Mysterious city

Chapter 90 Corrupt elements!

However, after this fight, Jiang Zhe had a clearer understanding of Chen Nuo's strength.

Able to move quickly through the trees like a ghost, and able to dodge Jiang Zhe's stabbing attack so easily at the critical moment.

This all shows that Chen Nuo's strength may be slightly superior to Jiang Zhe's.

This is the first blow Jiang Zhe has experienced in just a few days.

It goes without saying that Chen Hao is stronger than him. After all, she is older than Jiang Zhe, and Jiang Zhe still has a chance to catch up.

Although it is almost impossible to fill the gap in strength between the two in just a few years.

But he didn't expect that even this little guy who looked half-grown might be much stronger than himself, which made Jiang Zhe even more motivated to train hard.

But it would be too tragic if Nightmare could really extract his spiritual power and physical strength in fear.

If he meets that guy a few more times, Jiang Zhe's strength will not only stagnate, but may even continue to decline.

But the only thing that made him feel at ease was that, on the one hand, the little girl Chen Nuo was very strong and reassuring, and on the other hand, she was loyal to her duties.

Although he only wanted to go out and have fun, and he kept complaining, he still stuck to his post.

This somewhat made Jiang Zhe feel more reassured about Lin Zihan's safety. With Chen Nuo here, ordinary monsters could not threaten Lin Zihan's safety.

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Nuo folded his arms and said slowly and arrogantly: "Hey, Jiang Zhe, the bodyguards you found are not very strong."

"If I want to invade the villa and take your Miss Lin hostage, that group of wine and rice bags will not be able to stop me at all. They are just a group of superficial decorations."

Chen Nuo's words made Jiang Zhe's brows jump slightly. After all, no matter what, the bodyguard group headed by Ahu was trained by him himself.

To say that they are idlers would be too disrespectful to oneself.

But Jiang Zhe couldn't refute Chen Nuo's point of view because she was telling the truth.

Although Ahu and others were numerous, in front of Constantine and the monsters, simply accumulating numbers was in vain.

Even though Ah Hu and others were all equipped with sophisticated weapons, they were unable to resist Jiang Zhe, let alone the more powerful Chen Nuo.

However, Jiang Zhe himself did not expect Ahu and others to be able to resist the invasion of powerful monsters. Their duty was only to ensure that ordinary Xiaoxiao would not threaten Lin Zihan.

And if there is a monster invasion, they can make timely predictions and delay the time. When Chen Nuo or Jiang Zhe arrives, the mission will be considered complete.

Perhaps seeing the embarrassment on Jiang Zhe's face, Chen Nuo raised his face, and then added: "But as long as I'm here, nothing can hurt you, Miss Lin, okay."

When Jiang Zhe heard this, he immediately felt a warm current surge in his heart. Although this little girl was not familiar with him and liked to mess around, she was quite loyal.

But before Jiang Zhe could be moved, the little girl Chen Nuo showed her true colors and said with a smile: "Of course, you have to bribe me well."

"How about treating me to ice cream and Pizza Hut once a month? It's not too much, right?"

Chen Nuo's words suddenly caused some black lines to appear on Jiang Zhe's face, but this request was not difficult for him.

Apart from anything else, no matter how poor he was, Jiang Zhe would still be able to treat this little girl to a Pizza Hut meal.

Besides, as long as she can protect Lin Zihan well, this price is nothing.

As soon as Jiang Zhe nodded and agreed, Chen Nuo's little guy jumped a few times happily and said happily: "Great, in this case, I can eat Pizza Hut almost three times a week!"

Jiang Zhe was shocked when he heard this sentence. Three times a week?

Apparently, he was not the only one being blackmailed by this little girl!

Taking advantage of his power to eat, drink and have fun, this little guy is really good at corruption.

However, both Pizza Hut and ice cream are high-calorie foods. This little guy can maintain such a petite and cute body despite eating these foods so frequently, which makes many girls envious and jealous.

"Let's go, I want you to fulfill your promise now and get going!"

Chen Nuo said impatiently. Jiang Zhe was so frightened by the little girl's aggressiveness that he took a few steps back and said, "Not tonight, I have something to do."

You know, he came here to coax Lin Zihan into good health, but he didn't have time to mess around with Chen Nuo!

However, Jiang Zhe was not allowed to refuse. Chen Nuo had already grabbed Jiang Zhe's arm with a flash of lightning. While pulling him, he threatened in a coquettish voice: "No, brother, if you reject me, I can't guarantee that I will succeed." Neglect of duty.”

"What if one day I go out to play on a whim and fail to patrol properly, your Miss Lin's safety will be in danger."

After listening to Chen Nuo's words, Jiang Zhe was angry and funny, but he couldn't do anything to her. He could only curse angrily: "You damn little bastard!"

Despite Chen Nuo's petite body, she was really very strong. Jiang Zhe, who was more than a head taller than her, staggered and almost fell to the ground due to unsteady steps.

And Jiang Zhe was almost deceived by this little girl's innocent and cute appearance. It seems that she is not some silly and sweet master, but a corrupt person who is extremely shrewd at heart!

Fortunately, at this moment, the cell phone in Chen Nuo's pocket suddenly rang, which saved Jiang Zhe.

Due to the need to frequently change jobs and maintain a high degree of secrecy, the Constantines' social networks were small.

Therefore, it is usually impossible to call at such a late hour or have a dinner party or anything like that. Most of them are due to sudden urgent assignments.

No matter how out of character Chen Nuo is, she doesn't dare to neglect such an important matter.

At that moment, Chen Nuo had no choice but to let go of Jiang Zhe's little arm, reluctantly took out the phone and pressed the answer button, and said "hello" angrily.

An extremely charming female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Xiao Nuo, something unexpected happened."

"Witnesses reported in area B of Huanbin South Road that a tiger-level monster is suspected to have appeared. You need to go and have a look as soon as possible."

"If the intelligence is correct, we must deal with the monsters before the information spreads to avoid causing panic or casualties to the citizens."

Even if he couldn't hear clearly, Jiang Zhe could still recognize that the owner of the voice was Chen Hao, because her charming voice was so recognisable.

Before the increase in demonization incidents, in addition to the execution department and the memory correction department, Constantine also had an extremely important department, which was the investigation department.

As the name suggests, the Investigation Department is a department responsible for investigating traces of monsters.

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