Mysterious city

Chapter 286 He is just a child!

Fortunately, this feeling of pins and needles did not last long, and Li Ge welcomed his first "ally".

"What are you people talking about? He is just a child!"

"Look at those bastard things you said, they almost made other children cry!"

"Have you ever seen such a murderer?"

As soon as he left the mouth, he said "you" three times, and even said the classic sentence handed down from generation to generation - "He is just a child!"

If I continue talking, I'm afraid it will pop out that "we Chang Wei don't know martial arts at all".

Li Ge was overjoyed when he heard this. Finally, someone was willing to stand up and speak for him, which made him feel that things had turned around.

Although his personality seemed agitated just now, in fact he had been secretly checking everyone out of the corner of his eye.

Lige noticed that someone in the crowd had already put his hand into his trouser pocket, apparently wanting to take out his cell phone and call the police.

There were even two impatient guys who had already walked to the junction of the carriages and wanted to find the police.

Both of their feet have already stepped onto the iron plate. If they had stayed a second or two at night, they might not be able to pull them back.

No matter how arrogant Li was, he had to admit that his heart was already in his throat at that moment.

Fortunately, his "ally" appeared in time. Li Ge tried his best to hide the ecstasy and gratitude in his eyes and looked around, and found that his first ally turned out to be a middle-aged aunt.

This middle-aged woman apparently overflowed with motherly love after seeing the pitiful look performed by Li Ge, so she "rebelled" to Li Ge's camp.

To be honest, the outer personality is okay. Although the inner personality has been shaking and hiding deep in Wang Yan's heart before, it cannot effectively affect his emotions, let alone control the body's actions. Young women are always very resistant creatures.

No, the word "resistance" is not enough to express the disgust of Li's personality. It should be said to be disgust.

Although this body is now under his control in terms of its ability to move and its emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy, deep down in his heart, he does not have any resistance to the middle-aged aunt in front of him.

He could not wait to rush up to his aunt and hug her slightly plump face and kiss her hard twice. After all, this was his first ally, saving him from dire straits!

Of course, doing that would be a bit too disrespectful, and it might make people think that your taste is abnormal.

So Li Ge had no choice but to suppress the ecstasy deep in his heart, brewing his emotions again, and let two lines of tears fall down his face.

I have to say that Li Ge's acting skills are so superb. After seeing this "poor child" cry, the middle-aged aunt who spoke for Li Ge immediately showed a look of intolerance on her face.

If there weren't so many people between her and Li Ge, it seemed that the aunt could not wait to rush to Li Ge immediately and put him into her arms.

"Oh, my poor baby, please stop crying. Be good and don't be like them!"

The middle-aged aunt said with full of pain, and glanced around with reproachful eyes at the few "bad guys" around her who had made rude remarks to her personality.

"You are about the same age as my son, and he is also at the age when he has just entered college."

"They are all good children. How can a half-grown child at this age be suspected of being a murderer? He has become hysterical after watching too many movies!"

As expected, the main reason why this middle-aged aunt sided with Li Ge, despite his superb acting skills, was because Li Ge reminded her of her son, and maternal love suddenly overflowed.

But this is not surprising, after all, this is a weakness shared by 99% of women in the world!

Except, of course, some emotionless female devils.

Although the behavior was a bit excessive and it was difficult for people to empathize with her, after hearing the middle-aged woman's words, everyone's doubts about her personality were immediately dispelled.

And the way they looked at Li's personality was a little less suspicious, and a little more pity and self-blame.

After all, these people are just passers-by and don't know any of the inside story of the case.

How could they know that the real murderer was actually a half-year-old child!

But in everyone's ears, what this aunt said did make some sense.

Although the aunt hadn't finished what she said just now, anyone who wasn't a fool could tell that what she meant was "How could such a coward be a murderer?" She just didn't say it out loud to take care of the child's emotions.

Those who dare to kill people, even if they just kill people in a fit of rage, who are not evil and evil, and who are not so courageous as to break through the sky?

And the little devil in front of him would be so frightened that he would burst into tears if someone said a few words, and then look at his thin body.

Although he is quite tall, his physique is not comparable to a telephone pole on the roadside.

