Mysterious city

Chapter 329 Victim

Of course, if you have to find faults and find minor flaws, strictly speaking, this cannot be completely correct.

Fighters in the ring are warriors, and warriors need to stay focused at all times.

If you don't deliberately tighten your jaw, no matter how strong and strong your chin and neck muscles are, there is still a chance that the opponent will catch you and knock you down with a single blow.

For example, the well-known "Monk and Dragon" in China is not famous for its super offensive ability, but for its amazing defensive power.

The "Shaolin Temple Golden Bell Cover Iron Cloth Shirt" may sound a bit metaphysical, but this guy's ability to resist blows is indeed extremely strong, at least much stronger than ordinary players.

Of course, this can also be seen from the muscles all over his body that are gathered together like a horned dragon.

The most common "survival method" this guy uses in competitions is to stand still and let the opponent hit him without suffering any obvious damage.

And this is one of the important factors that made "a certain monk and a certain dragon" first show its prominence in China.

It's a pity that this guy's golden bell iron shirt doesn't seem to be the kind of passive skill that can be maintained at 360 degrees with no dead ends and no CD. After entering high-level competitions, it started to work sometimes. Condition.

And being sometimes ineffective in the fighting ring is not a good trait. After all, this is his special skill, and it is the basis for this guy to gain a foothold in the ring!

If at a critical moment, this special skill suddenly fails, the consequences can be imagined.

What else could it be, just being knocked down with one punch!

This is not uncommon. After all, there are so many outstanding fighters in the world, and there are also many who are famous for their abnormal defense.

Just like an animated picture that was particularly popular on the Internet some time ago, a tall and strong player allowed the opponent to punch him in the face with a combination of punches, but he still looked unharmed, as if he had not suffered any damage.

And this perverted guy is also very arrogant. After discovering that he was able to punch the opponent with a combination of punches on his face without any harm, his self-confidence instantly exploded, and he added a DEBUFF of "If you don't do it, you won't die".

He started slapping his face and yelling at the other players in an arrogant provocation.

As for fighting athletes, their hormones are much higher than those of ordinary people. It is understandable that they have hot tempers and arrogant personalities.

But he overlooked one thing, that is, the opponent is also an elite fighter, and he is also "hot-tempered and arrogant"!

Being provoked by an opponent like this in the ring is undoubtedly sticking his face out to hit the opponent, so how can the brother who is provoked endure it.

However, this guy had a much calmer character and did not show off his words. Instead, he implemented the policy of "a strong man moves his hands but doesn't talk", and hit the opponent's face with two consecutive punches.

Although these two punches may seem ordinary, the effect is unexpectedly significant.

The perverted brother didn't scream again because he no longer had the ability to speak out.

After receiving two punches, the perverted brother who had just shown a scornful and heroic attitude of "Who else in the world would give me a chance" suddenly seemed to have a short-circuit in his head and fell straight back without moving.

This is because this guy was so hormonal that he neglected the basic skills of fighting.

You open your mouth and yell at others, but you are not letting your muscles relax. It would be strange if they saw the opportunity and didn't knock you down with a punch!

They are all elite boxers of the same level. Why do they really think of themselves as Super Saiyans and the other party as a pitiful little white rabbit?


When Young Master Zhang just collided with Wang Yan, although he was in an absent-minded state, his body had been tempered for a long time after all.

Therefore, even if he does not maintain concentration at all times, Mr. Zhang's defense ability under normal conditions is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

And regardless of physical strength, just look at the weight.

Although Mr. Zhang, who is covered in tendon meat, is not as tall as Wang Yan, there is no problem at all if he weighs more than ten or twenty kilograms.

And strength and ability to withstand blows are largely linked to weight.

Although the difference between these ten or twenty kilograms may not seem like a huge difference, one thing you need to know is that in a boxing match, even if there is only a mere one or two kilograms, there is a difference of an order of magnitude.

And the gap of more than ten or twenty kilograms is enough to cross the gap from a lightweight boxing champion to a heavyweight boxing champion.

Even the most powerful lightweight boxing champion in the world has almost no chance of winning when facing the heavyweight boxing champion!

Therefore, even if Young Master Zhang was absent-minded just now, Wang Yan's "flyweight" collision could not cause any substantial harm to him.

This is not difficult to see from the behavior of the two of them just after the collision. Young Master Zhang stood still, looking no different from a normal person, not even moving a step.

On the other hand, Wang Yan was hit so hard that he staggered back several steps and even fell flat on his butt.

Until now, Li Zi, who has not yet completed the handover process of 100% body control, can clearly feel the burning pain near his tail bone, but it is not so obvious when it is "set off" by the pain in other parts of the body.

This time, Jiang Zhe also suffered the consequences, and the transformation of body control had not yet been completely completed.

If the personality is 100% in control of Wang Yan's body at this moment, then the pain will be 100% transmitted.

When the time comes, Jiang Zhe, this unlucky guy, will suffer along with Li Gezi!

However, this also shows that Wang Yan is the real "victim" of this incident, not Mr. Zhang.

What Li Gege and Jiang Zhe didn't know was that the moment Li Gege collided with Mr. Zhang, he felt as if all the bones in his body were shaking several times.

After all, without the blessing of that mysterious power, Wang Yan's body is indeed relatively weak.

The reason why the victim and the perpetrator initially seemed to have swapped positions was simply because their status and strength were too disparate.

The one with the big fist is the master. This saying is true at all, especially in that era.

And this point is infinitely magnified when it comes to children of Young Master Zhang's age.

They are still at the age where they are impulsive, reckless, and get excited over the smallest things.

What is frightening is that what does not match their immature minds is that they already have relatively mature bodies and the ability to commit violence and abuse others.

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