Mysterious city

Chapter 25 For the brave heroes

Jiang Zhe felt his scalp numb and shuddered at the thought of hundreds of thousands of demonized soldiers coming in like a tidal wave of ants.

What exactly needs to be done to withstand such a terrifying force?

"Now you know why our Constantine numbers are dwindling, right?"

At this moment, there was no smile on Chen Hao's face, only sadness and anger.

Just a few large-scale wars in world history were enough to consume many of Constantine's warriors.

What's more, the trend of increasing demonization incidents has never stopped, and there are very few humans who have the talent and perseverance to become Constantine.

It's no surprise that this happens.

Closing his eyes, Jiang Zhe seemed to be able to imagine the scene of his ancestors fighting and fighting against the tide of monsters for the future of mankind.

"For the brave heroes."

After a long silence, the two of them lowered their heads together, covered their hearts with their right hands and spoke in a deep voice.

"So, how do we respond?"

Jiang Zhe understood that it was already impossible to reorganize a large number of Constantines at this stage.

Not only was Constantine short of manpower, but even their partner, the alchemist, was declining day by day, and only a handful of them remained.

"Worrying is in vain, but don't worry, I will convey your thoughts to Kenshin."

Jiang Zhe nodded when he heard this, and then said: "Also, I apply to dispatch a Constantine as Lin Zihan's bodyguard."

Jiang Zhe knew that his request was a bit willful, but as expected, Chen Hao immediately rejected it without hesitation.

"This is impossible. This is a critical period when we are short of manpower. How can we waste our strength for one person?"

"Besides, isn't this your mission?"

Scarce resources like Constantine rarely serve individuals, so allowing Jiang Zhe to become Lin Zihan's semi-personal bodyguard is already an exception.

"But, Master Kenshin said Zihan is very important."

Jiang Zhe was interrupted by Chen Hao in the middle of his words. She said with a cold face: "Of course I know this, but there is no room for negotiation."

"The only concession is to send an additional Constantine to patrol near Huanbang South Road. It is impossible to protect her alone."

Given Chen Hao's level, she certainly knew that Lin Zihan was very important, and she probably also knew why Jian Xin cared so much about Lin Zihan.

However, Jiang Zhe no longer bothered too much, and it was already acceptable to reach this point.

Dozens of well-trained professional bodyguards and a Constantine are guarding Lin Zihan, not to mention that he will always keep an eye on her.

This level of treatment is already very high.

"There's nothing wrong. Miss Chen, please go ahead and be sure to convey my words to Master Kenshin."

Jiang Zhe was about to get up and leave, but was stopped by Chen Hao again.

"In the past three years, has this been the place where you took on the mission?"

"Also, your superficial identity has always been Lin Zihan's bodyguard and Jianxin's salesman?"

Jiang Zhe nodded.

Constantine's identity in society is not static and sometimes changes at any time depending on the mission.

For example, the rumored ghost-killing Taoist priests and mages are not necessarily swindlers. Many of them are pretended by Constantine to perform tasks.

What's more, he exorcised ghosts from a female star who raised a ghost, and rescued a tycoon who had his head lowered!

There are many things in this world that cannot be explained by science. Otherwise, if those people in high positions are not stupid, how could they be blindly superstitious?

Just as the end of science is theology, what cannot be explained at this stage can only mean that human beings are not strong enough.

Although Jiang Zhe has been working for Jianxin since graduating from college, as Chen Hao guessed, he has only had this status.

Compared with those senior seniors, although Jiang Zhe's life is a bit boring, it is also relatively simple and safe.

You know, every time you change your identity, you have to go into a new environment. This means that you need to learn the knowledge and ways of dealing with the world in advance for your new identity.

For example, if Jiang Zhe were asked to perform a mission as a doctor now, he would be exposed in half a day.

How can he exist in this society as a doctor if he doesn't even have the most basic pharmacological knowledge?

Chen Hao sighed helplessly, shook his head and said, "Your master protects you too well. This will destroy you."

"A person must have enough experience to become strong, not to mention that this is still the period of employing people."

Chen Hao's words made Jiang Zhe feel confused.

But before he could ask any questions, Chen Hao sent him away.

"Okay, I will arrange Lin Zihan's affairs now. You can leave. During this period, I will be responsible for you instead of Jian Xin."

"Don't worry, little devil, I will give you enough opportunities to exercise, but you can't be a pitcher plant or a piranha in the greenhouse."

Jiang Zhe was speechless as he walked out of the Lin Group. This woman, Chen Hao, could change her face faster than turning the pages of a book.

How could she still have the demeanor of the polite, resolute and ascetic female secretary just now?

However, this also shows from the side that Chen Hao's real "business ability" is outstanding.

Being able to play a character so superbly that it's hard to tell the truth from fiction is enough to make Jiang Zhe admire him.

"Okay, I finally have some time to relax, and I can finally relax for a while."

Jiang Zhe smiled. The continuous emergencies in the past few days made him feel physically and mentally exhausted.

But now, firstly, there was no task at hand, and secondly, Lin Zihan had taken care of it, so he immediately went home and had a good sleep.

When he woke up, the sky was gradually getting darker.

Unlike most people, Jiang Zhe doesn't like playing games, cards or other entertainment.

It can be said that he has almost only one hobby, which is to sit in a corner and drink a few glasses of wine.

After all, Jiang Zhe spent most of the past ten years alone.

Wine is your best friend to pass the time and eliminate sorrow when you are lonely and miserable.

Since becoming Constantine, leisure time has been extremely rare, and Jiang Zhe will naturally not waste this perfect opportunity.

He immediately changed his clothes, hailed a taxi and headed to his favorite tavern.

The moment he got into the taxi, Jiang Zhe remembered that he needed a means of transportation.

Although my parents didn't leave any inheritance, I had been living frugally on my own over the years, spending very little money and having no hobbies, so I saved a considerable amount of money.

And he is not a face-saving person. From the perspective of performance alone, it shouldn't be difficult to choose a car of his choice.

But it's too late now, the 4S store should have been closed long ago, so we have to make plans tomorrow.

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