Mysterious city

Chapter 250 The frightened bird

So when Xiaoyan arrived at the train station and bought the ticket, there was actually a large group of plainclothes people waiting for him.

It's just that those plainclothes officers are the elites of the security force, although a large part of them are newcomers who have just graduated from the police academy and will join the security force.

But disguise as plainclothes is one of the required courses in the police academy, not to mention these guys are the best in their class.

Therefore, although this group of newcomers did not have much experience in work and case handling before, they were still disguised very cleverly, and ordinary people could not see any flaws at all.

This is especially true for Wang Yan. He was born in a remote and impoverished mountainous area and has never seen much of the world.

Since there is no color TV at home, Wang Yan has hardly seen any police movies until now. He has never even seen plainclothes in the movies, let alone in reality, and has no idea.

However, Wang Yan was lucky because at that time, due to backward technology and lack of management experience, the real-name system for train tickets had not yet been implemented, and it was not possible to ensure that the "person, ticket, and certificate" were consistent.

If the situation is the same as today, with one-to-one correspondence between train tickets and ID cards, Wang Yan might have been captured by the plainclothes lurking around before he even had time to buy the ticket. The moment he showed his ID card .

However, despite this, Wang Yan was still in danger, and he had no counter-reconnaissance experience and had no idea.

It wasn't until he passed the ticket gate with his train ticket that Wang Yan vaguely felt that the people near the ticket gate seemed a little unusual.

While waiting for the ticket check-in, most tourists either sat and rested, dazed, or whispered to each other.

But Wang Yan discovered that there were several people near each ticket gate. They neither rested nor talked to each other, and seemed to have no connection.

But these guys were all looking around in unison, as if they were looking for something together.

But although they were suspicious, Wang Yan didn't take them seriously.

Even Wang Yan on weekdays might not think about it that much.

What's more, at this moment, he was like a frightened bird. Driven by fear, instead of rising even slightly, his IQ plummeted.

And Jiang Zhe, who is of the same mind as Wang Yan, can now clearly understand his feeling, that is his future, no, it should be said that everything about him, including his life, may be taken away if he is not careful, or even It is possible that your family may also be implicated.

Jiang Zhe could clearly hear Wang Yan's voice constantly stirring in his own heart: "Isn't it true that I killed someone?"

"No, even if no one died, the consequences of this incident are beyond my ability to bear. I must escape from here quickly!"

Maybe this is what is called "asking yourself"?

Although due to Wang Yan's violent turn, the memory fragments of the battle with Manager Gu and his lackeys were lost.

But from the details he could vaguely recall, it was not difficult to conclude that even if no one died, at least those guys were seriously injured and couldn't run away.

Killing for a life, even if you hurt someone, you have to pay. Even if you don't have to pay for a life, the high compensation and treatment fees that Wang Yan may face are no different from taking his life.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan wished he could get on the green car and escape from this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

This is why he chose to take the train instead of taking the bus.

Although the bus fare is cheaper than the train and is more in line with Wang Yan's financial strength, its traveling speed is too slow.

If he took the bus, Wang Yan was worried that he would be stopped by the police officers before he could run out of the West City.

After all, no matter how lucky Wang Yan was, so much time had passed since the incident occurred. Of course, he knew that the Sheriff must have made sufficient preparations, and he should have set up a dragnet for himself long ago.

It's a pity that Wang Yan's "thorough consideration" is not a good thing at this moment, and it can even be said to have harmed him to a certain extent.

This big boy with no experience in the world may not be very thoughtful when interacting with others, let alone dealing with something like this that ordinary people would probably never experience once in their lifetime.

Of course Wang Yan would not understand that no matter how slow the buses of that era were, there were no security checks.

What's more, compared to trains, the driving routes of buses are obviously more irregular, which will undoubtedly greatly increase the intensity of the police officers' investigation.

There are so many different buses going in different directions every day, and there are no security procedures or checkpoints. We can't let the police officers stop in front of the buses and check each person one by one with the suspect's portrait, right?

In that case, the action would be a bit too big and too obvious.

I am afraid that the fugitive did not realize that he was under the attention and surveillance of the police, but the moment he saw this scene, his suspicions were aroused and he ran away in advance.

Isn't this clearly telling the fugitive, run away, we are tracking you, don't take the bus, even walk, there is nothing we can do to you!

Therefore, many times in that era, when the sheriffs blocked the escape route of fugitives, they would simply give up the option of checking the bus.

Because the investigation is too time-consuming in manpower and material resources, the rewards obtained are completely out of proportion to the efforts.

Therefore, instead of wasting energy on this case-handling route, it would be more efficient and useful to free up our hands to pay more attention to the possibility of other fugitives using transportation.

But really speaking, no matter whether the fugitive takes a bus or a train, the possibility of successfully escaping is not as good as walking.

This may sound strange, but it is true.

On foot, as long as the fugitive managed to blend in with the crowd, he could hide himself perfectly, especially in an era when case-handling equipment and technology were underdeveloped.

For example, Baoshan, a gangster who caused a sensation across the country in the 1990s, repeatedly escaped investigation and encirclement by multiple police officers when committing crimes. He disappeared without a trace like a transparent man and managed to escape every time.

This is because the sheriffs put almost all their investigation energy and direction into investigating trains and various motor vehicles.

After all, no matter in the eyes of any normal person, if a fugitive wants to escape from the province or city, he will definitely not be able to do it simply by relying on his own foot strength.

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