, is that really all there is to it?"

"Tsk tsk. I thought you had great potential, but it seems you're still not good enough."

Before Xiaoyan could tell his answer, the voice in his mind sounded again, and his tone seemed to be a little more disappointed than the joking and playful tone just now.

It was only at this moment that Xiaoyan and Jiang Zhe suddenly realized that they seemed to have been led by this guy from the beginning to the end.

They haven't figured out the other party's identity yet, and coupled with the eerie and weird environment they are in now, how could they involuntarily put aside their doubts and follow the ideas of the guy with unknown origins?

"Stop talking nonsense, who the hell are you!"

Xiao Yan roared powerfully and fiercely, but no matter who he was, anyone could hear the big boy's fierceness in his trembling tone, and understood that the frightened little beast was just showing his teeth and pretending to be fierce.

Of course, compared to the anxiety about this strange environment, there is another thing that makes Xiaoyan extremely worried, that is, before he inexplicably came to this dark place, Manager Gu led his men to perform rounds on him. Beat me!

At least a minute or two had passed since he came to this place, not counting how long he had been unconscious.

No matter whether he suddenly suffered from split personality or suffered from mental problems after being beaten by Lao Li and others.

In short, in just these two minutes, if I didn't fight back, I would have been beaten into a vegetative state.

He studied hard and worked hard day and night, and finally got into college. It took a lot of effort for his family and the people in Wangcun to see hope. Xiaoyan didn't want her to let her previous hard work go to waste in this dark night before dawn. What a waste!

But just as this terrible thought emerged in Xiaoyan and Jiang Zhe's minds, the voice in his mind chuckled and said casually: "I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, the flow of time here is not the same as outside. Same."

"Even if you talk to me here for a long time, compared to the time of the outside world, it is only equivalent to one second that has just passed."

After hearing this, Xiao Yan immediately became frightened.

You must know that his idea had just emerged in his mind for less than half a second, and it was completely stolen by the guy with unknown origins.

But no matter what, if what this guy said was true, then at least he wouldn't have to worry about being beaten to cerebral palsy.

For some reason, although Xiao Yan could clearly feel that no matter who the owner of the voice was, he must be a very dangerous guy, Xiao Yan instinctively felt that he could believe what this guy said.

This is an extremely contradictory idea, and even Xiaoyan herself doesn't know where it came from that inexplicable sense of trust.

"Oh, I told you, I know exactly what you are thinking in your head. You should be able to guess who I am now, right?"

The voice paused slyly, and then slowly said in a proud voice like a magician unraveling a mystery: "Silly boy, the reason why I know you so well is because I am you."

"You can even say that I know myself better than you do, otherwise you wouldn't have those childish thoughts in your mind."

"Think about it carefully. Do you really only want those simple things? Even the pet dogs raised by every household in the city may have more things than you want, right?"

The mysterious voice in Xiaoyan's mind smiled, then stopped talking, and even hummed a tune leisurely.

This guy is like a liar who is very experienced and has no doubts about the possibility of "decoupling" from the other party.

At this moment, he was waiting for Xiaoyan to digest and absorb what he had just said.

No matter what, what the mysterious voice said in Xiaoyan's mind shocked him extremely.

This guy is literally able to capture whatever is going on in his head, almost in sync with it.

In addition, I had an inexplicable sense of trust in him without any conditions. Even though the words of the mysterious voice sounded very outrageous, Xiaoyan couldn't help but waver in his thoughts.

He had read it in a certain book before. Of course, with Xiaoyan's family background, he could occasionally read one or two magazines, which were street stall literature without any research or evidence.

In short, there is a situation described in this book that seems very similar to the environment Xiaoyan is in at the moment.

That is, when people occasionally encounter certain unexpected situations, receive strong stimulation, or undergo drastic changes in their thoughts, their subconscious mind will temporarily occupy the main consciousness.

This may sound very similar to split personality, but it is actually slightly different.

When consciousness changes due to split personality, it occasionally lasts for a long time. At least when personality swap occurs, it does not last for just a moment.

The situation where the subconscious mind dominates as Xiaoyan thinks may often only happen in a flash of light.

This point is very similar to what the mysterious voice in Xiaoyan's mind said just now: "The time in the outside world has just passed less than one second."

And what is completely different from split personality is that the situation Xiaoyan may face will not give rise to two different personalities, but will still be the same complete personality.

It's just that from the first moment this happens, this person's personality will be dominated by the subconscious and begin to change irreversibly.

"Now think about it carefully and tell me. Do you only want things that are so mediocre that they fall into the soil?"

"Can those things allow you to protect your family?"

"Look at yourself, you are as weak as an ant now and you can't even protect yourself!"

"With your current ability, you still want to protect your old mother? Protect your poor dwarf brother? Or your two sisters who married early?"

Along with the "kind reminder" from the mysterious voice in his mind, some crazy ideas that Xiaoyan had never had before began to emerge in his mind.

Yes, he works so hard, is it just to satisfy his family's food and clothing problem?

Even if he gets into college and graduates successfully, so what?

He worked hard for a week, working like a cow and a horse, treating himself as a beast and letting others do it in a low voice. In the end, he couldn't even get the reward he deserved.

Insults, abuses, bullying, hunger and fear of not having enough to eat all day long

Almost every night, although Xiao Yan, who was extremely exhausted, would fall asleep quickly, he would always think of the nightmare of not having enough to eat in the endless dark night, waking up, crying, and falling asleep countless times. , woke up and hesitated countless times again, repeating the cycle.

Even if he can graduate successfully, can he single-handedly change the lives of his family with his undergraduate degree?

Not to mention it belongs to Wangcun people.

Even if everything develops as he expected and planned, in the end, when faced with the unreasonable oppression and humiliation of those villains, when faced with their oppression and deception, he is still as weak as a child.

What he wants is not just to be given the basic respect a person should have, not just the basic survival needs for a modern human being to live safely.

He wants no one to bully or insult him, no one to hurt him and his family.

As a person who came out of a remote mountain village where there has never been a college student in more than 20 years, who is not a rare and proud person, who is not arrogant and hopes that he can make a breakthrough in the world?

In fact, it can be said that Xiaoyan's ambition is definitely no worse than anyone else's, but it has been suppressed and covered up by the poverty-stricken life he has lived in since childhood.

At this moment, Jiang Zhe could clearly feel the strong unwillingness and resentment emerging from the big boy's heart.

As this feeling gradually rose, there seemed to be a faint sound of footsteps coming from the darkness not far away.

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