Mysterious city

Chapter 212 The Devil’s Gift

Looking at the hand stretched out by the other "Xiao Yan" towards him, Jiang Zhe could clearly feel that instead of any joy or desire emerging in Xiao Yan's heart, a huge feeling of fear arose in her heart.

No matter how crazy and reckless the big boy behaved during the fight with the "Loyal Dog Captain" and others, it was just a flash in the pan and temporary.

In the final analysis, Xiaoyan is still the cowardly boy who has never experienced anything in the world.

No matter how generous the promise made by his other self was, even though Xiaoyan had an inexplicable sense of trust in the "clone" of himself in front of him unconditionally, he still dared not hold the hanging pendant. Hands in mid-air.

Because whether it was the tone of his clone's words or the sick smile on his face, Xiaoyan vaguely felt that the guy in front of him was like the poisonous snake that tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. .

Once you hold his hand that is hanging in the air, it is like signing a contract with the devil, eating the forbidden fruit, and opening Pandora's box, with disastrous consequences.

"No, I don't want any power. I just want to get back what belongs to me, let my family and villagers live a good life, and live my life peacefully."

After hesitating for a long time, this timid boy from a remote rural area still refused.

Although it was not so decisive, after saying these words, Xiaoyan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, as if a heavy burden that had been weighing on her heart had been lifted.

After hearing the answer given by Xiao Yan, the expression on the face of the other "Xiao Yan" changed drastically.

At first there was disbelief, then confusion, and finally an expression of anger.

This guy who had been carefree, playful, and even a little arrogant just now finally tore off his calm disguise and became less calm.

"Sure enough, you are a coward who still dare not admit your deepest desires."

"Things like you, who are as weak as ants and dare not resist, deserve to be stepped on by others!"

The other "Xiao Yan" spat towards the ground that didn't seem to exist in the darkness, his tone full of hatred that iron could not become steel.

This sentence made Xiaoyan's heart tremble again. Although he felt that he had disguised himself very well just now, he did not expect that this weird guy in front of him would guess the dark thoughts that he had suppressed in his heart.

Maybe this guy is right, he seems to know what he really wants better than himself.

But despite this, Xiaoyan still pretended to be disdainful and tried her best to keep her tone calm to cover up the panic in her heart. She swallowed and said: "Stop talking nonsense and tell me how to get out of this damn place." Get out? I still have things to do!"

After listening to Xiaoyan's words, his clone sneered. The anger and unwillingness on his face gradually disappeared, and returned to the cynical and unclear smile. He said frivolously: "Oh, you damn duck has a tough mouth."

"But no matter what, you are me, and I am you. If you are beaten to death by those losers outside, it will be equivalent to no longer having me."

"So even if you are a waste, I will never allow such a thing to happen. That's all, let's give you some sweetness first."

The other "Xiao Yan" shook his head helplessly and spread his hands.

That look and tone made it look as if he had forgiven a naive child for a huge mistake and then given him many benefits unconditionally.

"Don't talk about what's available and what's not, get me out of here quickly!"

Although she was very reluctant to admit it, Xiaoyan was still a little tempted by the so-called "power" and "sweetness" in the other person's mouth.

Listening to this guy's words should not harm yourself, but now Xiaoyan has gradually grown up after experiencing this week of "social beatings", and is no longer the innocent and casual person who would listen to others. A child.

So no matter how nice the guy in front of him said it, and no matter how exactly he looked like him, he would never blindly follow him again.

Moreover, Xiaoyan, who has lived in poverty since he was a child, understands that he is no better than other children, and he has no room for error.

When other children make mistakes, they have family, relatives, and friends to help them bear the consequences, but what about him?

He didn't, and Xiaoyan would no longer allow his family to bear more suffering for him.

So as long as there is a little risk, he will not take it!

After seeing that Xiao Yan had decided to leave, his "clone" sighed and seemed to have no intention of retaining Xiao Yan.

But suddenly, the smile on the clone's face disappeared, replaced by a fierce look!

"If you want to leave, I'll let you go. I'll give you a small gift by the way, but don't let those losers outside take away your life!"

