Mysterious city

Chapter 292: The instinct of living things is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages

Even though control of Wang Yan's body has been completely handed over to his personality, this timid and cowardly guy still doesn't dare to let down his guard, and his heart is still in his throat.

It was not until nearly ten minutes passed that the personality did not appear again, and then the personality was convinced that he had disappeared again.

Based on his understanding of Li's personality, that arrogant and conceited guy would never give up insulting and provoking himself as long as he had one second to speak.

The only way to get this guy to shut up for ten minutes is to lock him into the dark prison of his heart again.

Although this is not due to the personality of the show - in fact, even he himself does not know why Wang Yan, no, why "his" body chose him instead of the personality of the show with more outstanding qualifications.

Even if they are very reluctant to admit it, one thing is unquestionable even from the perspective of the outer personality, that is, if the control of the body is handed over to the inner personality, their situation may be countless times better.

At least if his personality hadn't appeared just now, he would have been arrested by the peace officers by now and forced to the detention center to await legal sanctions.

But even though he knew this, he would never choose to do this.

First, even if the control is handed over, the personality can lead them to get ahead, drive luxury cars, live in bungalows, marry beautiful women, and reach the pinnacle of life.

But what's the point if I can only be imprisoned in a mental prison that is countless times scarier than any prison in the world and can't do anything?

Leaving aside this point for the time being, what worries the personality even more is that if the control of this body is handed over to another personality, something even more terrifying will happen.

That is more terrifying than being deprived of food, clothing, and warmth, and being a low-class bastard all your life. No, it should be said that it is more terrifying than being sent to prison and spending your life in a cell. It is even more terrifying than being killed. matter.

It seems that ever since the "deal" that the character made with the mysterious voice in his mind during the fight with Manager Gu and others, his life began to inevitably move towards a crooked path that he had never expected to intersect with before. road.

And further and further away.

It's as if that first deal was the trigger, the beginning of all evil and terrible things.

The first time he indulged himself and made a deal with the devil in his heart, he made his originally powerless cousin do something as terrible as murder.

And there was a very strong premonition in his heart that the inner personality might be countless times scarier than the mysterious person of unknown origin that appeared in his mind before.

Because after a brief encounter with the outer personality, I have discovered that the inner personality can almost be said to be his dark side, which is the completely opposite extreme.

On the surface, the personality is timid, fearful and rigid, while on the inside, the personality is reckless, disorderly and chaotic.

One is synonymous with caution, and the other is the spokesperson for extreme madness.

In fact, everyone has his or her own unique dark side.

And what really makes you slide into the abyss of eternal destruction is not the evil temptation from the outside world, but the dark side in your own heart.

This is what the personality is thinking at the moment - when he made that deal with the mysterious man of unknown origin, he still has a chance to wake up under some kind of stimulation and finally break free from the influence of that mysterious power.

Although he still committed an unforgivable mistake, there is still a gap compared to the God who was pushed to eternal damnation.

But if you compromise with your cousin's personality, the situation will be completely different.

Even he himself gave up resistance, and his body and mind would not have the same automatic resistance mechanism against the inner personality, the "aboriginal person" who originally belonged to his own body, as they did against the "foreigner" like the mysterious man.

Doing that will make him slide into the bottomless abyss of sin without even realizing it, just like boiling a frog in warm water.

At that time, if Li's personality takes control of this body, what he will do may be far more than just killing one person or seriously injuring several people.

The reason why the personality is convinced of this is not just because he made groundless speculations based on his understanding of the personality, but because there is conclusive evidence.

After losing control of this body before, his personality has been locked deep in his heart.

Although he did not have the authority to communicate with the inner personality of the owner of the body at first, the outer personality deep in his heart was very clear about what that scary guy like a demon was thinking.

This is the serious "roundworm in the belly"!

So when Li Zizi's mind came up with the idea of ​​killing the migrant worker uncle who put him in danger and almost faced another crisis, he still used such a cruel and ruthless method, and Zhou Zizi had already discovered this terrible thing about him. plan.

