Nabe Shadow

Chapter 143 The Bandit Bucky

Bucky also has the title of wise general in the bandit business, but unlike Lu Jiu, his title is limited to a small area of ​​ten miles and eight villages, and people will not recognize him when he goes out.

His cottage was wiped out by the Konoha ninja as a joke, and then he was escorted to the execution office, asked briefly, and then began a never-ending life of hard labor.

At first, he was a little bit hopeful. After all, the Konoha female ninja seemed to have the intention of recruiting him, so he made up his mind that he must be mighty and unyielding at that time. When no one came to rescue him, he guessed that the other party just said it casually, and had already forgotten by this time.

It is better to ask for others than to ask for oneself, and the endless hard labor will exhaust him to death sooner or later, so he is ready to save himself and run away!

He found his confidant Dongfeng to discuss, and then found a few fellow villagers, planning to create chaos in the prison and escape.

He hadn't run away yet, but Dongfeng betrayed him and sold him.

Bucky was severely beaten by the jailer. Just as the jailer was about to cut him up and feed him to the dogs, he heard that a big shot was coming, and the jailer immediately stopped what he was doing.

It's not that the big man is soft-hearted, but that the big man likes to watch people fight to the death. A wild dog like Bucky just keeps him breathing, and then makes the big man look happy.

Outside the prison, the big figures of the Fire Nation, Da Feng Xing Tan He, who is under one person and over ten thousand people, came to this prison secretly in a bullock cart.

Tan He is fifty years old this year, wearing glasses, looks refined.

As the chief executive in charge of the financial power of the Land of Fire, he is the absolute confidant of the daimyo, and is often the daimyo's agent.

Relying on his own hard work and smart mind, he has come to where he is today, but he is not satisfied with this, because there is still a force in this country, a group of people who seem to him to be vulgar, disrespectful, and disregarding the dignity of the upper and lower And there is a guy with powerful force.

That's the ninja, it's Konoha Village!

Tanhe's parents died in a ninja scuffle, and they died worthless. He can't remember the appearance of his parents now. He only knows that he left for a long time afterwards, was taken in by the daimyo at that time, became a small surname, and served tea He has done things like water, reading and sleeping with him.

At that time, he didn't know much about ninjas. When he became an adult, Tan Hezhan showed his extraordinary ability in government affairs, and the fire country daimyo retreated behind the scenes, and handed over all government affairs to Tan He.

In the three wars in the ninja world, the ninjas suffered heavy casualties, and their battles also caused great damage to the country of fire. The ninjas left after the battle, and the mess of civilians, repairing the market, rebuilding houses, etc. needed to be negotiated and cleaned up. , why? !

New and old grudges, Tanhe has always disliked Muye Village.

Secretly mine gold mountains, buy ninjas from Xiaonin Village, even buy ninjutsu scrolls, and use ninja methods to train samurai loyal to the daimyo.

He did a lot of things secretly.

Tanhe knew that daimyo was using him by hiding behind the scenes, and when the matter came to light, daimyo would definitely throw him out for peace, and he didn't mind.

Tanhe was accompanied by seven ninjas. Strictly speaking, they were the subordinates of the radical guardian ninja back then.

Hema is a radical. He thinks that Naruto is an unnecessary existence. Tools such as ninja should be managed by daimyo. If daimyo let them live, they will live. If daimyo let them die, they will die. Tools, it should be like this .

There was a battle between the radical faction of Hema and the moderate faction headed by Asma, and the moderate faction won. In order to appease Konoha Village and Hokage, the daimyo exiled Kazuma and his ninjas. Now things are slowly calming down. The ninja also quietly returned to the Land of Fire.

Standing next to Tanhe is a female ninja named Bufeng. This woman was originally a special jounin from Sand Hidden Village. She was secretly recruited by the Fire Country with money. , and now it's back.

There are six ninjas standing behind Bufeng. These are all from Xiaonin Village, and they are incomparable with her from Sand Hidden Village.

Tanhe came here today for entertainment and stress relief. After drawing the curtain, he sat behind the scenes and clapped his hands lightly, indicating that today's performance can start.

The jailers pushed the felons forward one by one, gave the weak ones a weapon, and let the strong ones fight with their bare hands, two by two, the victors could enter the next round, and the final victors could be free.

Tanhe jokingly called his game the adult version of the Chunin Exam!

A bloody fight broke out in the prison. There are not many rules. If you live, you win, and if you die, you lose.

The death fight in the prison left Ino, who came quietly and prepared to forge a death record, at a loss. Is this a competition? Why is it so lively?


She did a quick reconnaissance.

It seems that there is a big figure behind the curtain, protected by seven ninjas in a ring, and thirty guard warriors around it.

Those who know ninjutsu are ninjas, those who don’t know ninjutsu but can use chakra, and those who use katana and ancient swordsmanship are samurai. The dividing line between the two is fairly clear.

Perception ability is not white eyes, even if it is white eyes, if the opponent doesn't take the initiative to attack, it is difficult to see the strength or weakness.

Ino only knew that the seven ninjas were much stronger than the thirty guarding warriors, and he couldn't perceive the rest of the information.

What kind of big man is this? So many ninjas? Wouldn't it be the name of the Land of Fire?

A jailer was caught, but he didn't read any important information with his mind reading ability.

Seeing the scarred bandit Bucky fighting a strong prisoner to the death with a long gun, Ino muttered inwardly.

The conscience of heaven and earth, her original intention was to fish out Bucky and form a construction company. Without Bucky's architectural knowledge and relying on Xianglin alone, this cooperation would be too dishonest.

Can this person be saved now? Once saving people, will this so-called big shot be involved? In a daze, she really wanted to kill a country's ambassador just because of the five-pound case.

Two villains appeared in her mind, one told her to run quickly, the farther the better, the other urged her to go up and make trouble, the bigger the matter, the better, big man? What you do is a big shot!

The two villains fought randomly, and finally the rational villain won, causing trouble! What are you afraid of? Now it's not in the village, besides, organizing this kind of death fight in the prison, can that be a good person? The big deal is to destroy corpses and wipe out traces.

"Bang" the smoke disappeared, and Ino turned into an old man with a bandage on his head and a cane in his hand.

I don't know how big the big guy on the opposite side is, and it involves major national affairs. At this moment, Guo Wang must appear to calm the scene. She has turned into Danzo!

Ino knotted the "Ren" seal, and nine shadow clones appeared.

The shape of the nine people changed, and they soon turned into nine root ninjas wearing masks.

Ino waved at the shadow clone: ​​"It's not right to come with me, come with the old man!"

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