Su Ming saw the little girl directly and gently waved her hand, and then he came to the little bear, and when he gently stroked these phantom bears, the feeling in his eyes was like these Bear, just like his own relatives.

"How can you be like this? Do you know how difficult it was for me to bring them out, and what?

These changes of hands are all my own best family members looking at them like this, and I really feel very sad in my heart.

You have also learned to attack them with your mental power. Do you know that their mental power is really very weak, and you are attacking them with your mental power at this time.

I didn't treat you so hard when you weren't asking for their passwords, if you ever dared to continue like this.

Don't blame me for being rude to you. You should be able to see my spiritual power, even though you were able to save my life just now.

But for these little bears, I am their parents, even though I am young, but I still have the intention of being a parent to them.

I feel that I really don't understand at this time, the reason why this little girl in front of her is doing this is for his own good, but now.

It can also be said that kindness has become a donkey's liver and lungs, ~ such a time.

This little brat was able to say these words, which really made him feel particularly unbelievable—this little brat from his classmates.

This is really a bit too inappropriate, I was cautious when facing all this, but now-now.

This little girl can be so outspoken Su Ming, she doesn't want to talk nonsense with him, she glanced at the little girl and said directly.

"Bring these phantom bears here, I know you don't want them to attack humans, but, this kind of thing is their own instinct.

At this time, you can see that although they have been attacked one by one, they may be really unwilling to give up this attack in their hearts.

At this time, you should be able to understand it yourself, so now, for you, should you treat them well? Otherwise, bring them all into the city, and I will do something for them delicious.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

The little girl looked at the high city wall and shook her head. He knew how many of his phantom beasts had been killed under this city wall.

At this time, if he were to be allowed to enter the city, he would absolutely not dare, not to mention that he did not know how much trouble there was in the city, so for the selfish little girl, he directly shook his head.

"Big brother, I thank you, but, I absolutely cannot enter this city, because this city is too scary for me.

My little friends, they all died under this city wall, do you think I can still bring these other phantom beasts into the city?

If we really go in, those people will kill us all, then what should we do? I think it's better not to take this risk, I want to be good. Take them back to the forest to live well. Down

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