Guan Zuo, who had read countless novels in his previous life, had read such a theory.

It is called an absolute life field, that is, every life has its own biological force field, but there are strong and weak.

The reason why the word absolute is added is because every life itself belongs to the inviolable realm, and others cannot directly control the human body through supernatural energy and other means.

Of course, this is not necessarily the case, but at least Coach Watt's ability is not yet able to break through the force field of other creatures.

It is also worth mentioning that the reason why Superman is so powerful, in addition to absorbing the sun's rays, another very important factor is that his biological force field is countless times stronger than ordinary people.

That's why you can do things like flying, lifting an airplane or even standing on the ground to lift heavy objects without being pressed into the ground like nails.

It can be said that the biological force field is the essence of superhuman strength, otherwise just absorbing the energy emitted by a sun, how can it be possible to achieve the great power that can break the planet with one punch in the later stage.

The qi released by Guan Zuo through the Taijiquan method carries a very strong personal aura, although its coverage is very narrow, only three inches around Zuo's body, and it is very weak, it is almost impossible to have any impact on reality.

Because this aura is formless and qualityless, if it is a natural flame, Guan Zuo will definitely not be able to achieve this level, after all, he is practicing national arts, not spells. However, these flames released by Coach Watt are like rootless duckweeds, which can spontaneously combust out of thin air, but they are just restrained by Guan Zuo's qi strength, and as long as they enter Guan Zuo's qi range, they will be immediately affected.

This also couldn't help but make Guan Zuo secretly feel lucky, because the peak level of Ming Jin was not yet at the level where he could release his qi at will, and the reason why he was able to do this was the role of Taijiquan.

After all, Taijiquan can be said to be one of the most brilliant inner family boxing methods, and it has an innate advantage in the transformation of qi and strength.

And Chloe has long been stunned by this scene in front of him.


She stared at Guan Zuo, who was surrounded by flames, in disbelief.

I saw Guan Zuo constantly practicing his fist techniques, and the flames that originally surrounded Guan Zuo also entered his fists like snakes, and gradually turned into a fireball the size of a human head.

Then he looked out, and through the window of the room, he could see a blurry figure not far away from the hallway.

You don't need to think about it, it must be Coach Watt who controls the flames in the air.

Immediately, he stood quietly and hugged, compressed the fireball with the size of a human head to the size of a fist with force, and then used a cloud hand to push the fireball flat with both palms towards Coach Watt in the distance.

With the force that Guan Zuo exerted on it, the fireball suddenly roared and smashed through the window of the room towards the hallway, and then rushed towards Coach Watt without stopping.

Coach Watt was immediately shocked, and he did not expect that Guan Zuo would come to this hand.

Fortunately, these flames were originally generated by him out of thin air, and as he moved, the fireball naturally dissipated less than two meters away from him.

However, along with the disappearance of the flames in the school newspaper room, Guan Zuo immediately picked up Chloe and rushed out.

Coach Watt saw that the situation was wrong and left here as soon as possible.

Guan Zuo put down Chloe and wanted to chase, but at this time Clark also happened to rush over.

"What happened? Are you all right? Clark

noticed the fire in the crowd on this side of the stadium and immediately rushed over.

At the moment, Guan Zuo was not good to chase Coach Watt, so he could only explain: "It is very likely that Coach Watt attacked us!"

Clark raised his eyebrows, obviously a little surprised by Guan Zuo's statement, after all, he had been under Coach Watt since he joined the football team during this time.

"Clark, you just didn't see, Danny is so cool, what is that? It's just incredible.

Chloe woke up from the dead and immediately shouted to tell Clark about the magical move that Guan Zuo had just done.

For this point, Guan Zuo did not block it, anyway, Clark is not a normal person. Letting him know his secret is more conducive to Clark telling him his secret.

Although Guan Zuo actually knew it for a long time, since he chose to hide it at the beginning, now he and Clark have really become friends, but there is no excuse or opportunity to clarify this matter.

"What just happened?"

Clark asked with some curiosity.

Chloe immediately excitedly told about Guan Zuo's feat.

After hearing Chloe's description, Clark also looked at Guan Zuo incredulously.

Guan Zuo could only shrug his shoulders and explain: "What you know, Clark, is just some Eastern martial arts use, really, I am not a mutated monster."

"Alright! It's a magical effort.

Clark could only choose to believe this, after all, he had seen the power of Guan Zuo before.

Chloe was even more surprised, looking at Guan Zuo's eyes full of curiosity from reporters.

"Chloe, do I have to keep my affairs secret?"

Guan Zuo immediately said to Chloe seriously, he knew that if he didn't do this, then if he woke up from bed tomorrow, the whole school, no, the whole town would have to know what he had done today.

Although Guan Zuo does not mind being known by his friends, he is not ready for social death.


Chloe said with some reluctance.

"But it's a great irony that the torch was burned by a fire." Clark obviously wanted to lighten the atmosphere and couldn't help but make a joke.

"This is not an ordinary flame, but someone deliberately set it on fire." Chloe immediately replied.

"That's right."

Guan Zuo nodded in agreement.

Clark's brows furrowed and said, "You mean that Coach Watt set a fire under your nose?"

"Clark, it's clear that Coach Watt has the ability to manipulate the flames, think of Jeromy and Gray. Think again about how my father was in danger, and then Chloe.

Guan Zuo corrected Clark's words.

Clark was still a little incredulous, but now the situation had threatened his friend, so he had to deal with it seriously, and it took a while to say: "Okay! I'll look into it.

"But why did Coach Watt attack you two?"

Clark was still a little puzzled.

"I think it was because I punched him."

Guan Zuo touched his nose and said a little embarrassed.

Chloe also said: "And Trevor Chapo, apparently he told Coach Watt about the photo. "


"Yes, the photo of Coach Watt using his powers to threaten those players has unfortunately all been burned."

Chloe said a little helplessly.

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