Naruto: My clone can evolve

Chapter 106 Izanami

Danzo was able to remain calm.

Everyone, stand down and leave this place to me!

He knew that once there were no hostages, these men would be useless.

Only you can stop this Xuan Yue.

here you are?

Xuan Yue instantly burst out with Susanoo and appeared in front of Danzo.

Susanoo's giant hand crushed Danzo's body and turned it into a pool of blood!

But the next second, Danzo's body came to life on the side.

Danzo was seen exposing his bandaged arm.

The Sharingan eyes in my hand were opened one by one at this moment!


The most powerful genjutsu of the Uchiha clan has the ability to turn the tide of battle.

Able to transform the fact of his body's death into a dream and then offset it.

It's a nearly invincible technique.

Danzo's ten Sharingan can all activate Izanagi, each time for 60 seconds, and can last for a total of 600 seconds.

Exactly five minutes.

Xuanyue only had five minutes of activity left, because Orochimaru's antidote could only allow him to move for five minutes.

Try to kill me, Qiankage Xuanyue. Danzo sneered, No matter how strong you are, you can't resist the neurotoxin!

Xuan Yue said nothing.

The ultimate immortal human body is activated!

Immortal method. Big Jade Rasengan.

The huge Senjutsu Rasengan directly crushed Danzo's body into a ball of dust.

However, he was still resurrected by Izanagi.

No matter what celestial arts Xuan Yue used, Danzo used Izanagi to evade them one by one.

On the surface, Danzo didn't even have the strength to fight back.

However, the toxins in Xuan Yue's body are also spreading.

Until, Danzo only had one Sharingan left to use.

And Xuan Yue's poison was about to spread throughout his body.

It won't be long before you're done, and your poison will be released!

Danzo was sweating profusely.

The continuous deaths brought his spirit to the brink of collapse.

At this time, Xuan Yue smiled leisurely.

Do you think I really can't do anything to you?

I just want you to die a few more times and let you taste the pain of death.

In just a few hundred seconds.

Xuan Yue killed Danzo exactly a hundred times.

Using various cruel methods, Danzo's body suffered a lot of pain.

Next, it's time to end your life.

You should reflect on your sinful life in this illusion.

Xuan Yue's Sharingan began to change suddenly.

This is an ability that he has hidden since he obtained the Sharingan.

But the price is that after one use, you will become blind.

A flash of white light flashed.

Xuan Yue has arrived behind Danzo.

Want to kill me? No matter what you do, I can't die!

Xuan Yue gently put a hand on Danzo's shoulder.

He said slowly:

This is the only technique that can restrain Izanagi.

I'll teach you.

It's called Izanami!

Danzo's eyes instantly glazed over.

He seemed to be back five minutes ago.

He faced Xuan Yue and was killed again and again.

Within five minutes, he was slaughtered by various cruel methods, and then resurrected by Izanagi again and again.

Then, Xuan Yue applied Izanami.

Repeat these five minutes again.


Live in the agony of being killed for eternity.

Izanami. It's actually Izanami?

Did you kill me so many times just to keep me trapped in the cycle of being killed forever?

Xuan Yue's voice came from an unknown place.

Yes, Danzo.

I have thought about it for a long time. Killing you directly would be too easy for you.

But if I die endlessly for tens of millions of years, it can relieve my anger a little.

You can live in these five minutes forever! Have a good time.

Xuan Yue's left eye lost its light.

However, he successfully trapped Danzo in those five minutes.

Five minutes, a hundred brutal deaths.

Danzo stood there blankly, his eyes dull.

His Izanagi just became a tool to increase his pain.

In turn, Xuan Yue took advantage of him, causing him to suffer a hundred times the pain of death in five minutes.

And there will be no end.

Well, as long as this happens, Danzo won't wake up.

However, Xuan Yue's current state is not optimistic.

He was blind in one eye, and toxins began to corrode his body.

At this moment, the remnants of Danzo's men gradually surrounded him.

Xuan Yue reluctantly sneered: You are very talented. This is indeed your only chance to kill me.

Come on! Look how many lives you have given away!

Enraged, Xuan Yue once again burst out with a round of magical energy, and countless thunderbolts fell from the sky.

All Danzo's men who were close to him were reduced to rubble.

Humph, you are just at the end of your strength. Shanfeng sneered, Brothers, kill him! The poison has already taken effect!

Just when everyone surrounded him.

A plume of white steam fell from the sky.

The power of steam pushed back the ninjas who wanted to get closer by dozens of meters!

A masked ninja wearing a bamboo hat appeared in front of Xuan Yue.

Is this the Steam Ninja Han? Shanfeng's eyes widened, How is that possible? Didn't the Tsuchikage say he wouldn't help?

The Steam Ninja Han said calmly: I am indeed from Iwagakure Village, but I am no longer a ninja from Iwagakure Village.

I'm here to help. It has nothing to do with Iwagakure.

The next second, Kurotsuchi also rushed to Xuan Yue and helped him up.

Heitu. Why are you here? Xuan Yue asked blankly.

How could I watch you die in vain? I asked Han to do this! Kurotsuchi grabbed Xuan Yue, as if he was afraid of losing him again.

Shanfeng was furious and whistled.

Ox-headed King, come out!

A lion-like psychic beast appeared on the battlefield.

The giant psychic beast that can absorb chakra is the root organization's last resort.

Don't be afraid even if King Mu of the Five Tails is here! There are only three of them!

Don't be afraid, this is a good opportunity to kill Xuan Yue!

Hearing what Shanfeng said, Danzo's men regained their confidence.

They all surrounded Xuan Yue.

Three people? Kurotsuchi sneered, When did I say there were only three people?

Shanfeng was stunned.

In the blink of an eye, countless figures descended from the sky!

The leader is the former Mizukage Yagura.

Next, there are the two brothers Gui Deng Shui Yue and Gui Deng Man Yue.

Hidan and Kakuzu.

The Red Sand Scorpion who was taken out of the Akatsuki organization!

There is even Moonlight Blast who has mastered swordsmanship from the base!

All the members of the monthly organization arrived in an instant!

Xuan Yue looked up and saw Yagura's face, a look of surprise on her face.

Yakura. How did you get here?

Yagura smiled lightly.

The boss of the Yue Organization was in trouble, so I called all the members.

Why, I heard that someone wants to go against our monthly organization?

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