Not to mention the shock of Sarutobi Hinata’s death when he heard the news of Danzo’s death, Tsuruta Hayabusa finally left the scope of the Land of Fire at this time and came to a small country among several great powers, the Land of Rain. The reason why Tsuruta Hayabusa came to this country is on the one hand because Tsuruta Hayabusa needs to get away from the country of fire as soon as possible, find a direction, and move forward quickly, which happens to be the country of rain, and the other reason is because there is a ninja demigod in the country of rain, the mountain fish Hanzo. There is such a famous guy in the Land of Rain, even if it is a ninja of Konoha, he does not dare to act rashly, at least there will be no large-scale ninja invasion, otherwise this is the rhythm of provoking a war

Of course, Tsuruta Hayabusa can also go to other countries, but after all, it is not as convenient as the Land of Rain. Of course, this is just Tsuruta Hayabusa’s idea.

Looking up at the sky obscured by dark clouds, the light rain kept falling, and Tsuruta Hayabusa’s mood seemed much better.

“Finally in the Land of Rain!” Hayabusa Tsuruta sighed.

Coming to the Land of Rain, Tsuruta Hayabusa intends to find a way to survive, but Tsuruta Hayabusa found that the Land of Rain is actually more difficult than he thought, because the Land of Rain itself is the junction of several countries, and the war between countries will always affect the Land of Rain, and it can even be said that the Land of Rain is a major battlefield for other countries.

So when Tsuruta Hayabusa came to the Land of Rain, he found that there was much more chaos here than he had imagined. Chaos, chaos.

Dilapidated houses, the kind that could collapse at any moment, are everywhere. Some children who look like beggars in threes and threes, everywhere. The hungry yellow-skinned civilians were filled with numbness and fear, and their eyes were empty, as if they were desperate for the world.

Looking at the situation here, Tsuruta Hayabusa found that life in the Land of Fire and Konoha was far better than in a small country like this in the Land of Rain.

Pursing his lips, although Tsuruta Hayabusa found that the situation here was very bad, but, relatively speaking, Tsuruta Hayabusa found that it was easier for an outsider like him to hide his identity in the Land of Rain, because no one would pay attention to what person you were in and what you wanted to do. There will be no one to care at all.

“In this way, the issue of identity is not a worry. The rest is just to live well here. Tsuruta Hayabusa muttered to himself, although Tsuruta Hayabusa is still young and has no acquaintances here, but Tsuruta Hayabusa is confident that he can live here. Because although Tsuruta Hayabusa looks weaker, in fact, because of the awakening of the Hulk’s blood succession limit, even if he does not enter the state of the Hulk, his body begins to gradually become stronger. Now on the body under Tsuruta Hayabusa’s clothes, although the muscles do not look obvious, but the strength and speed have far exceeded the average person, and it can even be said that Tsuruta Hayabusa is almost the strength to endure under normal conditions.

With his current strength, he can definitely survive in this place full of poor people.

“First of all, you need to find a place to live!” Tsuruta Hayabusa took a deep breath and found a dilapidated, but no longer inhabited house that seemed to collapse at any moment. After a simple tidying up, some shabby wood was made into a door, and then the window was blocked, and finally there was a temporary place to live and shelter from the rain.

I found some dry firewood and built a fire in the house. The burning flames flickered on and off, dispelling the cold and moisture in some rooms.

Although it was just a dilapidated house, in Tsuruta Hayabusa’s opinion, this was already his own house, so Tsuruta Hayabusa was much more relaxed, leaned against the wall, looked at the burning flames, and gradually fell asleep.


I don’t know how long I slept, but the door that Tsuruta Hayabusa simply made was kicked open from the outside, and the door that was not very strong was kicked apart with a bang.

Hearing the movement, Tsuruta Hayabusa was awakened, looking at the kicked door, Tsuruta Hayabusa couldn’t help frowning, and a trace of irritation flashed in his eyes. A good sleep was ruined just like that. You know, this is the best sleep he has had in recent times. Tsuruta Hayabusa was angry in his heart, and he wanted to kill the culprit directly.

“Huh? Boy, you are new here, tell you, this area is covered by our boss Black Tiger Gang, and it will be turned in every month in the future…” The man who kicked the door stood at the door with a big grin, a black raincoat over his clothes, and looked at Tsuruta Hayabusa condescendingly.

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