Mysterious city

Chapter 349: Your life, my dream

Although since the first day Mr. Zhang entered Anshi University in his super-large-displacement, cool and domineering luxury sports car, there have been countless girls vying to make secret glances and embrace him.

But what level of person is Mr. Zhang?

Rich and powerful, he has been a popular figure in the school since he was in elementary school. All the girls in the school like him, and Mr. Zhang naturally enjoys the mating rights of all the girls in the school. Oh no, it is called the right to mate.

It is no exaggeration to say that even compared to the extremely popular lottery event at the moment, compared to the "popularity" of a certain lottery, Zhang Dashao is not far behind.

A certain lottery likes to choose a concubine, right?

But if you want to choose a concubine for a certain lottery, you have to find your own form to act as an intermediary introducer, and you have to go through several layers of relationships in order to do it.

But Young Master Zhang is different. He doesn't need to rack his brains to organize the process of "selecting a concubine". He just needs to sit there and wait for the little girls to line up and rush to throw themselves into his arms. .

And compared to a certain lottery, Young Master Zhang will not be despised by his male compatriots.

After all, one is an "idol" who relies on his face to make a living, while Mr. Zhang is a "powerful person" who relies on his ability to make a living!

Although the male classmates were also jealous of this guy with overflowing male hormones, strong personal fighting ability, and wealth and power, they had to be convinced.

In comparison, it is not a matter of opinion as to who is more awesome between Young Master Zhang and a certain sign.

Therefore, compared to his peers, Mr. Zhang "has seen countless women" while urinating, and has tasted more plums than many miserable boys.

What's it like to chase a girl?

Young Master Zhang didn't know it until he entered Anshi University.

After all, other girls have always been chasing him, but Young Master Zhang has never taken the initiative.

If we want to talk about who is the hunter and who is the prey between Young Master Zhang and Meimei, it is estimated that Meimei is the impatient hunter, while Young Master Zhang seems to be an innocent and pitiful prey.

So the "poor" Young Master Zhang has been surrounded by all kinds of women since he was a child, and he lacks female popularity?

It doesn't exist. How could such a ridiculous thing happen to Mr. Zhang?

Although in the eyes of many male compatriots, this is a YY story that only happens in cool articles and makes people feel extremely enviable.

After all, for as long as I can remember, I have been surrounded by a bunch of stars of the opposite sex like a moon. Who can this be called a hundred-day dream?

Just complaining like this, isn't it because you got an advantage and behaved well, so you are looking for trouble?

Unfortunately, for Mr. Zhang, this is really not a pleasant thing.

It was okay at first, after all, adolescent boys with the beginning of their love life have extremely strong needs.

But over time, Young Master Zhang found that he seemed to be less and less interested in girls.

Any male problems that arise in people all start from the physiological point. They are caused by the heart having what it needs but the body not being able to do it. In short, it means that the heart is more than enough but the strength is not enough.

Young Master Zhang was exactly the opposite. He seemed to have psychological problems before his kidneys failed.

This is a case of overstretching one’s strength but not enough ambition!

If you say this, many male compatriots may think that Mr. Zhang is in Versailles, but this is not the case. It would be too unfair to say that.

This is because Zhang Dashao has lost the ability to independently attack after being actively embraced by girls for a long time. At the same time, he has also lost the ability to interact with girls and the pleasure of conquering women.

To have the pleasure of conquering, you must first have the process of conquering.

On the other hand, Young Master Zhang can "sit back and enjoy the success" without doing anything. Where is the so-called process of conquest?

The pleasure of conquering the opposite sex is naturally nowhere to be found.

Many male compatriots from Anshi University think that Mr. Zhang eats and occupies too much and spends all day hugging and drinking. This is just an illusion caused by being blinded by superficial phenomena.

After all, from the first second when Young Master Zhang drove his luxurious sports car into the gate of Anshi University, the girls who took the initiative to approach him could not push him away. This made outsiders think that Young Master Zhang was "ten thousand". "Flowers pass by" is a common misunderstanding among flower-picking thieves.

Only a handful of Mr. Zhang’s die-hard fans know that their boss is really not interested in most girls!

Nothing is too much, and things that are extremely happy for most ordinary people, once they exceed the normal limit, become the most distressing thing for Mr. Zhang.

Not being interested in girls, Young Master Zhang can only hang out with boys all day long!

Of course, this does not mean that there is any problem with Mr. Zhang's sexual orientation. His orientation is completely normal and not distorted at all.

It's just that he has no interest in the opposite sex. As a result, Zhang Dashao, who is in puberty, has nowhere to vent his strong hormones, and endocrine disorders will naturally occur.

This made Mr. Zhang, who was already grumpy, even more perverse and violent. This also caused him to argue with others when something went wrong in his daily life, and he had reached the point where he would get into trouble with others over trivial matters. To the point of never ending.

This miserable situation was not relieved until Young Master Zhang was about to turn 20 and entered the threshold of his sophomore year.

Of course, it is difficult to solve this kind of psychological problem just by changing your own ideas, otherwise it would not have taken so long.

What's more, although Mr. Zhang has been growing taller and stronger over the years, in terms of physical development and maturity alone, he may be much stronger than many adults.

However, due to some psychological distortions and the excessive pampering of his family, this guy's mental age has remained at the stage of a child, with almost no change.

Therefore, Mr. Zhang's turnaround has nothing to do with whether his own thinking has become more mature, but because of the influence of external factors.

In his sophomore and twenties years, Young Master Zhang met the one he was destined to be - Xia Yu.

At first, to Young Master Zhang, Xia Yu had no sense of existence and was no different from other girls. Otherwise, as classmates and seeing each other every day, Young Master Zhang would not have noticed this until the second year. Girl.

Although Xia Yu has a slender figure, there is flesh where there should be flesh, and skinny where there should be flesh, and her appearance is of the type that is pure and sweet with a hint of aura that can arouse men's most primitive desires and a sense of conquest. Logically speaking, It is enough to be called outstanding among college students.

This is true. After all, Xia Yu still has many suitors in Anshi University. The reason why many people at the scene did not recognize her is just because this girl does not like to socialize.

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