Mysterious city

Chapter 34 Sudden accident

Although Li Tai and his men looked arrogant and fearless on weekdays, they were not real desperadoes.

And the top-of-the-range Maserati Quattroporte has the pedigree of a sports car, and its power is definitely not weak.

They knew that getting hit was no joke, so a gap appeared in front of Jiang Zhe.

Of course Jiang Zhe didn't intend to bump into someone, but he just understood that the other person didn't dare to confront someone head-on.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Zhe suddenly turned the steering wheel and rushed out.

"Damn it, you bunch of losers! If you fail to succeed, you will fail!"

Although Li Tai was so frightened that his heart was pounding, he still pretended to be calm and cursed angrily at his men.

"Hurry up and chase me!"

The remaining ten or so guys who were still strong did not dare to disobey Li Tai, so they immediately started their motorcycles and chased Jiang Zhe in the direction where he left.

"Sister Yunru, where is your home?"

Jiang Zhe shook Lu Yunru gently with his hand while driving. It took a long time for her to tell Jiang Zhe the address in a daze.

But it was too late, Jiang Zhe had already passed the route.

However, he was not in a hurry. He had no intention of taking Lu Yunru home directly.

Because then if these gangsters follow him, the location of Lu Yunru's family will be exposed.

From what happened tonight, it is not difficult to see that Li Tai is a guy who is determined to retaliate.

Even if I can protect Lu Yunru today and teach these dangerous guys a lesson for her, what if I won't be by her side anymore?

So Jiang Zhe planned to take a few detours and send Lu Yunru home after completely getting rid of those gangsters.

Jiang Zhe was driving while looking at the rearview mirror intently. In fact, he could have gotten out of the car and beat Li Tai and the others down.

But then Li Tai would be at odds with them, which would cause trouble for both himself and Lu Yunru.

Because secrecy is particularly important to Constantine's profession, making enemies is particularly taboo.

That's why Jiang Zhe endured Li Tai again and again in the beginning, and didn't take action until he had no choice but to take action.

Sure enough, not long after, a dazzling light came from the rearview mirror.

Li Tai took the lead and rushed to the front, with a group of motorcycles behind him.

Those dazzling lights, illuminated by the night, are like the fierce eyes of wolves.

The speed of motorcycles should not be underestimated. In addition to being less safe than cars, most motorcycles are much faster than cars.

And Li Tai’s car is Harley, the king of motorcycles, and it goes without saying that it is fast.

Seeing the fastest runner, Li Tai, getting closer and closer, he was almost on par with Maserati in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Zhe had no choice but to press the accelerator to the bottom, but at the same time, Li Tai had already taken out his baseball bat and smashed it straight towards the car window.

The group of horse boys following the car also waved their weapons and smashed the rear and windows of the car. It seemed that they did not take this luxury car seriously at all.

In desperation, Jiang Zhe had no choice but to turn the steering wheel to the left. The car body shook violently and he quickly leaned towards Li Tai.

Jiang Zhe didn't want to knock Li Tai off the car. Driving at such a high speed, regardless of the force of the impact, he would probably be seriously injured just by falling off the car.

He just wanted to scare this guy, so when the car was about to touch Li Tai, he straightened the steering wheel and stopped getting closer.

But he didn't expect that Li Tai was too timid. When he saw that the car body was only a hair's breadth away from him, he immediately trembled with fear.

"Ah! What a fool!"

I don't know whether he drank too much or lost control of the car out of fear. Li Tai leaned back and was about to fall off the car.

Jiang Zhe was surprised when he saw this. Li Tai was not wearing a helmet. If he leaned back and got out of the car, his head would hit the ground and he would probably die on the spot.

What's more, his men were following the car very closely. If Li Tai fell to the ground, he would be run over by the car behind him, even if he didn't fall to death.

Jiang Zhe didn't want to be sued for his life. In desperation, after confirming that the Maserati's driving trajectory would not hit anything, Jiang Zhe suddenly opened the car door and jumped out sideways.

Since Li Tai, who had just stood up and leaned back, had not turned on the accelerator, the speed of the motorcycle had slowed down a lot, and he was left behind by the Maserati.

Therefore, the car door just missed hitting Li Tai, and the spiritual power in Jiang Zhe's body surged rapidly.

For a moment, it seemed as if everything in the world slowed down in his eyes, as if in slow motion.

Jiang Zhe used force on his legs to offset the impact of the speed when he got out of the car, and forced himself to stabilize his body.

The joints and bones of his legs made a "crackling" sound, but there was no major damage.

If an ordinary person had done this, the tibia of the leg would probably have been unable to withstand the impact and would have shattered.

At the same time, the horses behind Li Tai discovered that their boss had an accident.

They screamed and braked, but it was too late. With the distance between them, Li Tai's head was about to be crushed by the wheel before the motorcycle stopped.

"What a shame, I never thought my life would end like this."

"I don't know if the old man will regret not paying more attention to me after I die."

"This is good. He has no chance to spend more time with me. Haha, the old man should be half angry to death, right?"

Countless thoughts flashed through Li Tai's mind in an instant, most of which were images of him hiding alone in a huge but empty room when he was a child, shivering in the dark but with no one hugging him.

"It turns out that a revolving door really does appear before death. It would be great if I could hug my dad and mom again."

Li Tai slowly closed his eyes, with two tears flowing from the corners of his eyes, preparing to welcome death.

The group of horses behind him also closed their eyes, not daring to see this terrible scene.

But in the flash of lightning, a figure rushed to Li Tai's side at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

He snatched Li Tai from the out-of-control car, and the motorcycle ran for a long distance before losing its balance and hitting a street light. It made a shattering sound and fell to the ground.

Under the huge impact, the front of the car was smashed to pieces.

When Li Tai and his horses opened their eyes, they discovered that the figure who rescued Li Tai was none other than Jiang Zhe.

Everyone froze on the spot, with their mouths open but unable to say anything, as if they couldn't believe what they saw.

When did this guy show up?

You must know that in the eyes of ordinary people, from the moment Li Tai lost control of his motorcycle to when he was about to fall, it was just a blink of an eye.

But this guy in front of him could jump out of the car and save their boss from the motorcycle in just a split second?

At such high speeds, it is incredible enough to jump out of a car without being injured, let alone save someone.

Not even a kung fu movie would dare to shoot like this!

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