Naruto: My clone can evolve

Chapter 115 The New Fifth Hokage

Hearing what Xuan Yue said, Sandai was stunned.

You, you already have a candidate?

Sandai felt a chill in his heart.

He knew that Xuan Yue was going to force him from the position of Hokage this time!

Xuan Yue nodded.

Then he actually looked at Uchiha Itachi!

Do you recognize this person? Sarutobi? Xuan Yue said with a playful smile.

When the third generation saw Uchiha Itachi, everyone was surprised.

Many years ago, he also had a share in Itachi's massacre of Uchiha Mitsuru.

Itachi, is it really you? How could you. The third generation murmured.

Itachi raised his eyelids and said calmly.

I came back because I was worried about Sasuke's safety. But Danzo is dead, so I have no worries.

I have told Sasuke all the truth.

Hearing Itachi actually tell the truth.

Sarutobi was so angry that he almost vomited blood and quickly covered his chest to suppress the pain.

Are you still considered an undercover agent like this? Sasuke will definitely hate Konoha because of this! the third generation said coldly.

Itachi said calmly: So what?

Who Sasuke hates is his own right.

I'm tired of being your victim after all these years and I don't want to keep this secret anymore.

Sarutobi saw that his only support, Itachi Uchiha, also betrayed him.

This time, his heart felt completely cold.

Sandaime, I think it's time for you to see the reality clearly. Xuan Yue sneered, If people like you continue to sit in the position of Hokage, it will only make the village more and more declining!

Sandai was stunned and raised his head.

But he didn't dare to refute out loud.

Calculate for yourself how many Konoha talents have been destroyed by you or the root organization over the years! Xuan Yue said coldly.

Uchiha Mirror, Uchiha Shisui, Itachi, Orochimaru

These are top-notch masters. If they could stay in Konoha, I don't know how powerful Konoha would become.

But it was because the three generations colluded with Danzo and worked together to consolidate their power.

This has led to so many talented people either falling away or defecting.

During the fourth generation's reign, although he had strong strength, the fourth generation himself was an overly soft-hearted and kind-hearted guy.

Not quite suitable for the position of Hokage.

It can be said that Konoha has not had a qualified leader since the death of the second generation!

I can promise you this. Sandai said, But maybe we should consider public opinion.

The third generation still doesn’t give up.

Pray that Namikaze Minato, Jiraiya, Kakashi and others can say a word for him.

Xuan Yue smiled and looked at these people.

Sandaime-sama, I happened to overhear your conversation with Danzo in the office. Minato said calmly, I am a little disappointed in treating Xuan Yue like this.

Minato didn't side with the third generation.

Jiraiya said: Sarutobi-sensei, I'm afraid you really played too much this time with Danzo, and even I almost had to deal with him too.

Jiraiya also didn't stand up.

Kakashi said in a relatively low-key tone: Xuan Yue and I have been together for a long time. I have warned everyone long ago. As long as you don't anger Xuan Yue, he will not come against you out of nowhere.

But you actually resorted to this method of snatching hostages. Even my subordinate Xiao Ying didn't let this matter go. I stand by Xuan Yue's side unconditionally.

I saw these heavyweights all taking a stand.

No one among the Konoha elites present dared to stand up and speak.

Xuan Yue looked at Sandai, whose face was already ashen.

You really won't give up until you reach the Yellow River. Xuan Yue sneered, Now, can you please step down?

Sarutobi nodded.

He took off the Hokage's hat and cloak and threw them on the ground.

Just do as you say.

Xuan Yue picked up the hat and cloak and placed these things in Uchiha Itachi's arms in full view of everyone.

He said calmly: This is what I call the arrangement!

Itachi froze.

Sasuke was stunned.

All the Konoha elites in the audience were also stunned.

Itachi frowned and said, What do you want to do?

Xuan Yue smiled lightly and said, I'm not interested in being Hokage, so I'll leave this job to you.

It can be regarded as Konoha's compensation for the Uchiha clan over the years.

Konoha owes the Uchiha clan a Hokage!

Sarutobi was stunned, not expecting Xuan Yue to make such an arrangement.

Let a rebellious ninja become Hokage?

This is really an unprecedented decision. A person who once exterminated the clan and has such a stain becomes Hokage!

I'm afraid the daimyo won't agree either. Jiraiya said worriedly.

If the daimyo doesn't agree, I'll ask them to get off work. Anyway, it's not like I've never done this kind of thing before. Xuan Yue said coldly.

Anyone who has heard of the daimyo of the Yue Organization knows that Xuan Yue has imprisoned all the daimyo of Iwagakure Village.

Therefore, it was naturally easy for Konoha to do so.

Itachi whispered: But I am a member of the Akatsuki organization. If I leave, it will bring trouble to Konoha.

And it would be too much to ask someone like me to become Hokage!

Xuan Yue patted Itachi on the shoulder.

Leave the affairs of the Akatsuki organization to us. Anyway, our Yue organization has wanted to settle accounts with them for a long time!

As for you, you have both strength and wealth and are willing to dedicate yourself to the village. As Hokage, you are the perfect person.

Hearing this, Itachi had no reaction.

On the contrary, Sasuke finally smiled.

Xuan Yue, I'm glad you can arrange it this way.

Brother, I want you to become Hokage. This is what Konoha owes our clan!

Itachi was a little embarrassed.

He really didn't expect that Xuanyue would push him to the position of Hokage.

Xuan Yue, it's impossible for a rebellious ninja like me to convince the public. Let's forget it. Itachi whispered.

Xuan Yue's eyes widened and she said, Can't you convince everyone? I just said I want you to be the Hokage!

After I have finished speaking, who is in favor and who is against?

He yelled at the Konoha elites present.

Of course, no one would dare to stand up and oppose it.

Jiraiya forced a smile and said: Itachi, since that matter was a misunderstanding, it's good for you to be in charge.

Namikaze Minato said: I have heard of you, Uchiha Itachi. You are an amazing ninja.

Itachi didn't object when he saw so many people.

I had to sigh.

Then, I'll give it a try.

I hope the future of Konoha will get better and better.

Xuan Yue nodded with satisfaction.

As a result, Xuan Yue organized a vindication meeting against Itachi in Konoha Village.

He told the villagers the complete story of the Uchiha genocide that year.

Put all the blame on Danzo.

At this point, the villagers also accepted Uchiha Itachi's identity.

The fifth Hokage, Itachi Uchiha, has officially taken office!

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