Mysterious city

Chapter 299 Isolation

It stands to reason that this girl has taken the initiative to say hello to you so many times, and it is not that there have been no conversations between the two of them. Wang Yan should not be so shy anymore, at least not to the point where Xia Yu would look at her as if she was being flirted with. Just like the flower girl with stamens.

But he is such an introverted and weak boy.

"Hey, I wish I could be half as thick-skinned as that guy with this personality."

Wang Yan, who kept his head down and was still "writing vigorously", sighed helplessly and thought to himself.

It was only at times like this that Wang Yan would occasionally miss his "good brother" who was locked deep in his heart.

What will the unknown person think after discovering his thoughts?

After all, after experiencing an encounter with his inner personality, Wang Yan's outer personality has already understood that although the controller of the body cannot detect the thoughts of another personality, the personality locked deep in the heart can completely read it. Any idea of ​​the main personality.

After a long while, Wang Yan gradually broke away from the uncontrollable shyness just now.

The huge classroom is full of students, and almost no student is sitting alone. Most of them are a few good friends or roommates in groups.

Wang Yan is the only exception, and he is the only one who is alone.

Yes, although it has been a year since he entered Anshi Normal University, it can be said that Wang Yan still hasn't made any friends.

Even Wang Yan's roommate didn't have a good relationship with him. At best, he could only be regarded as slightly stronger than a stranger.

Even this feeling is just because of roommates, who look down and don't see each other all day long. Even if the relationship is not very close, they still have to say a few words, otherwise it will be so embarrassing.

Of course, this is not because Wang Yan's roommates are all weird, which makes their dormitory such an exception.

After all, in college, roommates are almost the people with whom you have the best relationships.

This is because Wang Yan is that weirdo!

The dormitory of Anshi Normal University usually has a room for six people. Except for Wang Yan, the remaining five people are all close brothers.

So even if the six people in their dormitory are in the same class, the remaining five people will not talk to Wang Yan.

Not to mention sitting arm-in-arm with him during class, we wouldn’t even go out together!

Even his roommate's attitude towards Wang Yan was so indifferent, let alone other people.

Of course, Wang Yan's withdrawn and introverted personality is an important reason why he is so unpopular, but it is not the whole key.

In addition, there is another very important reason, and that is family background.

Yes, Wang Yan's roommates happened to be those second-generation students who are not uncommon in Anshi Normal University, and he happened to be the poor boy who could be said to be at the bottom of the family when looking at the entire university.

I believe that everyone who has gone to college should understand that the essence of a university is actually a small society.

Although college students have not really entered society in a strict sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are "social people" in the society of college.

College students are not all innocent. Some are extremely snobbish, even more snobbish than so-called adults.

And this point has been infinitely magnified in Anshi Normal University.

Because almost all the college students studying here are either rich or noble.

For children who grew up in such a well-off environment, although the term "snobbish" may be biased and subjective, the meaning is quite different.

Among other things, these children have learned one thing from the teachings of their elders at home, and that is to "learn to make friends and deal with people of a similar class to themselves."

Children who grow up in this kind of educational environment naturally belong to the kind with "higher horizons".

It's not that they are unwilling to make friends, on the contrary, they love making friends.

It's just that they only make "second-generation friends" whose family conditions are very close to their own.

When he just moved into the dormitory and everyone knew nothing about each other, Wang Yan's roommates did not treat him differently.

But after seeing Wang Yan's shabby clothes and old daily necessities, and getting along with him for a while, Wang Yan's roommates began to look at him strangely.

What followed was increasing alienation and isolation.

Because these half-grown children have discovered that not only is their roommate not a "Dragon" like them, but he is also a low-income person who is not even comparable to ordinary people.

Everyone feels like it would be a waste of time to even say a single word to this guy, let alone be friends with him.

What's the fun in being with a poor guy?

Come on, we go to nightclubs and play mahjong every day. A meal often costs hundreds or even thousands of dollars. The money spent on picking up a girl is more than your living expenses for a year.

Why are you playing with us, and what can you use to play with us?

They are not from the same group at all!

Wang Yan is not a fool, so he can naturally discover this.

