Mysterious city

Chapter 241: People on the defensive cannot control the situation

In fact, this old lady originally planned to take advantage of her age and fight to the end.

After all, she had finally enjoyed the feeling of being noticed by everyone and being the center of attention. How could she easily back down and give up just because of the Sheriff's questioning?

But no matter what, the Sheriff still has a suppressed momentum compared to ordinary people.

No matter how small an official is, he still has "official prestige". Of course, official prestige here is not a derogatory meaning.

To deal with such shameless people, having official authority is actually a good thing.

The current scene is the best argument, because the sudden change in the security captain's attitude made the old lady unable to recover for a while and didn't know how to deal with it.

After all, what the aunt said was half true and half false. She did see Xiao Yan escaping from the hotel on her way back from shopping.

But as for whether he witnessed the entire murder process with his own eyes, he was indeed fabricating it in order to attract the attention of everyone present.

Most people will feel more or less invisible pressure when facing a police officer, not to mention that the momentum of the security captain in front of them has suddenly increased again.

So no matter how big-mouthed this old lady is on weekdays, she doesn't dare to lie too obviously when facing the security captain.

And since this Sheriff was able to sneak into the position of captain at such a young age, even if there were some reasons for his relationship before, it is enough to show that this guy is not a waste.

If you don't have much ability in identifying people and solving crimes, you will just "get food and drinks". Even if you have great connections, your promotion speed in the police station will be relatively slow.

So after seeing the old lady's reaction, the security captain immediately felt her guilty conscience.

In less than two seconds, he repeatedly overturned and changed his own arguments and arguments. There must be something fishy!

"Mom, since you haven't witnessed the crime scene with your own eyes, don't spread rumors here to confuse the public."

"As I said, it's just an ordinary security incident, not as exaggerated as everyone thinks."

"Okay, if there is no need, everyone should go about their own business and stop wasting time here."

The security captain first narrowed his eyes, patted the old lady on the shoulder, and then faced the crowd and spoke in a deep voice, his tone much more serious than before.

There were relatively few young people present, most of whom were retired men and women with little education.

However, in the current situation, it is not a good thing to face a group of middle-aged and elderly people with little education.

Rich work experience told the security captain that the new generation of young people in Dongguo have more legal concepts than the elderly and have more respect for the police officers.

Although most of the people who usually cause trouble for the security team are young, energetic and energetic young people, they often get into trouble because of a quarrel or two.

But when those guys saw the sheriffs, they were like little kids seeing Zhong Kui. They were very timid, unlike the group of elders and ladies in front of them who were fearless because of their age advantage.

So at this moment, the sheriffs want to face a group of young people rather than this difficult group of middle-aged and elderly people.

The security captain couldn't understand it. These old guys are so old. After retirement, wouldn't it be nice to enjoy a comfortable life, walk around and play with the birds, sit in a rocking chair and think back on your green years?

Why do you have to waste time here? You really have nothing to hold on to after you have eaten enough.

People, we really can't let them eat too much. When their stomachs are full, they will think about things that they have and don't have, especially this group of low-level people, the security captain thought.

The old lady was questioned by the security captain and was immediately silenced.

No matter how arrogant this lady is, she still understands that it is difficult for her to make up a logical and logical "confession" to support what she just said in such a short period of time.

Moreover, this matter has nothing to do with her interests at all. If it is just to attract people's attention and attract attention, there is really no need to go to such trouble.

Seeing the lady's evasive eyes and hesitant speech, as if she had lost the ability to use her "Hedong Lion's Roar" stunt, the security captain nodded with satisfaction.

However, just when he thought the farce had been successfully subsided and was about to turn around and walk back to the hotel to deal with things, he was stopped.

"Wait, are you just going to do this perfunctorily?"

"As citizens of the Eastern Kingdom, the tax money we pay every year is to let you keep us safe, not to support some trash!"

"As residents living near the crime scene, we have the right to know the truth about this case, and you also have the obligation to tell us the details of the case!"

An angry voice said this. The security captain was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He turned around and looked back, and found that the "heroic leader" who spoke for the people was none other than the intellectual old man who "led the uprising" just now.

