Mysterious city

Chapter 238 A tough night

Jiang Zhe had experienced this feeling personally before, but it dates back to when he first became Constantine and had spiritual power for the first time.

After experiencing the feeling of being filled with spiritual power for the first time, Jiang Zhe was as ecstatic as Xiaoyan just now.

But soon, Jiang Zhe found that it was difficult for his body to adapt to the sudden increase in power.

The huge load made Jiang Zhe as tired as Xiaoyan at the moment, but Jian Xin was there to guide him and did not let Jiang Zhe use his spiritual power excessively.

Moreover, Jiang Zhe was not injured at that time, so Xiaoyan's condition now is much worse than Jiang Zhe's at the beginning.

In fact, many ordinary people should have had similar experiences. Whether it is spiritual power or the magical power given to Xiaoyan by the mysterious man, it is very similar to adrenaline in essence.

This thing is available to everyone, and the requirements for qualifications are not that high, and adrenaline is a major killer of humans.

Once secreted in large amounts, adrenaline can help a person burst into power several times or even dozens of times beyond normal levels in a short period of time.

Of course, this BUG-level gain state cannot be turned on or off at will.

Only when facing extreme danger, the human body will secrete this hormone to help itself survive the crisis.

For example, there was an incident before. A white-haired old lady who was over seventy years old took her grandson shopping. However, the grandson was too naughty and disobedient. When he was crossing the road, he was accidentally crushed under the wheels of a car.

The driver realized something was wrong and immediately stepped on the brakes, thus preventing fatal injuries to the child.

But even an adult would be frightened out of his wits if he encountered this kind of thing, let alone a half-year-old child.

At that moment, the little boy who was rolled under the wheel let out a cry of pain like a slaughtering pig, attracting a group of passers-by to watch.

Most people just stood aside and watched the excitement. Of course, there were a few enthusiastic citizens who came to rescue the boy.

It's just that although the "culprit" is not a dump truck but a car, it must weigh at least two or three tons, and the people who are helping are ordinary citizens who have no experience in this area of ​​rescue. How can I lift this car?

After several unsuccessful attempts, everyone had to give up and wait for the rescue team to arrive.

But seeing her little grandson crying heartbrokenly and heartbrokenly, it was so miserable that the white-haired old lady could not keep her composure.

At that moment, she pushed aside the busy crowd, rushed forward, and under everyone's surprised gazes, she easily lifted the car that was on top of her grandson as if it were a children's toy car. stand up.

This time, everyone's jaws almost dropped to the ground in shock.

Several strong old men couldn't lift the car even though they worked together, but they were allowed to be lifted up by a white-haired old lady who was over seventy years old?

This is the power of adrenaline. At critical moments, it can help people unleash their terrifying and amazing potential.

It's just that this operation, which is similar to opening a "gene lock", is extremely harmful to the body. After the matter was resolved that day, the old lady stayed in the hospital for a long time and passed away not long after.

There are many similar things, and the result for this old lady is already considered good.

Some unlucky people will die on the spot after their potential is stimulated by adrenaline, without even having a chance to explain their aftermath.

This is the side effect of gaining strength beyond your body's capacity.

Regardless of whether it is magic or spiritual power, the effect is many times more powerful than adrenaline.

Correspondingly, there are exponentially increased risks and side effects.

Of course, this only happens when you first gain strength and your body has not yet adapted.

For example, no matter how Jiang Zhe uses his spiritual power now, even if it is exhausted, it will only result in a temporary overdraft of the body without any risk.

As for Xiao Yan, he was in this situation only because he had obtained the power of the devil before his body was completely transformed, and the volume of the container did not match the amount it could carry.

Just like that, Xiao Yan fled into the remote wilderness in panic like a wounded little beast.

He only had enough money to buy a bus ticket and some snacks on the road, which was definitely not enough to support his trip to the hospital.

Moreover, the scars on his body showed that he had experienced a very bad fight.

Going to the hospital for treatment at this time is tantamount to handcuffing yourself and going to the police station to plead guilty.

So no matter how unbearable the pain was, Xiaoyan had to bear it by herself.

What's more, compared to the physical pain, Xiaoyan is more worried about whether his impulsive act just now will have an impact on the rest of his life.

This child, who has been weak and honest since he was a child, has only done a few things in his life, let alone when it got to this level.

