Mysterious city

Chapter 22 Memory Correction Department

Jiang Zhe paused in front of the curtain for a long time. After careful consideration, he decided to call Kenshin immediately to report the situation.

Logically speaking, a mere tiger-level monster is not enough to alarm Kenshin, but its appearance can be said to be a precursor to chaos.

Something has to be done.

Jiang Zhe glanced at Lin Zihan, who was curled up in a ball, and tiptoed out of the room.

After confirming that Lin Zihan could not hear anything, he called Jian Xin's number.

But what surprised him was that Kenshin's side showed that it was shut down.

Kenshin can be said to be the "brain" of Constantine's organization. Without him, Constantine would be paralyzed.

So he naturally has to be prepared to deal with emergencies at any time. Why did he suddenly shut down his phone at this juncture?

Although Jiang Zhe couldn't figure it out, he had no better way to deal with it, because in order to ensure confidentiality, Constantine rarely disclosed his identity to each other.

The only person he can contact now is Kenshin.

"It seems we have no choice but to find another chance tomorrow. For now, let's deal with this night first."

Jiang Zhe said helplessly. He was just about to sit at the door and rest for a while in case something unexpected happened, when he suddenly saw Lin Zihan, that little naughty guy, kicking the quilt away.

"You can't close the windows, you'll catch a cold."

Jiang Zhe frowned, walked to Lin Zihan's bed, gently helped her pull up the quilt, and carefully tucked the corners of the quilt.

Looking at Lin Zihan's thick and slender eyelashes and delicate facial features, Jiang Zhe felt as if his breathing had stopped briefly.

This is really the most perfect work of art in the world. Even Michelangelo would have a hard time carving such a flawless face, right?

At this moment, Jiang Zhe understood why this little girl's suitor was almost able to circle An City.

The childish and youthful aura on her body that has not completely faded away, combined with the perfect face that only this little devil can have, is like a combination of an angel and a devil.

This chaotic mixture of purity and evil has a fatal attraction for any man.

Who wouldn't want to hold this girl's delicate body in his arms and kiss her pretty little face?

Just when Jiang Zhe sighed and was about to return to guard the door, Lin Zihan suddenly stretched out his jade hand and gently grabbed Jiang Zhe's arm.

"Jiang Zhe, I'm still scared. Can you come to the bed and stay with me? Otherwise I won't be able to sleep well."

Lin Zihan murmured in a low voice. If she hadn't kept her eyes open, Jiang Zhe would have almost suspected whether the little girl was talking in her sleep.

"Huh? Not so good."

When Jiang Zhe heard this, his face immediately turned the color of pig liver.

"Why, I'm not a tigress, and you're still worried that I'll eat you?"

Lin Zihan was slightly angry, and he opened his mouth and made a vicious movement, revealing two cute little tiger teeth.

".Okay. Just this time."

Jiang Zhe shrugged helplessly. He was certainly not afraid that Lin Zihan had any evil intentions.

Having been together day and night for three years, he believed that Lin Zihan was the same as him and regarded the two as brothers and sisters. How could a plot like that in a YY novel happen?

It's just that if this kind of thing spreads, Miss Lin's innocence will be ruined. Even if she goes out to buy a pack of cigarettes, she will be chased by suitors all over the street, right?

It would be bad if a few more demonized guys appeared.

Jiang Zhe had no choice but to calm down his nervous mood with nonsense words, and climbed onto the bed carefully.

Feeling the fragrance of the girl next to him and the warm breath, Jiang Zhe almost didn't close his eyes until he fell asleep tiredly in the middle of the night.

Early the next morning, Jiang Zhe opened his eyes and was ready to find an opportunity to escape. Unexpectedly, Lin Zihan woke up earlier than him.

The little girl noticed that Jiang Zhe was about to step out of the room, and immediately blocked the door angrily with her hands on her hips.

"Zihan, I still have work to do."

Jiang Zhe stroked his forehead helplessly.

"Work? Has Suhang looked for you? Don't forget, your job is to stay by my side!"

"You're not allowed to go anywhere until I give you permission."

This little girl's eldest temper has risen again.

"Also, you haven't explained to me what happened last night. What on earth is that guy?"

"Don't talk about the little hooligan's pranks, I'm not that easy to trick as a child!"

Lin Zihan rattled off a series of questions.

Different from the fatigue and panic last night, Lin Zihan's spirit has recovered after a night's rest, although the wound on his wrist has not healed yet.

At this moment, she had a lot of energy and strong curiosity to find out what happened last night.

Of course Jiang Zhe knew that things were not that easy to handle. He had simply bandaged Lin Zihan's wounds, so it was not a big problem.

Mental trauma is the most difficult to heal.

"It's because you've been under too much stress recently, coupled with unexpected events, that you have the illusion that there are monsters in this world."

Even Jiang Zhe himself didn't believe this explanation.

Lin Zihan's little girl's task is to eat, drink, have fun and take care of him every day. What kind of pressure can a young lady like her have?

Fortunately, with Jiang Zhe's sincere persuasion, Lin Zihan agreed to see a "psychiatrist".

This little girl hasn't seen a psychiatrist yet. First, she's curious, and second, she just takes this opportunity to ask Jiang Zhe to play with her.

The so-called psychiatrist Jiang Zhe talks about is actually the "Memory Correction Department" in Constantine, called the Modifier.

Although the members of the Memory Correction Department are not strong in combat effectiveness, they are proficient in mental healing. To put it bluntly, they are brainwashing.

They can use spiritual power to hypnotize patients, and the effect of this spiritual hypnosis is much more powerful than pocket watch or gyro hypnosis.

After deeply and completely hypnotizing the patient, the modifiers use their proficient psychological suggestion techniques.

This allows ordinary people who have witnessed the appearance of monsters, or been threatened or violated by monsters to forget those bad memories, while hiding the fact that monsters exist in the world.

In particular, demonization incidents have been frequent recently. Without the Memory Correction Department, the existence of monsters would have been known to the public long ago, and the entire society would have been in chaos.

Under Kenshin's instructions, there are three memory correction departments in An City.

On the surface, they are just ordinary psychological clinics. Whether it is facilities, personnel, or the process of treating patients, they are no different from ordinary psychological clinics.

Jiang Zhe took Lin Zihan to the nearest clinic to her home and found that there was an endless queue of people waiting for treatment.

Most of these people, after encountering demonization cases, will consciously think that they have a mental illness or are hallucinating due to overwork.

After all, modern society is technologically advanced, and no normal person would believe that there are creatures that violate scientific principles in the world.

People think they have glimpsed the truth of the world, but in fact they are just blind people feeling the elephant.

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