Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 1121: The Mysterious Legend of Ninja School (82nd Chapter)

The results of the competition have fully proved that even if they are also beginners, they are divided into three, six and nine.

After practicing for a while, Mizuki was far more accurate in archery than Miyuki.

The target in front of Mizuki was full of long arrows, while the target in front of Xiaomeiyuki had few arrows.

The little guy, who refused to admit defeat, sullenly tried firing for a while, and then stopped after barely making progress.

Tsubaki massaged Miyuki who had sore arms and shoulders while complaining to Mizuki:

"I don't know how to hold back. Look at Xiaomei, her wrists and arms are swollen."

Miyuki pouted:

"When I get to know him a little more, I will definitely be better than my father."

"That's it for today, Xiaomei..."

Mizuki said with a smile.

"I haven't won yet!"

"It's very late. Go to bed early. You have to get up early tomorrow to see the smog. What if you can't get up?"


Xiaomeiyuki hesitated, archery is very interesting, but rime is also very desirable,

"Well, let's forget it today, and we'll decide the winner next time. However, I'm going to eat an ice cream before going to bed..."

Eating ice cream in summer is very pleasant, and in winter, it is also a great pleasure to hide in a warm room and eat ice cream.

"Yes, yes, are you sure you want to eat?"

Xiao Tsubaki glanced at Mizuki in dissatisfaction:

"It's all you, you spoiled Xiaomei, and if you eat like this, you will become a little fat girl!"

"No, mother, you see I'm not fat at all!"

Xiao Meixing held her breath, took her bulging belly, and let Xiao Chun touch it to prove that she is really not fat.

Xiao Chun rubbed the little guy's belly and pinched the fat around his waist, making Xiao Mei Xing so ticklish that she couldn't help laughing.

"Look at you, you still don't admit it."

"Mother, it's not fat. Look at Urashima. In winter, they grow thick fluff and gain a lot of weight."

Xiaomeiyuki coquettishly drilled into Xiaochun's arms,

"Eating an ice cream tonight won't grow meat!"

"Humph! It's up to you, it's not me gaining weight anyway."

Mizuki pulled out three special ice creams at random. The three of them ate happily, and then went to the hot spring to take a comfortable bath before going to the guest room prepared by "Yukawa Hot Spring" to rest with satisfaction.

Early the next morning, Mizuki and Xiao Chun woke up Xiao Meiyuki, took the sleepy little guy, and searched in the direction where the legendary rime appeared.

"so cold!"

Miyuki was tightly wrapped in a thick fleece coat, wearing thick moccasin boots on her feet, cotton wool gloves woven by Xiao Tsubaki herself on her hands, and a mink fur cap carefully sewn by Mizuki on her head.

"The goggles are frosted, and the eyes are smeared."

The daytime and the first half of the night were fine, but the soup in the morning was unexpectedly cold. Perhaps it was this temperature difference that gave birth to such a spectacle as the rime.

Mizuki took out the flannel and wiped the water stains and frost on the windproof lenses for Xiaomei:

"It's the water vapor produced by your breath that condenses on the lens. I didn't expect it to be so cold. It really is a country in the north. Even if there are hot springs everywhere, the severe cold here should not be underestimated."

The Shuimu family, who were walking in the wild, walked along the hot spring water emitting the slightest heat. There was not much snow on the ground, and the wet ground was slightly soft, not like the hard frozen soil of other countries in the North.

Mizuki and Xiaochun held Xiaomeiyuki's hand from left to right and walked slowly. I don't know how long they walked, and finally they saw the spectacular scene on a small island in the middle of the lake not far away.

"Look, that's smog!"

In the cold morning, it was quiet and windless, and there was no one in the four fields, only the Shuimu family looked out from the water.

The moist water vapor on the lake surface slowly evaporated, and when it met the cold air that fell from the sky in the early morning, it formed a faint cloud of smoke that was like a gauze.

On the island in the center of the lake, countless water vapors with extremely low temperature but not yet condensed in the fog floated on the branches and accumulated frozen stickiness, forming a rime spectacle of neither ice nor snow.

The branches are covered with white and crystal frost flowers, and under the sunlight, the silver light shimmers.

This is the first time Mizuki has seen such a view.

"How to describe it?"

Mizuki took out the camera and handed it to Xiaomeiyuki, letting the little guy take pictures of the interesting scenery by himself.

"No matter when, the pursuit of beauty will never change."

By the lake, there is an empty pavilion, which seems to be prepared for travelers who often come to watch the smog.

Mizuki held Xiao Tsubaki's hand and strolled by the lake with cool mist. Xiao Miyuki held a camera not far away, as if she wanted to record everything nearby.

"It's a pity that Nagi and Tsumugi can't come and see."

It wasn't until all the films were used up that Xiao Meiyuki stopped reluctantly.

"Father, why doesn't Konoha Village have such a view? It's snowing a lot."

Mizuki smiled and replied:

"The formation of smog requires a very special environment. The temperature is extremely low, but there is plenty of water vapor in the air. This kind of contradictory environment is rare in nature. The country of soup is actually very cold, but because of the existence of hot springs, many people ignore up to this point.

Especially during the coldest time before sunrise, the meeting point of the cold air and hot spring water vapor drops, and on days without wind, the water vapor condenses into rime on the surface of the branches..."

"Is that so, that Konoha Village can't see it!"

Xiaomeiyuki was a little disappointed, and she was going to take her friends to see it together, but her hope was lost.

"There are also many beautiful scenery in Konoha Village that you can't see in other places, but you usually see too much and don't feel deeply."

Common things, people always don't feel how new.

The smog in the country of Tang has long been accustomed to local people, and the people who look at it are all foreigners.

"In life, you must have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty, otherwise, it will be very difficult in the future!"

Mizuki pressed Xiao Meiyuki's mink hat and said with a smile,

"Don't think so much, the smog is not over yet, look..."

Following the direction of Shuimu's finger, as the sun slowly rises, the red morning glow sprinkles on the white misty pine, the water vapor and small ice crystals in the mist reflect the sun's brilliance, and the colorful halo flows, like a line. Tiny rainbows of fluttering streamers loomed.

Surprised, Miyuki hurriedly raised the camera, but suddenly realized that she could no longer take pictures.

"It's a pity, but it's the same in my heart, I can come again next time!"


Miyuki nodded,

"The sun is out, will the smog disappear soon? I want to get closer to see what the smog looks like."

Mizuki smiled and grabbed the hands of Xiaomeiyuki and Xiaochun, and in a flash, he arrived at the island in the middle of the lake.

Looking at it from a distance makes people linger and forget to return, and looking at the smog between the frost and fog is also refreshing.

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