Mysterious city

Chapter 44 Zhang Nan

Jiang Zhe knew that he and Lin Zihan were not actually in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, and logically speaking, there was no need for him to hide.

But for some reason, Jiang Zhe just didn't want Lin Zihan to know that another woman had proposed to date him.

Seeing Jiang Zhe's appearance, Lin Zihan suddenly felt angry and funny.

But despite this, she did not grab Jiang Zhe's phone again. Instead, she put on a look of disdain, turned her little face to the side, pouted and said: "Huh, who cares about you, I don't care." I rarely look at your phone."

This is a trick that Lin Zihan recently learned on the "Love Strategy" public account.

Most little girls who are just starting to fall in love love to subscribe to this type of public account. Even if Lin Zihan is the daughter of the richest man, he cannot escape this law.

There is an article in the public account that says that the more you face a man you care about, the less you can show that you care too much.

Because then the other party will not take you seriously, but if you act nonchalant, the other party will care more about your thoughts.

But how could Jiang Zhe, whose love IQ was almost zero, know what Lin Zihan was thinking about?

Seeing that the little girl did not continue to pester him, he was relieved and went about his own business.

Before going out, Jiang Zhe inspected the security measures of Ahu and others.

Sure enough, Ahu's work efficiency is still good. Compared with last night, both the range and intensity of the defense have increased a lot.

Even Jiang Zhe can't find anything wrong at the moment.

After confirming that everything was arranged properly, Jiang Zhe went to meet with the police officers sent by the Public Security Department as planned.

Jiang Zhe didn't know any other information except that the other party's nickname was Officer Zhang.

He could only hope that the other party was someone easy to talk to. After all, Jiang Zhe had never dealt with anyone from the Public Security Department.

In Jiang Zhe's imagination, most of the sheriffs were middle-aged men with unsmiling and serious faces. They had an aura of calmness and self-power and were difficult to deal with.

Jiang Zhe felt extremely headache when he thought that his partner might be a bald middle-aged uncle.

But despite this, he still bravely dialed the number Chen Hao left for him.

"Hello, are you Officer Zhang? I am the special advisor responsible for contacting you."

"Sister Chen said she arranged for us to meet at the Oak Cafe today. What time do you think the specific time will be?"

Jiang Zhe considered his tone and asked.

Chen Hao arranged for him to be a special adviser on "Special Aspects". This position is not low in the Ministry of Public Security.

The so-called "Chongteling" is a department responsible for major, special and supernatural events.

This is a new department that was just established after the top brass of the City Public Security Department reached a secret agreement with Constantine.

This department is little known even within the Sheriff's Department, and like Constantine maintains a high degree of secrecy.

After all, they are not dealing with ordinary cases and cannot exist openly to the general public.

Since it is a new department, the department's peace officers are transferred from other departments.

The "Police Officer Zhang" whom Jiang Zhe contacted had a very high position, at the level of deputy captain.

"Oh, you are Jiang Zhe, right?"

"From the sound of your voice, we are considered equals and will be colleagues from now on. There is no need to use honorifics."

A clear female voice came from the other end of the phone, which made people feel very fresh.

This made Jiang Zhe a little surprised. He didn't expect that the "Officer Zhang" he contacted was actually a woman, and she sounded like a beauty.

And there was another thing that made Jiang Zhe feel a little surprised. The other person's voice was probably that of a girl about his own age.

It's not easy to reach the level of vice-captain at such a young age. This girl is certainly extraordinary.

"Are you free now? We just received the first case yesterday. If possible, it would be best to meet and complete the handover now. After all, time waits for no one. We must investigate it as soon as possible."

As soon as you hear the speed and content of the other party's words, you can tell that Officer Zhang is a resolute person.

And for some reason, her voice made Jiang Zhe feel familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"Oh okay, then I'll rush there now."

The two made an appointment to meet at Oak Tree Cafe No. 18 an hour later.

Except for last night to prevent himself from falling asleep, Jiang Zhe rarely drinks coffee on weekdays, so he has never been to the Oak Cafe.

Since they were meeting within an hour, Jiang Zhe obviously didn't have time to choose a means of transportation. This plan was undoubtedly ruined again.

Plans can’t keep up with changes!

In desperation, he had to take a taxi again, but when he thought of the nightmare monster, Jiang Zhe couldn't help but have a shadow of the taxi.

So he chose the bus instead, which happened to be in line with the current theme of "energy saving and emission reduction" and also saved fares.

However, the speed of the bus was obviously not as fast as that of the taxi, and checking the route wasted a large part of Jiang Zhe's time.

So when he got off the bus, there was not much time left before the appointment.

Jiang Zhe had no choice but to follow the navigation directions and rush to the Oak Cafe. He didn't want to be late for the first meeting and handover, which would definitely leave a bad impression on the other party.

When Jiang Zhe rushed into the Oak Cafe in a hurry and looked around for Channel 18, a young girl waved to him and whispered: "Here."

Jiang Zhe looked for fame and found that the other person looked to be almost the same age as himself.

It was a girl wearing a peaked cap and simple sportswear.

Different from the youthful Lin Zihan and the mature and charming Lu Yunru, this girl just sitting there makes people feel that she has a heroic spirit that "women are not inferior to men".

She sits tall and straight, and even the loose sportswear can't hide her proud and graceful figure. Her skin is a healthy wheat color, and she looks like she is exercising frequently.

"Are you Officer Zhang? I'm Jiang Zhe. How did you recognize me?"

Jiang Zhe asked curiously. Although it was morning, there were many customers coming and going in the coffee shop, and most of them were young people.

How did the other party recognize at a glance that he was the person he was looking for, whom he had never met before?

"The Sheriff's intuition, otherwise how would you catch the bad guys."

The girl smiled, then waved her hand and added: "Of course, I don't mean that you look like a bad person."

"My name is Zhang Nan. We are all colleagues from now on, so there is no need to call me Officer Zhang. It's too foreign."

After saying that, Zhang Nan generously stretched out his hand to shake Jiang Zhe's hand, without any hint of the coyness of some girls.

"Oh well."

Feeling the warmth from the other person's soft palm, Jiang Zhe, a grown man, felt a little embarrassed.

When shaking hands, Jiang Zhe couldn't help but look at the other person's appearance, and then said in surprise: "Uh, is it you?"

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