Just because of one or two words, you are going to kill someone, and you are going to smash them into pieces. Is this something that normal humans can do?

People can't, at least they shouldn't!

And within half a day of handing over control of Wang Yan's body to Li Ge, this little devil could come up with such a cruel crime plan in his mind.

If you just let it go, your personality will be able to do many heinous things in just one week, let alone years and months.

In order to prevent the body from creating more troubles that cannot be stopped under the control of the inner personality, the outer personality locked deep in the heart was forcibly awakened.

This may be one of the reasons why the outer personality has to forcefully compete with the inner personality for control of the body.

Another guess is that this may be an important factor in why Wang Yan's body chose the external personality to take over the internal personality and obtain management authority.

All creatures subconsciously seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. This instinct has been firmly engraved in the bones and genes of all creatures.

Human beings, as the primates of all things, are no exception. When faced with the pursuit and interception of plainclothes police officers, Wang Yan's body or the subconscious mind deep in his brain had already made a quick judgment.

Judging from the situation at that time, the smart, decisive and quick-responsive inner personality was obviously more suitable to control this body, because the timid and cowardly outer personality could not lead them out of danger at all.

In order to prevent himself from falling into a situation of destruction, Wang Yan's subconscious showed no resistance to the external personality handing over control of the body to the internal personality, and may even have some support.

But the current situation is naturally not the same as that then.

At this moment, they were temporarily out of danger, but not long after they were safe, Lige was thinking of making a bigger trick again. This was not self-destruction!

Therefore, out of consideration for protecting his own safety, Wang Yan's subconscious mind has weighed the pros and cons and made a decision after careful consideration.

Under the premise of ensuring safety, the cowardice and timidity of personality can actually become an advantage. At least this way the dog will not cause death to himself.

Therefore, even if both the external and internal personalities are "aboriginal people" born in Wang Yan's body, it stands to reason that the subconscious mind should be impartial, at least not overwhelmingly "favoring" a certain personality.

But the powerful subconscious understands that handing over the body to the crazy and reckless personality is an extremely dangerous choice, so it favors the personality one-sidedly and puts all the treasure on him.

Perhaps this is the reason why Wang Yan's personality has always controlled his body during the first half of his life, which lasted nearly twenty years.

This can be seen from the performance of the personality after gaining control of the body.

It's just that half a day has passed and this guy is already thinking of ways to make things interesting.

If the demon in his personality has been controlling Wang Yan's body for nearly twenty years, and if anything goes wrong, he will be killed and made into a pulp. Can the two personalities and this body survive? It's hard to say now.

After all, no matter how smart his personality is, no matter how accurate he is in grasping the weaknesses of human nature, and no matter how superb his acting skills are, he is still essentially a poor kid deep in a poverty-stricken mountain.

If they continue to be so crazy regardless of the consequences, one day they will usher in the final chapter of destruction under the leadership of the character.

I have to say that the illusion of empathy is indeed a good thing. This thing can make your life several times richer than others. After all, every time you empathize, it is equivalent to experiencing the entire life of others.

Not only that, if this thing can be used in modern medicine, it will definitely make an outstanding contribution, at least in terms of mental treatment.

I would like to ask, even in this era of rapid technological development, is there any technology or equipment that allows doctors to 100% understand and experience another person's spiritual world and thoughts?

The answer is obviously no.

Of course, the side effects of this approach are also extremely obvious. For example, Jiang Zhe almost lost his consciousness under the powerful mental impact, and he is still wandering on the edge of "vegetative state" until now.

If things go wrong, he may be completely swallowed up by the evil spirit in it and become a completely irrational monster.

Although other seniors of Constantine rarely encountered such dangerous situations when experiencing the illusion of empathy, their level of empathy and absorption of the magic core's demonic intent were far from what Jiang Zhe was experiencing now. events.

Risks and benefits always coexist, no matter what.

Of course, if Jiang Zhe can successfully survive this crisis and avert danger this time, he must propose to his colleagues in the Memory Correction Department the idea of ​​using "empathic fantasy" as one of the mental treatment options.

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