Tonight, only Jiang Zhe knew how difficult Xiaoyan's life was.

Fear, anxiety, plus severe physical pain.

That night, Xiaoyan was like a bird trapped in a cage with injured wings. Her hanging heart never let go for a second.

Fortunately, the young man's body is like grass that cannot be burned by wildfire, and his recovery ability is amazing.

It only took a day and a half for Xiaoyan's mobility to be almost restored.

Xiaoyan spent the previous night in the suburbs near a village.

There are already a lot of mosquitoes in the suburbs, not to mention it is the height of summer.

In just one night, those hungry mosquitoes swollen almost all of Xiao Yan's body.

This is not the worst thing. What is even more frightening is that the wounds on Xiaoyan's body have not been effectively treated, not even decent bandages.

In this hot weather, the wound itself is extremely likely to become inflamed and ulcerated.

Coupled with those dirty and smelly mosquito bites, the countless wounds on Xiaoyan's body suddenly became worse.

Many even oozed thick green water, and some swelled into pustules, which looked like balloons on the verge of exploding.

Just looking at that picture makes people feel like vomiting.

The festering wounds on his body made Xiao Yan feel unbearably itchy, but as long as he couldn't help but scratch it lightly, the pustules would be scratched, making the injury worse.

Although Jiang Zhe had experienced worse situations than Xiaoyan at the moment, after all, he had fought against those ferocious and terrifying monsters, and no Constantine dared to say that he had never experienced a near-death situation.

But at this moment, Jiang Zhe had already lost all his memories of being Constantine, so when Xiaoyan's painful and itchy feeling was 100% transmitted to his brain, even Jiang Zhe felt that he was about to collapse. .

But no matter what, you still have to survive.

After regaining her ability to move, the first thing Xiao Yan did was to take advantage of the darkness to go to the river closest to the village and jump into the river with her clothes on.

Of course, this is not because Xiao Yan was out of ideas and committed suicide. Only Jiang Zhe understands how tenacious this child who came out of a remote mountain village is.

Now, not only does he not have any thoughts of ending his life, but he is even more eager to carve out a prosperous road through his future hard work.

Because Xiaoyan really didn't want to suffer that kind of humiliation anymore, let alone her family to continue living a miserable life with her like this.

Although this incident put him in danger, it made Xiaoyan understand a truth that his peers had not yet understood.

That is to survive and keep getting stronger, so as not to be stepped on and insulted like a pig or a dog!

So Xiaoyan jumped into the river to clean the blood on herself and wash her clothes at the same time.

He knew that with his current "bloody" appearance, he would probably be discovered by the police officers within five steps of walking on the street.

But the river in this village was not as clean and clear as he expected.

Although Xiaoyan's village is extremely poor, fortunately, the environment is relatively refreshing.

But the small river in this village smells as bad as a stinking ditch, with a lot of garbage and feces visible to the naked eye floating on the water.

Presumably after the city gradually enters industrialization, people have become less dependent on the living environment. The river water has lost its important role in nourishing and cleaning human beings. Therefore, if there is any excrement or filth in each household of the villagers, in order to To save trouble, he simply threw it into the river.

The villagers have domestic water for drinking or bathing, but Xiaoyan does not. Now he does not dare to appear in front of any strangers easily.

So no matter how dirty and smelly the water in this river was, Xiaoyan had no choice but to endure it.

But Xiaoyan understood that he couldn't stay in this river for too long.

After all, just by looking at this small river filled with garbage and filth, it is not difficult to imagine how many terrible bacteria and viruses are hidden in this river.

And there are so many wounds on Xiaoyan's body. If someone is not careful and is taken advantage of by those garbage and filth, Xiaoyan's life may be ended in advance.

After a brief wash, another problem arose that gave Xiaoyan an extremely headache.

The blood stains on his body were okay, as they disappeared without a trace after being flushed for a few times.

But the blood stains on his clothes and pants had long since dried and solidified after being exposed to the midsummer sun for so long.

I'm afraid that even with some strong washing powder, it would be difficult to clean the blood stains, let alone in this dirty and filthy river. It is simply a fantasy.

This made Xiao Yan panic. He said that he had much richer life experience than his peers, but he had never been stained with blood. How could he know how to clean the blood stains?

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