Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 251 The overwhelming power of Uchiha Jin

Chapter 256 The overwhelming power of Uchiha Jin

"That alone is not enough."

Jin looked at Uchiha Fugaku, who was wrapped in half a skeleton.

The power displayed has not yet reached a level that he is satisfied with.

"If that's all."

Jin's body was filled with black, and his body seemed to have turned into black and white.

"Have you ever seen despair?"

"Uchiha Fugaku."

Darkness was like a river bursting its banks, constantly emerging from Jin's body.

Gradually it gathered at his feet, slowly lifting him up from the ground.

"The devil escapes! The devil comes!"

A huge giant appeared on the earth.

The nearly 100-meter-long black giant body wearing simple armor looked down at the bright yellow skeleton, which was only more than ten meters tall.

Jin stood on the giant demon's head, looking down at Uchiha Fugaku with his arms crossed.

The art of the Dark Walker, the art of the Wooden Man, Susanoo.

The most powerful giant of all three.

It is also all the power of Jin. With this power, he can even face Madara Uchiha.

Jin also felt that he might not lose.

"What are you trying to do with me?"

"Uchiha Fugaku."

Jin stood on top of the giant's head, looking down at Uchiha Fugaku, who was wrapped in bright yellow skulls on the ground.

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the behemoth in front of him.

There is really a lingering despair in my heart.

“It’s not over yet!!”

Uchiha Fugaku roared in a low voice, his Mangekyou Sharingan rotated rapidly, and blood flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Armor appeared on the bright yellow Susanoo's body, and legs began to grow from his lower body. Uchiha Fugaku stood inside Susanoo's body, and Susanoo slowly stood up.

But the height only reached the waist of the demon.

The difference is still huge.

"Even if this is the case, I will not lose!!"

Bright yellow swords appeared on the giant Susanoo's hands and charged towards the huge black giant.

at the same time.

The top floor of the Hokage Building.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the two fighting behemoths with an ugly expression.

"That's the Mangekyo Sharingan!"

Uchiha's most feared power appeared unexpectedly.

Even Danzo didn't look good. This ultimate power was too frightening and greedy.

"I didn't expect Fugaku to turn on the kaleidoscope."

Sarutobi Hiruzen pulled down the Hokage hat to cover his face, preventing his ugly face from being exposed.

Their teammate Uchiha Kagami once also activated the Mangekyō Sharingan, but was besieged and sacrificed during a mission.

Sarutobi Hiruzen believed in the mirror very much. Even if the opponent had a kaleidoscope, it would not cause harm to them. Only Danzo has always been unable to deal with the mirror.

If it hadn't been for Kagami's sacrifice, the Second Ninja War would have started long ago.

But he didn't trust the rest of the Uchiha clan, even the manipulative Uchiha Fugaku.

"So what's the Uchiha gold one?"

Shimura Danzo looked at the black giant that looked like a devil. That form was not a kaleidoscope.

Senju Tobirama is the one who has studied Sharingan the most deeply. As Tobirama's disciples, they can naturally recognize it.

It was by no means some kaleidoscope.

"It's just like the Bokujin technique!" Mito Kadoyan also looked ugly.

The powerful ninjutsu possessed by the first Hokage was only not as large as the Bokujin no Jutsu.

"The Uchiha are rising."

Zhuanqin Xiaochun made a sound like talking in sleep.

A kaleidoscope plus a new blood inheritance limit comparable to the Wood Release.

How could they possibly control Uchiha who had such great power.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed deeply.

Originally he wanted to prevent Jin from becoming the clan leader, but now he had to guard against Jin from snatching his position as Hokage.

The Uchiha radicals have always been known for wanting to use force to seize the position of Hokage.

It just sucks.

Just when a few people were helpless.

On a high tree in the Konoha Forest, White Fang was lying on a branch, holding a novel in his hand, watching the battle taking place in the distance.

A battle in which the black giant crushes the bright yellow giant.

"You are getting stronger."


White Fang just glanced at it and continued to read the novel in his hand.

"There is still such a posture!?"

"What? That's all you have!?"

Jin controlled the demon and punched the bright yellow Susanoo, knocking it to the ground.

The opponent is not even a complete body, and does not even have the ability to fly.

Susanoo was hit on the ground, making a hole in the ground.

Fugaku still didn't give up. He stepped on the ground and rushed up again as the ground shattered.

Jin just waved his fist, making it impossible for Fugaku to charge forward.

Fugaku controlled Susanoo to flip over and land on the ground.

Susanoo's light dimmed a lot.

"Absorb chakra."

Every time he collided with the dark giant, he could feel the loss of a large amount of chakra.

"It's not on the same level at all."

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the giant in front of him with some despair.

Why is it that the other party is so powerful even though he has no kaleidoscope.

"Susanoh! Fiery flames!"

Uchiha Fugaku's double swords suddenly burst into flames and turned into flaming swords a hundred meters long.

"Did you make a last-ditch effort to resist?"

Jin looked at the opponent's two flaming swords spanning a hundred meters indifferently.

The opponent's strength is far inferior to that of Onoki's little old man.

"The devil escapes! The devil is furious!"

The Demon's hands began to wrap around the black light.

Fugaku crushed the ground again and rushed towards Jin, waving his swords across each other.

The demon raised his hands and attacked the two flame swords heavily.

Darkness and fire separate the world in two.

A strong and hot wind swept outward.

The strong wind blew through the forest not far away, and the trees in the entire forest rose from the ground, and the high temperature burned the entire forest.

"Break it for me!!!"

Uchiha Fugaku's face turned red, and the blood in the corners of his eyes continued to flow like tears.

As he tried his best.

There was a loud noise of "Boom!"

The two flame swords were finally completely shattered under the bombardment of the opponent's fists, turning into countless sparks that swept in all directions.

But the strength of the Dark Devil's fists had not yet completely ended, and they hit Susanoo's outer layer heavily.


With the cracking sound of "ka-ka".



A frightened Uchiha Fugaku was revealed.

The fist hit him hard, like a beaten tennis ball falling to the ground.


Uchiha Fugaku fell deeply into the pit.

"Hahahaha." Jin covered his face with one hand and laughed wildly.

"That's it!? That's it!?"

"Uchiha Fugaku, this is the power you are proud of."

"Too weak."

The Uchiha clan members of Nanwa Shrine did not leave.

They are waiting for the outcome of the battle.


They saw a figure in the sky approaching here.

As Jin's figure fell, he threw Uchiha Fugaku in his hand to the ground.

As motionless as a dead dog.

Jin looked around at all the Uchihas.

"Now I want to be the clan leader."

"Who is in favor! Who is against!"

This is the true way for the Uchiha clan to be elected as clan leader.

The weak eat the strong.

The outcome has been decided.

Everything is settled.

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