It's just that he doesn't like to be competitive by nature. Seeing that everyone doesn't like to talk to him, Wang Yan doesn't bother to say anything. Anyway, he just happens to be enjoying himself.

Not only does he not mind being "lonely", but he actually enjoys spending time alone.

But in the eyes of outsiders, Wang Yan inevitably turned into an unsociable weirdo.

After all, everyone walks together during class, eats or plays entertainment together, and even goes to the toilet in small groups and cliques.

But there is one person who does everything by himself. This guy is nothing but a freak!

There must be something wrong with him or a mental defect, otherwise why would no one play with him?

Look at that man. He goes to class and walks alone without any friends to accompany him!

Over time, almost all the students in Wang Yan's class have assumed that he is an unsociable weirdo, which also makes things fall into a bad cycle.

The more Wang Yan has no friends, the more everyone thinks he has some flaws in his character, which makes him even less able to make friends, and the cycle continues.

Looking at the entire Anshi Normal University campus, Xia Yu is probably the only one who doesn't care much about this and is willing to have a conversation with Wang Yan.

And this is one of the reasons why Wang Yan is so obsessed with Xia Yu. After all, only with Xia Yu can Wang Yan still feel that he is a normal person.

You can't find such a good girl even if you hold a lantern, so it's a shame if you say you don't like her!

"Hey, when can I muster up the courage to talk to her?"

Wang Yan was just thinking wildly and scribbling on the notebook with a pen.

Soon, the class time was over.

However, during the nearly two-hour course, Wang Yan could hardly hear a single word.

The teacher's words go in the left ear and out the right ear.

Although this is the norm for most low-level undergraduates, the reason why Wang Yan is like this is not because he is lazy and does not study.

On the contrary, Wang Yan is a very diligent child, and his grades are among the best in the class.

Other students are ignorant and spend their time in class playing with their mobile phones, bragging and falling in love.

But Wang Yan has been distracted during this class, and it's not because of what he is playing.

It was all just because of Xia Yu's smile that haunted him!

Just like that, under the urging of the hurried bell, Wang Yan picked up his books and walked out of the classroom in a daze.

You can't blame him for being like a soulless puppet, it's because Wang Yan's soul was all taken away by Xia Yu's smile just now!

Now there is nothing in Wang Yan's mind except Xia Yu's smiling smile just now.

Just like that, Wang Yan was walking down the corridor with his head lowered. Just as he was still recalling Xia Yu's sweet smile just now in his mind, he suddenly felt that he bumped into someone.

Although Wang Yan is almost taller than other people of his age at 1.9 meters tall, he is not in very good shape due to poor food and is thin and weak.

So after being hit like this unexpectedly, Wang Yan, who was taller, was knocked to the ground and slid back half a meter while still sitting.

Wang Yan's funny look of sitting and sliding backward attracted the attention of almost all the students in the corridor, and immediately there were many sarcastic and playful scoffs.

Then, a low and sexy voice cursed angrily: "Damn it, are you looking for death? Do you walk without eyes?"

Wang Yan, who had a hard fall on his butt, had not had time to recover from the severe pain coming from his tail bone, so he apologized hurriedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault."

The timid and introverted Wang Yan, regardless of right or wrong, is always the first to apologize whenever any conflict occurs.

Because he knew that he was at the lowest end of the food chain of Anshi Normal University.

Firstly, he has no money, secondly, he has no power, and thirdly, he has no background. If he has any conflicts with others, what else can he do except keep his head down and accept his defeat?

Can he afford to offend those domineering second generations?

And when Wang Yan raised his head and discovered who was standing in front of him, he secretly complained in his heart.

"Damn it, why is it him!"

Wang Yan felt a burst of pain in his heart. The person he collided with was none other than Zhang Cong, a second-generation bully who was extremely famous in the class.

It is said that this guy's father was originally a gangster. Although he has been cleansed in recent years, he accumulated a lot of wealth by doing some dirty things.

Therefore, Zhang Cong not only comes from an extremely wealthy family, but also inherits his father's domineering character.

No matter who he is, as long as there is any conflict with him, the end will definitely not be much better.

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