Mysterious city

Chapter 217 Are you attracted to that boy?

When Chen Hao calmed down and pressed the answer button, a familiar girl's voice appeared on the other end of the phone.

"Sister Chen, what's going on with you? It's been more than half an hour before you answered the phone, so I don't even dare to rest directly."

"Today is supposed to be my day off. After finally getting rid of that disgusting guy, can I still have a good holiday? You are underpaying your employees!"

"We don't get overtime pay, so you can't let me seek blessings every day 996, right? Let me tell you, Sister Chen, what you do is sucking the blood of us working people, and you will be sanctioned by the iron fist of socialism!"

Before Chen Hao could speak, Chen Nuo on the other end of the phone kept beeping like a Gatling machine gun.

Although she still has the lolita voice of a seven or eight-year-old girl, she still pretends to be old-fashioned.

Even she calls herself "Mother". You know, Chen Nuo is many years younger than Chen Hao!

And this little girl who always pretends to be mature is always alone on weekdays, and naturally maintains the face of an iceberg loli.

Only in front of Chen Hao or someone she likes will she become a "talkative".

Firstly, it is because Chen Hao is also a woman, and secondly, because Chen Hao is not only Chen Nuo's "immediate boss", but also one of the few friends of this weird little guy.

So it's not surprising that Chen Nuo would take off his cold and indifferent disguise in front of Chen Hao and turn into a talkative person.

Originally, Chen Nuo's hilarious complaints made Chen Hao feel dumbfounded, but Chen Hao soon came to his senses.

This perceptive woman still got an extremely important piece of information from Chen Nuo's pile of nutritious nonsense.

That means that after more than half an hour of dealing with the monsters, I just received a call from this little girl?

So before Chen Nuo on the other end of the phone could continue to complain, he was immediately interrupted by Chen Hao.

"Wait a minute. You said it's been more than half an hour since you completed the task?"

Chen Hao asked in a solemn tone. Although this news was good news, it also showed that her worries had come true.

Due to the paralysis of the communication system and the slowness of the positioning system, she was not able to get news from the executive specialists at the same time.

In other words, it stands to reason that most of the red dots that are still flashing on the map on the laptop screen in front of Chen Hao should have been extinguished.

There are good and bad aspects to this - the good thing is that many executive specialists, like Chen Nuo, may have already completed their tasks.

The bad thing is that there may be many executive officers like Jiang Zhe who have been cut off from the headquarters in the battle with monsters, and their whereabouts and life or death are uncertain.

"Yes, otherwise what do you think?"

"Sister Chen, don't you think about it. With my strength, will it take me so long to deal with those wastes? Or are you looking down on me?"

Chen Nuo on the other end of the phone said in an arrogant tone. This heartless little girl obviously didn't think of Chen Hao's worries, otherwise she wouldn't be bragging about her strength at this time.

Chen Hao was naturally aware of Chen Nuo's acting style. In a way, this little girl was very similar to her. She acted resolutely and never sloppily, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to have such a good relationship with Chen Hao.

However, although Chen Nuo was very fast in getting rid of the monsters, while listening to the little girl's barrage of complaints, Chen Hao found that she had to take a few breaths from time to time before she could continue to finish her words.

Obviously, this little girl's process of dealing with monsters was not as easy as she expressed.

Of course, this did not exceed Chen Hao's expectations, because the monster she arranged for Chen Nuo was originally at the peak of the tiger level and was already approaching the ghost level.

So even if Chen Nuo could get rid of the monster in a very short time, it would definitely be a huge loss to her.

Moreover, this kind of loss is inversely proportional to the fighting time. In other words, the faster Chen Nuo fights, the greater the loss she will suffer. Otherwise, more than half an hour would not have passed. Breathing heavily.

"Anyway, just complete the mission safely."

Although the sharp-tongued Chen Hao is usually not someone who lets you complain and I will never talk back, Chen Nuo is after all one of her "confidant generals".

Knowing that his confidant Ai would complete his mission and come back safely made Chen Hao feel somewhat relieved on this unsettling rainy night.

At the same time, an idea suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Xiao Nuo, you are not far from Jiang Zhe's location. I have lost contact with him now. How about you——"

However, Chen Hao only had time to say half of his words before he suddenly stopped.

In other words, Chen Hao already felt a little regretful the moment he said these words.

Because she realized that it seemed inappropriate to say so.

