Mysterious city

Chapter 270 Concept

This farce continues until now, and it seems that basically everyone present has forgotten that the initiator was the half-grown boy.

Those people who had nothing to do with this oolong incident have escalated from arguing to fist fights.

On the other hand, Wang Yan, the "culprit", had a pair of small eyes spinning in his eye sockets at this moment, as if a naughty child was watching a fight between two nests of ants.

This kind of pleasure of seemingly staying out of the situation but actually controlling the overall situation seems to make Li Zi feel extremely enjoyable.

Although the conflict broke out until now, it seems that it has nothing to do with Li's personality. The people present also thought so and only regarded him as an innocent child.

But in fact, the overall rhythm from beginning to end, including the provocation and upgrading of details, are all secretly driven by the inner personality.

This makes Li Ge feel that he is beyond the ordinary, as if he has been vaguely transcendent from these stupid and funny ordinary humans in some way.

This feeling undoubtedly gave Li a sense of superiority, as if he was no longer the same species as these "ants".

This pathological sense of self-confidence, no, it should be said that it is arrogance, is very similar to the situation after demonization.

It's just that one is the pleasure brought by crushing in terms of strength and physical fitness, and the other is the pleasure brought by crushing ordinary humans due to IQ and understanding of human nature.

If Jiang Zhe can return intact after experiencing this incident and retain the memory of this experience, then it will not be difficult to understand why the monsters are so cruel and bloodthirsty.

In addition to the influence of evil spirits on people's minds, what is more important is the change of thoughts and attitudes.

Because after completing the demonization, whether it is the improvement of physical attributes or mental attributes, they will believe that they are no longer subordinate to humans, but are superior to humans, similar to gods.

It's like except for a very small number of people who can truly implement "all living beings are equal and have compassion", the vast majority of people have no feelings about killing.

After all, even people's most basic daily life is inseparable from the word "killing". Pigs, ducks, fish and chickens are all used for food and drink.

In the eyes of most ordinary people, these creatures are just lower creatures. As long as these lower animals are needed for food, drink, and clothing, there is nothing to feel guilty about killing them.

Not to mention the more high-end and luxurious "style" of rich people, who use abalone and shark fins to eat and real fur mink clothes to wear.

Even if you drink it, it must be a long-lasting and expensive wine produced by a world-famous winery, brewed by countless people with hard work, and mixed with so-called "big tonic" ingredients such as deer antler and deer penis.

Of all the matters mentioned above, which one does not require killing, or even cruel killing?

In order to ensure the freshness of the medicinal materials, the bile of live bears is harvested. In order to ensure the production of foie gras, hormones are injected into the geese to make their livers become abnormally hypertrophy.

Aren’t these things cruel?

In fact, to a certain extent, the cruelty of monsters is only relative.

It's just that the objects that monsters treat cruelly are humans, and the objects that humans torture and kill are animals that they think are lower than them.

Are humans considered to be in the category of “animals”?

The answer is definitely yes.

It's just that due to the crushing intelligence and force value, human beings believe that they are beyond those lower creatures.

Isn't this kind of psychology the same as the psychological changes after a monster becomes demonized?

In various languages ​​around the world, almost all of them distinguish between "they" representing humans and "they" representing animals.

No matter how much humans label themselves as "benevolent, just, propriety, wisdom, trust," they have to admit that in essence they do not treat themselves as equals to other animals at all.

If he could figure this out, it would not be difficult for Jiang Zhe to discover why monsters generally have unusually cold, bloodthirsty and cruel personalities.

But even if this is figured out, there may not be only advantages and no disadvantages for Jiang Zhe.

After all, Constantine and the monster are mortal enemies, and mortal enemies will hate each other at all costs and find any excuse.

In this way, when the two meet and fight to the death, the Constantines can share the same hatred and unleash their maximum fighting power to kill the monster.

Hatred is always one of the biggest driving forces for people to become stronger. This is why during wartime, every country will vigorously promote the concept of nationality and race, in order to completely separate you and the enemy from the concept of "everyone is human." separated from the correct concept.

In this way, when you go into battle to kill the enemy, you will not be merciful because of empathy, and you will not have any hesitation when killing the enemy.

This sounds very much like the style of the fascist Nazis, but in fact, it is the lighthouse country that has always implemented the three words "freedom, equality, and democracy" that implements this "ethnic separation concept" most thoroughly.

Although this method of transforming soldiers' beliefs has indeed greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Lighthouse Country, the fate of heaven is reincarnated. After winning the war, the Lighthouse Country still suffered from wartime tactics in many aspects. Backlash.

For example, the famous PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, did not appear in large numbers in many Lighthouse soldiers until after the war, which to a great extent hindered the post-war economic recovery and development of the Lighthouse and the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets. develop.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the Lighthouse Congress will become even more unscrupulous.

To this day, the impact of the original dehumanization and transformation strategy remains lingering.

For example, the issue of racial discrimination has gradually become an unavoidable topic when people talk about the United States. There are also many national and regional discrimination issues, etc.

It is really ironic to say that the Lighthouse Country is a federal immigration country composed of human beings who came from various countries. Its main body is the members of each country, and even today it discriminates against the immigrant population.

And the land they occupy happens to be the native land where they discriminate against people. This is both funny and incomprehensible.

Therefore, if Jiang Zhe can understand the thoughts of the monsters and think about the problem from their perspective, he will undoubtedly have "empathy" with the monsters.

Having empathy is a good thing in itself, but it is not so when it comes to sworn enemies.

Without the support of hatred and abhorrence, Constantine's combat effectiveness in facing monsters will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

And a guy like Jiang Zhe, although he is not a man who loves to talk about things, but he is indeed stubborn, will be even more dangerous if he is influenced by this kind of thinking.

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