Mysterious city

Chapter 42 New Job

It would be great if I could get in touch with Kenshin. Not only is that guy powerful, his thinking is extremely meticulous and there are no loopholes.

Even if Kenshin couldn't help Jiang Zhe kill the monster directly, he could definitely think of a way to deal with it.

It's a pity that Kenshin's cell phone is still turned off, and there is no master to provide advice. Jiang Zhe seems to be without a backbone and can't make up his mind.

Just when Jiang Zhe was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, his phone suddenly vibrated crazily.

"Who would call me this late?"

Jiang Zhe impatiently grabbed the phone and was about to hang up, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the caller's name.

It's Chen Hao.

He pressed the answer button, frowned and said, "Sister Chen, what's wrong so late?"

"Why is it so late?" Chen Hao's charming voice came from the other end of the phone, mixed with manic passion and deafening music. "The wonderful nightlife has just begun!"

"Would you like to come and relax with your sister? My sister will buy you a drink!"

Listening to the rhythmic music, Jiang Zhe could even imagine this woman twisting her waist in a coquettish way, drinking and having a carnival.

When everything goes wrong, this woman is actually dancing!

"No need, if it's just this kind of thing, I'll hang up the phone."

Jiang Zhe said listlessly that the series of things that happened tonight had already made him feel exhausted, and he still had the mood and energy to dance.

"Okay," Chen Hao's slightly disappointed voice came from the other end of the phone, "I thought you would have a new job starting tomorrow, so I was thinking of taking you to relax."

Jiang Zhe was about to press the hang up button, but after hearing Chen Hao's words, he couldn't help but froze in place.

"New job? What do you mean?"

A bad premonition arose spontaneously from the bottom of Jiang Zhe's heart.

"Don't you remember what my sister told you last time? People should try more jobs and have more life experience before they can be rich enough!"

Chen Hao's words made Jiang Zhe frown. At such a critical juncture in such troubled times, this woman actually wanted to adapt to a new environment?

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone seemed to be aware of Jiang Zhe's displeasure. She lit a slender women's cigarette, opened her red lips slightly, and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"From your tone, it sounds like you're not too happy about it."

"Young people, don't be so depressed all the time. If you change to a new environment, you can have a new good mood."

"And the task given to you this time is very important. You don't always want to spend the rest of your life in the greenhouse like a child under the protection of your master, do you?"

Chen Hao is indeed an old man. He can accurately understand Jiang Zhe's thoughts in just a few words, comforting and ridiculing him at the same time.

However, Jiang Zhe didn't fall for her provocation. Instead, he sighed and said, "Sister, just tell me what you want me to do. There's no need for so much foreshadowing."

Constantine is also a soldier in a sense, and obeying the instructions of his superiors is his first priority.

After all, they are the "army" fighting against monsters. "As you know, we have been short of manpower recently, and we are increasingly feeling mentally and physically exhausted that we cannot cope with it."

"The Ministry of Public Security has recently asked us to select some young and promising elites to join their team to handle some supernatural cases involving monsters and maintain public order."


You are exhausted both physically and mentally, but you stay up most of the night and go dancing and drinking!

However, Chen Hao's words really surprised Jiang Zhe. He asked in surprise on the phone: "You mean, the Public Security Department is going to interfere in our affairs?"

After saying this, Jiang Zhe immediately covered his mouth and did not dare to shout any more.

After all, there are two bodyguards patrolling the corridor on the third floor. It would be bad if they heard something.

Jiang Zhe understood that not only in the East Kingdom, but also in the world, wherever there was a department established by Constantine, the top management of the country must know about Constantine's existence.

This is even more true for the Dongguo Public Security Department, but this is a high-level secret that only a few top secretaries have the authority to know.

And they have always kept secrets for the Constantines, and occasionally even helped the Constantines wipe their butts and deal with unfavorable public opinion trends after they encountered difficulties in public opinion.

However, the Ministry of Public Security has never interfered in Constantine's affairs, but kindly allowed Constantine to retain a certain degree of independence.

After all, dealing with demonized cases is not something that ordinary people can solve. This is beneficial to maintaining social stability and peace.

Why did the Ministry of Public Security actually send a message this time asking them to send out personnel to go on a mission together? No matter how it sounds, it sounds like surveillance.

"Silly boy, this isn't interference," Chen Hao smiled and corrected Jiang Zhe, "It's cooperation."

"We are short of manpower, and they also need help from people with 'professional skills'. Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

Jiang Zhe was about to ask again suspiciously, but Chen Hao jumped in and said, "Okay, okay, I have already communicated this matter with your master, and Kenshin also said that he can give it a try."

"Maybe this method can help us solve the difficult problem of insufficient manpower."

Jiang Zhe couldn't refute now. To a certain extent, Chen Hao's words made sense.

The cost of cultivating a Constantine is high.

For example, it takes a long time to teach them and wait for them to grow, and sufficient funds are needed to make up for the additional expenses.

After all, in such a high-risk profession, if there is no generous salary and living in poverty based on ideals alone, it is enough to dissuade most people who have not reached the level of saints in ideological consciousness.

Cooperating with the Ministry of Public Security can not only make up for the lack of human resources to a large extent, but the Ministry of Public Security will definitely give them the green light in many aspects.

This can solve a lot of troubles.

"Okay, what do I do?"

Jiang Zhe took a deep breath and accepted his fate.

"I will send you a phone call later. You can meet at the Oak Cafe tomorrow as agreed, and leave the rest to me to negotiate and handle."

"Don't worry, sister, I have worked as a professional agent. I can definitely arrange your new job properly!"

"Okay, get some rest early. My sister is going to a disco and have fun. Today's male models are so handsome. They all have eight-pack abs!"

After seeing Jiang Zhe agree, Chen Hao couldn't wait to go cool.

Just when she was about to hang up the phone, Jiang Zhe hesitated and stammered: "Sister, haven't you received any new demonization cases recently?"

Chen Hao was startled when he heard this, and replied strangely: "There must be, there have been at least a dozen in the past two days."

"But we have already arranged the manpower to secretly execute those monsters. What's wrong? Did you encounter any trouble?"

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