Cuihua and Alice returned to their rooms with trepidation.

The two of them have a very good understanding of what they have done during this period of time, not to mention that in this case, they are also very clear in their hearts.

Su Ming and the two of them came back, and it was really a good time.

They are outside now. The troubles they encountered were really not something that both of them could solve.

"Sister Cuihua, do you want to tell Brother Su Ming about this?"

"It is necessary, don't you know who your brother Su Ming is? If he knew that we had suffered so much grievance, how could he not avenge us?"

"That classmate Wang is really a bit too bullying. He even got the keys to the villa without our permission. The two of us live in this kind of fear every day."

"Yeah, the way he chases people is really shocking, and I don't like him either, so it's best to leave it to you, Brother Su Ming.~.

"Okay, just after Brother Su Ming wakes up, I will tell him about it, and I will also tell Jack, this matter is really a big blow to the two of us."

Cuihua sat silently beside Alice.

He reached out and stroked his little hair.

The last two days. Because these things of my own have really made this little girl very hard to follow.

"Alice, don't think about it too much, now that your brothers Su Ming and Jack have come back, we can do the rest of the things, just put your heart in your belly, okay? do not think too much."

"It's because they're back that I have some concerns. Think about it, the two brothers are very powerful people, and Li Liang's brother is also very powerful, in case that person is broken. , are we going to pay him back?"

When Cuihua heard these words from the little girl, she felt helpless in her heart. What was this little head thinking? There was no one. Being able to understand the words he said now makes Cuihua feel very shocked.

"Why are you thinking about so many things in your little head, since these people dare to treat us like this, they should accept our thunderous wrath.

""~ But didn't the parents say that they wouldn't let fights there? Didn't we all say such things when we came to school?

"Don't let fights, that is just to say, don't let us really provoke some people who are more powerful than us, but without those who are more powerful than us, we can beat them casually.

Cuihua's words made Alice feel very shocked at once, because he never thought that his sister could say such double-standard words.

Although that classmate Wang was really annoying, and was pestering them all the time, but in this case, it could only be the current sister Cuihua.

It can be said that if this were two days ago, Sister Cuihua really couldn't have said these words, after all, that person's methods are still very powerful.

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