In fact, although he and the aunt were not strangers, they were definitely not familiar with each other.

But now that this aunt can stand beside him and lead the weak and ignorant people behind him with a united front.

So in the uncle's heart, this aunt is now his "revolutionary comrade".

What's more, my aunt just helped me, and now I'm seeing someone being bullied by that damn security captain, how can I not stand up and speak out for this aunt!

And this old man is indeed an intellectual, and his ideological consciousness is much higher than that of the old woman who is full of business atmosphere and can only roar like a lion from the east of the river.

This uncle actually knows that he can enjoy his rights once he has fulfilled his obligations. This alone is much better than those "illiterates" who have not experienced the baptism of political courses in the nine-year compulsory education!

Sure enough, we are not afraid of the gangster being old, but we are afraid that the gangster is educated!

Sure enough, after hearing the old man's words, the arrogance of the melon-eaters present who had been suppressed just now rose again.

"Yes, that's right!"

"We are all taxpayers and we have an obligation to know the truth!"

The crowd was furious and loud. If someone who didn’t know the situation saw this scene, they might think that these guys were engaging in some sort of joint demonstration and protest!

This scene undoubtedly gave the security captain a huge headache, and he also had his own difficulties.

Not to mention that there is no hidden secret, even if there is, letting this group of unrelated people know about it will only make the matter worse and not be of any help.

Seeing that the crowd watching the fun was getting bigger and bigger, and the few recruits around him were looking at him as if they were laughing, the security captain was heartbroken and simply pointed at the crowd of passers-by who were watching the fun. He yelled: "Okay, I told you that there is no secret. If you continue to gather here, it will be obstructing official business. I have the power to detain you and impose public security penalties!"

Seeing that the leading couple were preparing to join forces to protest again, the security captain took a step forward, pointed at their noses and said sternly: "Especially you two, spreading rumors and endangering social security and stability. The impact is extremely bad, you know this is illegal!"

"What's going on? Do you want to live there for a while and experience the food at the police station?"

As soon as these words came out, the originally heated voices in the room immediately cooled down, as if a bucket of cold water had been poured into a hot pot.

Although the security captain was acting menacingly at the moment, in fact, his cold sweat was almost flowing down his neck and onto his back.

This move was not a risky move, because the tone of the security captain was much less friendly than before, much more aggressive, and even a little threatening.

But there is nothing he can do about it. If he continues to delay, it will only make things worse, and it may also cause his new subordinates to lose confidence in him.

Furthermore, many years of work experience have taught the security captain that he must remain tough when his attitude should be tough.

A person on the defensive cannot control the situation. If he wants to turn his passivity into an initiative, he must first punch back.

Fortunately, smartphones were not yet popular at that time. Even if someone took a video and posted it online, a small jurisdiction in a third-tier city would not be able to make any big splash.

What's more, most of these melon-eating people are middle-aged and elderly people. In that era, it was very fashionable for the elderly to own an elderly phone.

What happened next told the security captain that he had not made a wrong move.

When the uncle and aunt heard the words "go in and eat in jail" from the security captain, their mouths that were about to open instantly closed again, and their attitude became much more honest.

Only when they hear words like "being punished" and "living in", this group of guys who just watch the excitement and don't take it too seriously will probably have more respect for the peace officers.

After all, while this uniform gives them the obligation to enforce the law, it also gives the peace officers the power to ensure that they can enforce the law smoothly.

At the same time, after seeing the security captain calm down the chaotic and angry scene with just a few words, his subordinates who were still just watching the fun instantly began to respect him a little more. Attitudes have also changed a lot.

How could the security captain not notice this? He immediately struck while the iron was hot, waved his hand, and said to his two men: "Xiao Wang, Xiao Li, you two stay here to maintain order at the scene."

"If anyone hinders our handling of the case, he will be directly charged with obstructing official duties. You're welcome!"

Compared to just now, after confirming the change in attitude of his new subordinates towards him, the security captain felt much more confident.

Moreover, the orders he issued were in accordance with the rules and regulations, and there was no overstepping of boundaries, so there was nothing to feel guilty about saying this.

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