With this small body and those small arms as thick as a hemp pole, you still want to kill someone?

Stop joking, it’s hard to kill a chicken!

Seeing the slight change in everyone's attitude, how could Li Ge let go of this great opportunity.

You have to strike while the iron is hot and do your best in acting. At that moment, Zizi once again showed off his actor-level acting skills. While choking, he wiped away the streaming tears with his hands and said with sobs: "Ah, aunt, I I don’t know why they feel that way about me. I was born in poverty, and my whole family worked hard for me to study hard for twelve years. I finally got into a university. How could I be stupid enough to kill someone? All my family’s efforts would have been in vain. Is it done?”

If not for the limited time available, Lige would have wished to recount all the poverty experiences he had experienced in the first half of his life.

Although his personality and IQ are completely different, he has been sharing the same body with his alter ego for the past twenty years.

Therefore, it can be said that the personality knows everything about the memories, emotions, and experiences that express the personality, and it is naturally not difficult to describe them.

When everyone heard what he said, they all looked at each other, feeling that it was indeed reasonable.

That’s a college student!

At that time, college students were still a relatively rare product.

Those who can get into college are all intellectuals. They are a bunch of uneducated idiots who may kill people in anger, but how can scholars be as reckless as them?

In addition, the character-driven description of the family background is indeed a plus. After all, most people sympathize with children from poor backgrounds.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many people making up their own tragic experiences during the “tell your story” segment.

Soon, someone in the crowd slapped their head and said "Oh", pointed at Li Ge who was still sobbing and said: "I remember, before leaving, this kid took out his ID card to ask the leader The Sheriff took a look at it and the Sheriff confirmed that there is no problem!"

As soon as these words came out, two or three people in the crowd immediately nodded to testify.

They were all people whose personalities were closer to those of the police officers in the waiting hall just now.

Although these guys have always focused on the fight between Su Zheng and Zang Laizi and others, they can still recall this detail after being reminded of it.

Li Ge suddenly felt calm after hearing this, knowing that the situation was secure.

I didn’t expect that I would get unexpected rewards from putting on a show for Su Zheng!

Sure enough, if this kind of words were said by the character himself, the effect would be greatly reduced, but it would be completely different if said through other people's mouths.

If the aunt's words just now took the lead and made the situation better, then the testimony of these two people undoubtedly sounded the final hammer of victory for Lige.

Even the police officer has confirmed the kid's ID card and admitted that he is fine. Why do they, a bunch of people who want to eat melons, want to tease him?

It’s easy to eat carrots and worry less, so it’s just a fun thing to scare yourself with!

"Okay, let's get over it now and let the kid digest it for a while."

"It's so pitiful. I was frightened by those gangsters for a long time. I finally got into the car and had to be slandered by you. Have you ever thought about my children?"

The middle-aged aunt first looked at Li Ge with a loving look, and then used a sharp look to gouge the people who had just made a fuss.

However, this aunt is very considerate, knowing that if they continue to stay here, not only will they not be able to comfort the poor child in the slightest, it will actually make him more emotional.

So the aunt immediately "set an example", got up and took the lead to leave.

Soon, the crowd of onlookers dispersed, and the guys who were about to call the police and notify the flight attendants also returned to their seats.

Although everyone's next topic still revolves around today's events, the focus of everyone's talk and attention is no longer Li's personality, but Su Zheng, Zang Laizi and others.

Even the migrant worker uncle sitting next to Li Ge gently patted Li Ge's shoulders a few times with his generous and calloused hands, and then said apologetically: "My child, I'm really sorry. Uncle has wrongly accused you, don’t take it to heart.”

He is the person closest to Li's personality, so naturally he is the one who bears the brunt of Li's superb acting skills.

At this moment, the migrant worker uncle no longer had any doubts about his personality, but only felt guilty.

In fact, he didn't mean anything else, but after being over-interpreted by other melon-eating passers-by, even he couldn't help but doubt the identity of the half-grown child next to him.

"It's okay, uncle, I know you don't mean any harm."

Only then did Li Ge stop sobbing and said very considerately, seemingly having forgiven the migrant worker uncle for his reckless behavior.

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