Mysterious city

Chapter 247: Strange power and chaotic gods

The unlucky guy suddenly seemed to be possessed by a ghost, roaring and jumping around Captain Niu. This sudden "jumping master" really scared him.

Of course, this is also thanks to Captain Niu having been a peace officer for so many years and having seen too many storms and waves, so his determination is naturally much stronger than that of ordinary people.

If it were anyone else who was so frightened without any precautions, they would have been stunned.

Manager Gu opposite Captain Niu is a good example. He was sitting on a chair. After being forced to perform a "Dance Master" by his last lackey, he was immediately frightened and turned pale. He yelled and turned back. He leaned up and fell to the ground.

Although Manager Gu also experienced the terror of Wang Yan who was controlled by the devil, compared with several other unlucky ghosts, Manager Gu did not suffer much substantial harm.

And by the time Wang Yan rushed to Manager Gu, the evil spirit had gradually taken over due to his return to reason and was in the dissipation stage.

But this unlucky guy was different. He actually faced Wang Yan during the period when the demonic power was strong. That kind of beast, no, that kind of feeling like a ferocious devil, most people would become as long as they experienced it once. This man's lifelong nightmare.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

Although Captain Niu was so frightened that he didn't look very good, he still asked very rationally.

At first, he thought that the frightened guy could not provide any effective clues, so he ignored him at all and chose to directly question the more sober Manager Gu.

But now it seems that this unfortunate guy's experience and feelings about this incident are obviously more profound than Manager Gu.

This undoubtedly means that maybe he can get clues from this frightened guy that Manager Gu cannot provide.

At the same time, the crazy appearance of this unlucky man also gave Captain Niu a bad premonition in his heart.

When it comes to criminal investigation work, even though everyone is a firm materialist, they will never easily believe in the myths of ghosts and monsters.

But sometimes, you still have to admit that many things cannot be explained by the scientific theories known to mankind and the existing mainstream world view.

Having been in this business for a long time, I have experienced a lot of all kinds of murder cases. Even if you are a staunch materialist, you often have to think about "weird forces and chaos".

For things that cannot be explained by known knowledge, people will involuntarily attribute it to the theory of gods and ghosts. This has been the case since ancient times. This is also the reason why many religions, totems and beliefs were born.

This can't help but remind Captain Niu of one thing, that is, his previous leader once told Captain Niu a "confidential incident" before something happened and he was transferred.

That is, in recent years, although science and technology have developed a lot, and crime-solving techniques and equipment are constantly being updated and improved, the crime-solving rate has not been improved as much as it should be, and many "mysterious cases" that cannot be explained by common sense are slowly being solved. increase.

In order to deal with this situation, the leaders above intentionally organized a new team, or system.

This system has never been seen before and will be independent of any existing system.

Moreover, this system enjoys a very high degree of "autonomy". Except for the instructions and jurisdiction of the "central government", it is not controlled, controlled or dispatched by anyone, nor will it be monitored or hindered by any existing system.

In other words, this newly emerged system is similar to the ancient imperial ministers who hold the "Sword of Shangfang" and can perform the power of killing first and then reporting later.

Of course, Captain Niu only knew a little about this matter and didn't know much.

Because at the level of Captain Niu, he was not qualified to know any information about this incident.

The reason why he had the honor to hear the slightest bit of news was just because the previous leader valued Captain Niu very much and regarded him as his confidant.

Of course, let alone Captain Niu, even at his previous leadership level, he was not qualified at all.

It's just that it is said that this new system that is about to be established has a close connection with the Public Security Bureau, so some rumors are deliberately leaked so that the leaders of the public security system can be mentally prepared in advance.

After all, drastic reforms will inevitably appear to be too hasty and too vigorous at times, lest the newly established system is not yet stable and the original public security system has become a mess.

And even Captain Niu’s big leader heard the news from higher-level leaders.

After all, the inheritance of the same blood and the interlocking of officials has been a fine tradition of the Eastern Kingdom since ancient times. Many times, many messages are passed down slowly from top to bottom, one after another, like an orderly assembly line.

Of course, it is normal for important pieces to be lost as messages are transmitted.

So when this matter reached Captain Niu, it had already become a piece of news, and a lot of information had to be guessed to infer one, two, or three.

At this moment, Captain Niu, who had a keen sense of smell, had a feeling that this incident was somehow related to the "mysterious incidents" that had begun to break out some time ago.

After all, whether it was Manager Gu's description, the unlucky man's demon-like behavior, or Captain Niu's own inference, it seemed that this matter was too unusual and difficult to explain with common sense.

When asked by Captain Niu, the unlucky guy immediately seemed to be greatly stimulated again, and said incoherently: "Then, that power is too strong, not a beast, not a devil!"

"That boy is a devil!"

At this point, the unfortunate guy opened his eyes wide, and his eyeballs were swollen as if they were about to pop out of their sockets, as if he was recalling that terrible experience again.

"say clearly!"

Although the unlucky man's words had no logic at all, and were not even an ordinary sentence, Captain Niu still couldn't help but feel that this matter was indeed related to the rumors some time ago.

After finally seeing a clue, Captain Niu immediately rushed forward, grabbed the unfortunate guy's body, shook him hard a few times, and asked sternly.

Unexpectedly, being shaken by Captain Niu like this, the unlucky guy who was already greatly irritated rolled his eyes and foamed at the mouth as if he had drank a lot of dish soap.

Before Captain Niu could make another move, the guy swayed a few times under his stunned gaze, and then fell backward uncontrollably to the ground. It seemed that he had made the same mistake as his companion, and had completely Lost consciousness.

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