Mysterious city

Chapter 340 Sublimation!

After all, no matter how arrogant Mr. Zhang is, he is still an ignorant and ignorant playboy.

In terms of cultural level, although this guy is still an undergraduate, his actual cultural level may not be as good as that of a junior high school student.

So even though the extremely pretentious words just now may reflect his true thoughts, if he said it in such a pretentious and artistic way, it would be impossible with Mr. Zhang's language proficiency and expression ability.

In fact, the words just mentioned by Mr. Zhang were lifted from a Korean drama.

Although it is not a 100% copy, it does excerpt the most central idea, because with Master Zhang's memory level, it is really difficult for him to record a line.

After all, this guy can't even memorize a familiar simple poem that many primary school students can recite, let alone such an obscure line.

Being able to record the short paragraph that best expresses the central idea can be regarded as an incomparable effort by Mr. Zhang!

Of course, being able to achieve this level of success is inseparable from Mr. Zhang’s unique attainments and his super talent in the field of cup filling.

Moreover, when Mr. Zhang watches any drama, he never keeps in mind the values ​​​​that the director and screenwriter really want to express, and he is also dismissive.

Young Master Zhang will only record those lines that are "useful" to him!

In fact, Zhang Dashao's so-called "usefulness" may be different from others. His usefulness is neither the kind of high-level thinking that can sublimate himself, nor the theory that allows him to learn any knowledge, but only the field of cup filling. Just thoughts and sentences.

For Mr. Zhang, the only thing that any literary work or film or television drama is useful and can help him with is that it can improve his attainments in the field of cup filling!

On this aspect alone, Mr. Zhang can still be called "sensitive and eager to learn."

Of course, in this era where information networks are so developed, Mr. Zhang's doing this would be tantamount to pulling chestnuts from the fire.

Once an online drama becomes popular, no matter whether it is a domestic drama, a Korean, American or British drama, or even a Thai drama, it will spread throughout the circle of friends in a short period of time.

If you haven't watched a popular TV series, then you will lag behind others. When others are discussing the plot and using the series as a social tool, you can only sit in the corner in silence and have no conversation. .

So now, if someone like Mr. Zhang deliberately shows off such a line from a certain TV series when filling the cup, he will definitely not be able to fill the cup. Otherwise, he will make everyone laugh and become a fool. laughing stock.

However, this was not the case at that time. Due to the economic and scientific research development level, it was difficult for most students to obtain even a smartphone.

Even in Anshi University, where families are generally relatively affluent, having a trendy and powerful smartphone is something worth showing off.

The vast majority of ordinary students' so-called "smartphones" can actually only play a few small games. Even when they open a web page on the Internet, they will encounter many scam messages, and if they are not careful, they will lose all their small coffers. Go in.

Let alone a web drama, being able to play a mini-game on a mobile phone is considered very impressive.

Of course, computers at that time had become more powerful and had a higher penetration rate. Considering the family conditions of most students at Anshi University, it would not be possible to say that everyone has one, but 90% of them have their own computer. Computers are no exaggeration either.

It's just that at that time, the control of the Internet by Dongguo's top brass was not strong, but it was definitely very conservative in general.

Let alone Korean dramas or American and British dramas, even many domestic dramas are difficult to find channels to watch.

The difficulty and risk of using a computer to "climb the wall" is naturally countless times more difficult than using a mobile phone.

In addition, ordinary students at that time did not have the novel and trendy aesthetics of Mr. Zhang. If we talk about foreign dramas, we can see "That boy is so handsome" or "Funny Family" on the TV song-request station. ”, it is already considered very fashionable.

And the kind of niche and hard-to-find dramas like the one Mr. Zhang watched were simply not available to ordinary students at that time.

So let alone whether anyone would expose Young Master Zhang’s cup trick, they had never even heard of the name of the drama series Young Master Zhang watched, so how could they possibly remember a line from it?

Therefore, this cup naturally allowed Mr. Zhang to pretend to be successful.

But having said that, although Mr. Zhang's face was very calm at this moment, as if everything was as it should be and there was nothing to be excited about.

But in fact, there was still a small wave of excitement in this guy's heart.

Although he has always been the focus of Anshi University, he can so naturally apply the cup filling methods he learned from the series into reality today, and it has also produced such outstanding results. This is still First time.

So Mr. Zhang is not excited because he successfully bottled a drink in front of everyone, but because this pretending has made a lot of progress compared to before, pretending to be his Mr. Zhang’s characteristics, pretending to be his Mr. Zhang’s Style!

In fact, before this, although Mr. Zhang had a very high status in the school, it was not that no one could compete with him.

Looking at the entire campus, there are three other super second-generation students who can compare with Mr. Zhang in terms of financial ability, personal qualifications and background conditions.

However, after this "battle", Young Master Zhang felt that he had become slightly stronger than them.

Although their family conditions are almost the same as his, there is a second-generation super official who may be above them, although those guys often find trouble and use their own way to fill the cup.

But at this moment, Young Master Zhang felt that he was different from those guys, because at this moment, he had his own characteristics and style of serving cups.

At this moment, Mr. Zhang felt that his cup-making journey had been sublimated again!

From then on, he was a "soul packer", naturally different from those local chickens and dogs who did not have their own cup-packing characteristics and followed ordinary methods.

Although the atmosphere at the scene was still very quiet, with almost no one making a sound, Young Master Zhang understood that this was not because his cup-filling performance was not exciting enough, but because those guys did not dare to say anything for fear of disturbing the atmosphere of the scene.

A performance that no one dares to disturb is a truly wonderful performance!

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