Chapter 380 The eighteenth floor of The Underworld’s experience? ! The terrifying strength of booqing!

Obviously, Zhuo Qing did not give the Ten Great Demon Saints and his men a chance to hesitate, and took a direct step, so as to walk directly into the eighteenth floor of The Underworld.

“Ah, you…” The Houtu Empress on the side was stunned when she saw this scene. She couldn’t imagine that Zhu Qing had such courage.

You know, the eighteenth floor of The Underworld suppressed countless of the top masters of the mythical world. These masters endured the torment of the eighteenth floor of The Underworld day and night, and each of them was extremely powerful. If it weren’t for Six Paths of Reincarnation is here, I’m afraid that these top-level masters have already fled out and messed up the Six Realms.

Of course, I don’t know how much effort and effort it took to capture and seal these top-level masters.

Seeing that the dark flames of the eighteenth floor of The Underworld will be buried in the green, Houtu Niangniang’s stunned expression eased a little, and her heart said, this is your own death, and it has nothing to do with him.

Even if it was Sanqing Sage, he couldn’t guarantee that he would survive the horrific suppression of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor, let alone Zhuqing himself.

After the entry of Qing Qing, the Ten Great Demon Sages and his subordinates were taken aback for a moment, and they also followed in and stepped into the eighteenth floor of The Underworld.

Although Zhu Qing went to the underworld and The Underworld several times, in fact, this was the first time he stepped into the eighteenth floor of The Underworld.

Sure enough, as he walked into the eighteenth floor of The Underworld, a scorching breath rushed towards his face, scorching hot, as if he had come into a steamer all at once.

In this steamer, I can clearly see countless evil spirits and evil spirits who are tied to the chain constantly screaming and screaming, and when he approaches, the strong vitality is like The huge amount of nourishment made the evil ghosts and souls who screamed in pain and cast their eyes together, and they all showed a greedy appearance, as if they wanted to shred the boiled green into meat. The sauce is generally eaten in the stomach.

When the Ten Great Demon Saints and their subordinates walked in, the greedy colors of those evil spirits and unjust souls became even more intense, and each one of them began to show their teeth and claws.

Suddenly, another miserable scream came. I saw an unjust soul who had just flown into The Underworld on the eighteenth floor. He was severely opened by several little ghosts, and one of them was holding iron clamps. The long tongue of the wronged soul was then pulled out abruptly, not at once, but slowly elongated and pulled slowly…

The scene seemed to give people a visual impact, indescribably shocking.

“This is the first floor of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor. Pull your tongue out of The Underworld, right?” Zhu Qing saw it, and the corner of his mouth grinned lightly.

In Dharma, the eighteenth floor of The Underworld and the Western Elysium correspond to each other, and in the eighteenth floor of The Underworld, each The Underworld is 20 times more suffering than the previous The Underworld, and twice as much suffering.

In the first few 18th floors of The Underworld, the sentence was only 10,000 years, but later, the 17th and 18th floors of The Underworld had a full sentence of 1.3 billion years…13 epochs.

It is conceivable that what characters and monsters are all closed in the eighteenth floor of The Underworld?

When I was feeling emotional in Zhu Qing’s heart, suddenly an evil spirit wanted to pounce on Zhu Qing, the corner of Zhu Qing’s mouth was slightly hooked, and his eyes moved slightly, the evil spirit seemed to have felt some huge pressure, and it was directly crawling on it. The ground didn’t dare to move.

Even the little ghosts who punished the newly-arrived souls in the distance did not dare to move at this moment, and their surprised eyes fell on Zhuo Qing’s body.

After a while, the little ghosts respectfully knelt in front of Zhu Qing’s body, flattering with all their faces, and the evil ghosts were even more terrified.

Zhuoqing did not stay on the first floor of The Underworld. These little ghosts could not give him and his subordinates all-round strength Ascension. Soon, Zhuoqing came to the sixth The Underworld, the copper pillar The Underworld.

In this The Underworld, there are already some relatively powerful evil spirits and evil spirits, and these evil spirits and evil spirits have been tortured, and their combat effectiveness is even stronger. Aside from the few weaker shrimp soldiers and crabs left behind by Zhu Qingming, Just take the large force to continue forward.

As for the weaker shrimp soldiers and crabs, how to deal with the evil spirits and grievances is beyond the control.

What he wants is to develop his greatest strength between life and death.

In the next few The Underworld, all the young men left behind to try to survive in The Underworld.

Unconsciously, Zhuo Qing brought the Ten Demon Saints and others to the last few floors of the eighteenth floor The Underworld.

I have to say that even if Prime Minister Turtle and Patriarch Kunpeng have seen big scenes like this, experienced wind and rain, and saw the tragic sights of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor, they were so scared that they couldn’t speak, and they only felt their complexions. Pale.

Seeing the look of everyone, the corner of his mouth slightly tickled.

The most powerful part of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor is not how many masters have been suppressed, but the scenes of torture, which makes people frightened for fear of being beaten into the Underworld on the eighteenth floor.

This alone is unbearable even for Sage.

When he was thinking about it, Prime Minister Turtle took the initiative to come over, hoping that he could stay in The Underworld as an experience.

Soon, Zhuoqing assigned several other people to accompany Prime Minister Turtle, and after that, he walked to the next eighteenth floor, The Underworld.

By the end of the day, Zhuo Qing had no other men by his side, and he himself came to the last level of The Underworld, the prison of the nose.

At this moment in Abi Prison, the strong Ghost Qi soared into the sky. There are countless huge evil spirits with huge stature and a body of more than a thousand feet. They are firmly bound by golden chains. The copper pillars could not move, and it was obvious that they were already covered in flesh and flesh, and even the bones inside were exposed, looking extremely painful.

“Is this the last The Underworld?” Zhu Qing’s eyes flickered slightly. If he remembers correctly, the people of The Underworld have to endure the pain of skin and flesh, broken skin and bones all the time, and endure 13 epochs. time……

And just as I was thinking about it, suddenly a strong and extremely strong Monster Qi surged into the sky, and it went straight to the youth, and the speed was so fast: “I am the Western ghost emperor, who are you?!”

While talking, the western ghost emperor raised his hand and a golden light appeared, and went straight to the forehead of Zhuoqing. The powerful murderous aura instantly enveloped the body of Zhuoqing, and between raising his head and making his footing, bursts of bursts were exuded. The sound of crying ghosts makes the scalp numb.

It’s a pity that although this Western ghost emperor has already stepped into the realm of Sage, his strength is extraordinary, but in the face of Zhuoqing, it is only a little insignificant.

[Author’s digression]: I’m sorry, I can only miss one chapter today, and I will make up tomorrow.

Recently I was ill and went to the hospital to get a drip… I couldn’t hold my body anymore.

Feel sorry. . .

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