“Xiaonan?” Tsuruta Hayabusa couldn’t help but be stunned when he heard this name. I couldn’t help but look at this little girl a few more times. He has long light blue-purple hair and light orange eyes. Coupled with her appearance, it is indeed the young version of Xiaonan.

Tsuruta Hayabusa did not expect that he actually knew Xiaonan, and Xiaonan, and Xiaonan, became his companion. Then Tsuruta Hayabusa thought of two other people, one was Nagato and the other was Yahiko. If he hadn’t appeared, Konan, he would have met these two, and the three of them would have followed Jiraiya to learn ninjutsu.

It’s just that at this time, Tsuruta Hayabusa only arrived in Konan, and did not meet the other two people.

Unbeknownst to Tsuruta, if he hadn’t saved Konan, Konan would have met Yahiko soon after, and then the two children escaped from the hands of the cannibals, wandered several times, then met Nagato, and finally worshiped together in Jiraiya.

For the specific situation, Tsuruta Hayabusa is not clear, as for whether it will change Xiaonan’s fate, Tsuruta Hayabusa does not care. He didn’t care about those things at all. Don’t say whether Xiao Nan and the three of them will meet Ji Laiye. Even Orochimaru has been killed by him (Tsuruta Hayabusa thinks so). So the fate of the three Xiaonan may have changed long ago.

“Naw, Hayabusa, where are we going?” Konan’s eyes blinked and looked at Tsuruta Hayabusa curiously, with a happy smile on his face, because Tsuruta Hayabusa was already obvious, showing that he had accepted her presence. Xiao Nan looked at Tsuruta Hayabusa and felt an unprecedented sense of security when she thought of the picture when Tsuruta Hayabusa rescued her from those who ate people.

“A place that is not easy to find by Konoha or Yunin, a place that is not too crowded!” Hayabusa Tsuruta paused slightly, then said.

“Oh!” Xiao Nan nodded inexplicably, in fact, she didn’t care about where Tsuruta Hayabusa was going, as long as she could follow Tsuruta Hayabusa, it would be enough.

Tsuruta Hayabusa and Konan, both wearing raincoats, after all, in the rainy country that rains all year round, raincoats are a very common thing, and they are no different from ordinary clothes. Along the way, Tsuruta Hayabusa made several more shots and killed a lot of people, of course, in Tsuruta Hayabusa’s eyes, those guys have long been no longer people. And Xiao Nan is a kind-hearted little girl. But when Tsuruta Hayabusa shot out to kill those who ate people, she did not have the slightest fear, nor did she have any intention of stopping it. Probably because of his own experience, Xiao Nan has no sympathy for these cannibal guys.

However, the kind-hearted Xiao Nan is very enthusiastic about those who are caught but not eaten, and even secretly distributes the food she hides to those people.

Konan’s actions were seen by Hayabusa Tsuruta, and he didn’t say anything. Although in his opinion, Xiaonan’s actions are not very rational, but it makes Tsuruta Hayabusa love Xiaonan a little more, after all, a normal person, most of them will like kind people, and they all hope that the person they contact is a kind person, not a bad guy who has oil in his bones.

“Alas, the battle between Konoha and the Land of Rain is getting more and more intense. I really don’t understand why it is necessary to go to war. Moreover, it is said that the conditions in Konoha are obviously much better than in the Land of Rain. Xiao Nan looked at the increasing number of embarrassed wanderers and heard that these were all because of the war, and they had to flee everywhere.

To Konan’s words, Tsuruta Hayabusa did not respond, and he did not know how to answer, saying that it was Konoha’s people who made it like this because they wanted to catch themselves? But even without himself, the second Ninja World War will still happen.

“Naw, Hayabusa, I, can I practice with you?” Konan, suddenly looked at Tsuruta Hayabusa with longing eyes.

“Do you want to practice?” Tsuruta Hayabusa was stunned, although he had groped his own cultivation, and after only cultivating for nearly a year, he already had the strength of Zhongnin, but his method was only suitable for cultivation by himself, and if he changed to another person, he had already practiced himself. So Tsuruta Hayabusa didn’t know what he should teach Konan.

“Well, I want to be like you Hayabusa, become strong, and then I can protect myself, and I can also protect more people!” Xiao Nan nodded firmly.


Hayabusa Tsuruta was silent for a moment, and then spoke: “Good.” ”

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