Mysterious city

Chapter 274: Time is destiny

Because the incident that night was too big and the impact was too bad, although the leader of the Zang Biao escaped, he was sent "inside" to eat public food. No one saw him in the West Market again until later. appeared.

The leader of the other party was considered lucky and was not directly hacked to death by Zang Biao.

But this guy's fate wasn't much better either. He turned into a vegetative state without the ability to move.

For people like them who live their lives in drinking, sex and killing, it may be more painful to become a vegetative state, and it would be better to die altogether.

Moreover, due to this guy's blatant treachery, he has completely lost credibility and status on the road.

Even if he was lucky enough not to become a vegetative state, he would never be able to hold his head up again on the road to the West Market.

Of course, being despised by everyone is the best possible outcome for him. It is more likely that he will be killed by other leaders on the West Market Road together.

After all, he has set a precedent for breaking the rules, which means that everyone may face the possibility of being backstabbed by treacherous people in the future. How can we make it easier for him?

And he had already lost the "popular support" of his men. What's even more dramatic is that after that night's "battle", both the guy's confidants and ordinary minions seemed to have turned against him who was supposed to be their biggest enemy. The person - Zang Biao.

After all, in their opinion, a person who can sacrifice his life to block the attack of his boss must be an extremely loyal guy, which is simply an extreme contrast to their former boss.

How could such a "righteous man" treat his subordinates badly?

What's more, Zang Biao's indomitable and uncompromising fighting spirit that night, as well as his superb fighting power, fascinated this group of violent fanatics.

If you follow him, you will surely make a breakthrough!

Of course, only people on the road would make such comments about Zang Biao.

This view is undoubtedly extremely wrong.

As a person who has been hanging out on the road all year round, it is absolutely impossible for an "alternative hero" similar to the kind of loyal and considerate people in the movie to appear.

Which person like this is not perverse and violent, and will fight against the other party if they disagree with him?

Which person like this has never done anything to bully men and dominate women?

Which person like this doesn't bully honest and kind people, and who doesn't have his hands stained with the blood of innocent people?

Although this may be a bit extreme and may be overgeneralized, generally speaking, people who live on the road do almost all evil and rarely do good deeds.

Even if there is, it is only shown to others after being whitewashed. In short, this kind of three views is extremely undesirable.

But the gangsters on the road just do this, and they like the reckless man like Zang Biao.

Of course, after becoming the "Tibetan Cripple", Zang Biao had almost all the people from his rival forces brought over, let alone those from his original camp.

Because the mistakes made by the original boss were too big, he was sent to jail. After that night of fighting, Zang Biao became more famous and became the most popular one. Of course, he took over the original team left by the previous boss. .

But looking at it at this time, it turned out that his nemesis was only injured into a vegetative state and did not die, but it became a thing that was beneficial to Zang Biao.

The other leader's family members are not fools. After knowing that the family has lost this "backbone", they don't know how many enemies will come to their door.

Not to mention whether he can continue to live a sensual and luxurious life as before, and whether he can save his life are two questions.

Zang Laizi saw this opportunity when the other party's leader and his family were behind bars. He expected that the other party could only make another profit from him without the ability to take revenge or sue him.

Therefore, Hidden Cripple gave the other leader's family an offer that was difficult to refuse, that is, he would give the other party's family an extremely considerable compensation.

Secondly, he promised that he would never attack the other leader's family again.

Not only that, Zang Laizi also used the energy he gained after gaining power to make a promise to protect the safety of the other party's family. Not only would his subordinates not cause trouble for them, but if other forces threatened their safety, Zang Laizi promised that he would definitely come forward to deal with it. .

As for the other party's leader's family, although they hate Zang Laizi deeply, the conditions proposed by Zang Laizi are indeed the greatest benefits they can obtain at this critical moment.

They are not fools. They understand that if they refuse, not only will they not get any benefits, but they will not even be able to protect their own safety.

It has to be said that the aftermath of hiding the lame man is still very good, because such a private settlement can avoid the risk of being sued by the other party in court, and prevent the matter from getting too big and being targeted by the sheriff.

After all, his previous boss did not end well like this. Zang Laizi has always known how to learn "lessons" from his predecessors.

Not only that, the move of hiding the cripple also made people on the road look at him with admiration.

After all, not only did he not inflict insults on his enemies and kill them all, he actually helped them out when they were in trouble and made a promise to protect them.

Not everyone can do this. From the perspective of those thugs who act unreasonably, this requires a broad mind.

In this way, after integrating the two forces that were originally sworn enemies, Zang Laizi's forces turned out to be much stronger than his previous boss, and he suddenly became a famous boss in the West City.

And all this was just because of the reckless impulse that night, which completely changed the life trajectory of Zang Laizi, making him soar into the sky, and his life was also at stake. It was really amazing.

Of course, after becoming a famous boss, Zang Laizi's recklessness disappeared, and instead he began to cherish his life.

However, this is also the only way for most people who are confused on the road.

After enjoying too much glory and wealth, people will begin to become wary of danger and timid, and on the contrary, they will lose the original momentum.

Of course, the experiences of these years have also made Zang Laizi begin to expand to a certain extent.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have pulled this trick today, and he wouldn't have known how much he would pay for the trouble he impulsively provoked today.

That's something that can't be changed no matter how much regret medicine you take.

Of course, everyone present had no idea what a terrible demon they were indirectly helping.

They will never have the chance to understand in their lifetime what a terrifying demon the half-grown boy they inadvertently helped to escape will become in the future!

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