After saying that, before Xiao Yan had time to react, the clone took back the hand that was hanging in mid-air and was about to pull Xiao Yan up from the ground, and pushed him instead!

In this darkness where he couldn't see his fingers, he really couldn't tell where he was, but since Xiaoyan could sit on the ground, he thought that the place he was sitting on was the ground and it was very flat.

But she was pushed by her own clone unpreparedly, and Xiaoyan, who was caught off guard, felt her body jerk back.

If things develop normally, the worst result would be for Xiaoyan to fall to the ground hard.

But unexpectedly, the clone pushed without much force, but Xiaoyan felt like she fell down quickly in an instant.

It was as if the position he was just on was not flat ground, but on the edge of a cliff. If he took a step back, he would fall into an endless abyss!


As their bodies fell rapidly downward, both Jiang Zhe and Xiaoyan could feel the terrifying feeling of weightlessness.

The two people with one mind instinctively waved their limbs as they fell rapidly, as if they were trying to catch something.

Xiao Yan's "clone" was standing directly above them, looking down at Xiao Yan who was falling rapidly.

Both the clone's face and body shape became smaller and smaller in Xiaoyan's eyes, but he could clearly see the expression on the other person's face.

It was a crazy, sick, twisted look that normal people would never have!

Until the clone's figure became as invisible as an ant in Xiao Yan's eyes, Xiao Yan could still clearly hear the last words he left.

"Go, cowardly other me, the suffering in the world has just begun!"

"One day, you will come to me again and kneel down and beg me to give you strength! Hahahaha!"

I don’t know if they are really under a cliff or in an abyss. Even though they are far apart, the crazy and sick laughter of the other "Xiao Yan" still keeps echoing in his ears, as if he is very close. So close.

The clone's last words made Xiaoyan shudder, as if they were some terrible prophecy.

What is even more frightening than this ominous premonition is that they are still in the process of falling, as if the abyss they are in is the legendary "Guixu", which is bottomless.

Xiaoyan and Jiang Zhe felt like they were falling continuously for several minutes before the terrifying feeling of weightlessness gradually disappeared.

Fortunately, Xiaoyan did not fall to the ground, otherwise she would have been smashed to pieces, no, it should be said that she would have been smashed into powder, with no bones left.

Before Xiao Yan could recover from the magical and strange experience just now, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The surrounding area suddenly became brighter, and Xiao Yan felt a stinging pain in her eyes as she suddenly saw light from the thick darkness just now.

Before he could even open his eyes, the familiar and disgusting voice of Manager Gu came to his ears.

"Damn it, before things get too big, deal with this kid quickly!"

Manager Gu yelled impatiently. He knew clearly that the hotel was about to enter its peak business period. After a while, guests would pour in like a tide, and other employees would also start to be busy.

It's okay that they are beating up Xiaoyan now, because everyone present is his confidant, and Manager Gu has a lot of leverage on them.

If these people know about this, there must be nothing to be afraid of.

But if guests or other employees see it, the matter may become a big deal and it will not end well.

Manager Gu is anxious, but Lao Li and the others are not anxious.

Although Manager Gu said it nicely, he would take care of it for them if anything happened.

But after working under Manager Gu for so long, how could they not know what kind of person Manager Gu is.

It sounds nice to say it now, but if something happens later, the ones who are used to top the tank and the ones who are fired first will most likely be them!

So compared to Manager Gu, Lao Li and the others certainly don't want anything to go wrong.

And Xiaoyan's "clone" was indeed right. Although their conversation just lasted for a long time, in reality it only lasted for a second.

But during the brief moment when Xiao Yan lost consciousness, he stopped struggling violently and lay motionless on the ground like a vegetative state.

In addition, even if Xiao Yan regained consciousness, he did not realize that he had returned to the real world for a while, so his body still did not move at all.

This contrast couldn't help but make Lao Li and others worried. Could it be that there was really something wrong with the person?

In desperation, they had no choice but to stop what they were doing and shouted to Manager Gu: "Manager Gu, come and see if there is any problem with this kid?"

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