"Oh my God, I actually forgot about some of these things, this is really really inappropriate, since it has already reached such a level.

Then we can take care of the rest of these things by ourselves. I also know that there are many things that we really shouldn't do.

Moreover, there are also many things that make us feel particularly uncomfortable in our hearts, so since this is the case.

Then we will stay here for a while, and wait until the river next to us, we will wash all the smells and mucus from our body directly to him.

In this way, we don't have the smell of this little king cobra, so wherever we go, no small animals can take the initiative to attack us.

While talking, Su Ming walked back along the way. Su Ming himself knew very well the road they had just walked.

So, it didn't take a while for them to really return to the small river just now, and now it's this time.

For Su Ming at this time, he also knew very well in his heart that at such a time, he was only able to wash all these things of himself.

Otherwise, no matter what this side will turn into, at the end of the day, there will be no way for him to get out of this forest.

Because there is a girl in this place, so, Su Ming and the others have set up a tent directly.

Originally, they didn't want to stay here for a long time, but now they have to stay here for a while, so after setting up the tent, they glanced at Zhao Yuyan and said directly.

"Zhao Yuyan, you are a girl, at this time, you should just stay in the tent and wait for the three of us to bathe in the river before you come back.

For a while I duplicated an enchantment in this place so that you can just stay here and wait until we have a bath and then you go into the river.

This barrier will follow you, so that other people can't see your figure at all, even if you see it, it's just a vague figure, and there is no loss to you... 35

Zhao Yuyan nodded silently. He could only obey this arrangement for some things like this, because he also knew very well in his heart that Su Ming was able to do this as a matter of benevolence and righteousness.

"Su Ming, you guys should go first, I know that at this time, if I go first, it may be too much inconvenience for you.

I'll go over after you've washed. I know that you are all gentlemen and will never peek at me when I'm taking a bath. What's more, didn't you set up a barrier on my body in 1.4 just now?

Even if you people want to see it, you can only see a vague figure, and besides, girls are all the same.

There is no need for you to feel that there is something different just because you see me like this, so I am very relieved for the few of you. "

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