Admittedly, it stands to reason that the area Chen Nuo is responsible for should be the closest to Jiang Zhe.

Sending this little guy to help Jiang Zhe should be the best choice in terms of time and difficulty.

But when he thought about it carefully, Chen Hao felt that something was wrong.

First, all tasks are posted by themselves.

In order to maintain Constantine's confidentiality and independence, when performing tasks, each executive has no contact unless collaboration is required.

In other words, Chen Nuo has almost zero information about Jiang Zhe's environment, situation, and location. It is not an exaggeration to say that he knows nothing about it.

Under this situation, if Chen Hao tells Chen Nuo the information he has, it will probably take a lot of time. Not to mention the delay, it may also affect the information he receives from other Constantines.

After all, Chen Nuo would have to wait until the phone call came in after the communication was delayed, so there must be someone in the same situation among the other executive specialists.

What's more, even the information Chen Hao possesses seems to be lagging behind now. Why is there any need to convey it to Chen Nuo?

Secondly, Chen Nuo's strength should be roughly equal to Jiang Zhe's.

Even if Chen Nuo might be a little better than Jiang Zhe, it would only be a little better, and it would still be far from reaching a level gap.

Therefore, if the enemy is a strong enemy that Jiang Zhe cannot deal with and can put him in danger, then even if he sends Chen Nuo to support him, it will not make any difference.

What's more, just from Chen Nuo's heavy breathing voice, it is not difficult to tell that this little girl is not as good as she was in her prime.

Under such conditions, it is extremely irresponsible to send Chen Nuo out without knowing the specific situation of the enemy. It may lead to the tragedy of sending a "double kill".

As a commander, you must not make such stupid moves in a hot head.

Therefore, after carefully considering many factors, Chen Hao gave up the idea of ​​sending Chen Nuo to support Jiang Zhe, and swallowed the second half of his instructions abruptly.

But even if Chen Hao didn't finish what she said, the weird Chen Nuo on the other end of the phone still guessed her intention.

"Hey, Sister Chen, what's going on with you? Are you attracted to that kid?"

"Our executive commissioner hasn't completed his mission yet. There should be quite a few people who have lost contact, right? Why are you so interested in that kid?"

"Besides, every executive commissioner should have the consciousness to sacrifice his or her heart in the mission, right? In Constantine, people are dying every day, right?"

The little guy on the other end of the phone teased in a sinister tone, especially the word "you", which sounded particularly hellish.

But no matter how hellish Chen Nuo's tone was, Chen Hao's mood still became extremely complicated after listening to her words.

It was a strange feeling of guilt and doubt.

Yes, from the moment he changes from an ordinary person to an official Constantine, he should be prepared to give his heart to the task at any time, especially the executive commissioner with the highest risk factor.

Comrades die around him every day. Chen Hao has long been accustomed to this, but why is he worried about that boy?

Although Chen Nuo's words don't sound very pleasant to the ears, they are very reasonable.

There are still so many executive officers who have not yet confirmed their safety. Why should I let Chen Nuo, who has just completed his mission, rush to rescue Jiang Zhe without stopping?

It makes no sense either emotionally or rationally.

Maybe he felt guilty for that kid. After all, he finally had a rest today, but he sent him on a mission again.

But this didn't make sense at all. Not only Jiang Zhe, but also Chen Nuo, who had just completed the task, had a rest day today, but she still followed the instructions obligingly.

Being a Constantine is like this. To a certain extent, he is no different from a criminal police officer. He must be ready to go out at any time. Where is the real rest day?

How many criminal police officers are unable to reunite with their families once a year, even during the most important Spring Festival of the year?

Is this the case for the criminal magistrate, let alone Constantine, who bears a greater responsibility?

Could it be because that kid Jiang Zhe is Jianxin's apprentice?

This doesn't make sense. Although Kenshin is one of the most noble beings in the organization and is Chen Hao's immediate boss, a woman like Chen Hao has never been one to flatter her boss.

She would never have special care for Jiang Zhe just because he was Kenshin's direct disciple.

Could it be that I unintentionally regarded that brat who acted erratically and never made people worry as his younger brother?

Thinking of this, Chen Hao couldn't help but think of his younger brother who was killed by monsters during the mission.

From the first moment this idea emerged, Chen Hao's heart felt as if it had fallen into an ice cellar, and his already messy thoughts instantly became more complicated.

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