Although Date Seiji also has the same identity, but he does not have the brilliance of Su Ming.

Although Su Ming's ability makes everyone feel incomparably envious, but if you want to surpass it, it is completely impossible.

"Actually, I think you should also recognize the reality of the situation. Su Ming's strength is not something that happened overnight, you have acquired it over time. 39

"Face "Three Seven Three" facing his practice, what is it possible that you can take care of it? Although I am also very envious of Date Seiji's ability, but I also have self-knowledge.

"My ability can never surpass Su Ming's, at most I can only imitate it, but imitation is only his kind of action, and energy still cannot be imitated.

After hearing the words of Yuba Touma in front of him, Seiji Date also pouted at this moment.

However, I also feel that this Yuchai is really a flatterer.

"How come you have Su Ming everywhere, what benefits did you give you to treat him like this kind of hospitality.""

"Does the friendship between buddies still need this kind of diligence? Because what I said is also a kind of thing, because after all, this is also the reality, even if you don't want to accept it. 39

"Then there is no room for you. If it is so easy to get the same strength as Su Ming, then it is impossible to hold the position of God of War among the armored messengers. 35

Hearing what Yuchai Touma said, Su Ming also smiled slightly at this moment.

However, I also feel that this is not a real topic, because Su Ming is very clear in his heart.

The Date Seiji in front of him, although he said he was his companion, also had this kind of comparison mentality.

It is very normal to not want to accept the current situation, and at the same time, Su Ming also adopts his own way to encourage him.

Because knowing that he has the spirit of ability, it is naturally a good thing, then he can also rely on his powerful ability to get rid of the illusion.

Because Su Ming is also very much looking forward to, each of his own companions can achieve such strength.

If this is the case, then it is also the alliance of the strong.

If you can really reach a height like yourself, then you can't be so tired...

When he thought of this, he patted Seiji Date's shoulder and encouraged him.

"Actually, I think if you can set me as your goal to catch up, then it will be a good thing. I think it's hard work with your ability. 99

"With the corresponding efforts, you will definitely have your due rewards. I believe that one day, you will definitely catch up with me."5

"Become as powerful as me, and not only you, I think every armored messenger should have such a scene.

After hearing Su Ming's consolation, Date 1.4 Seiji also nodded at this moment.

Although Su Ming is his goal to catch up, it is really not easy if he can reach his pace.

Even though Seiji Date has a heart for comparison, he knows it well in his heart.

In the face of the strength at this time, he naturally couldn't be more clear.

"Su Ming really thank you very much.

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