The soul is getting closer and closer to Lin Moyu, and finally shows its fangs.

He is a soul-eater. As long as he gets into the soul world, he will eat Lin Moyu's soul and occupy Lin Moyu's body.

Then he can inherit everything from Lin Moyu and become another Lin Moyu.

Although Lin Moyu is still just a little god, it doesn't matter.

Lin Moyu is a genius, a top genius.

After he becomes Lin Moyu, if he practices hard, he will soon become a saint.

He had done this in the past, seizing bodies again and again, changing bodies again and again, choosing geniuses each time, and the more he changed, the stronger he became.

He has lived for a hundred thousand years and is one of the survivors of the Soul Eater Tribe.

There are very few survivors like him.

No one else knows a characteristic of the Soul Devourers, that is, their souls can live forever.

As long as they can find a suitable body, they can live forever.

Therefore, even if there is only one survivor, as long as you are careful, the Soul Devourers can exist for a long time.

The future Buddha's physical body is already old, and he has already wanted to change it.

This time is also an opportunity.

As for the life and death of the Buddhist clan, he didn't care at all.

For him, the race he belongs to determines which race he belongs to.

If the Buddhist clan dies, then let it die.

Closer, closer!

Lin Moyu's delicious body is right in front of him, and he is about to be reborn. 887

Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed him.

The soul of the past Buddha suddenly exploded, but it was shrouded in a purple-gold light and could not move.

A cold voice sounded, "I heard that the Soul Devourers have no fighting power without acquiring a physical body."

"But I'm surprised that you still have soul attack ability. It seems that the information is not entirely correct."

Lin Moyu's whole body was shrouded in purple-gold light, and white energy was flowing around his body. All injuries were healing quickly, and he did not look as weak as before.

"I've been fooled!" Future Buddha finally understood that he had been fooled, and Lin Moyu was simply faking it.

Future Buddha's voice was cold, I didn't expect that I would be plotted by you. "

Lin Moyu smiled slightly, "It's not about calculation, it's just acting."

The future Buddha snorted, "Do you think you can trap me in this way? I lost this round, but remember, our revenge is not over yet!"

"When I return, it will be your death. I just hope you can still recognize me by then."

The future Buddha sneered, his soul shimmered and began to become illusive and hazy.

The soul turned into light and slipped through Lin Moyu's fingers.

Lin Moyu smiled and shook his head, "It's useless, you can't escape (bheh)."

Only a hundred meters away, a light group reappeared.

The future Buddha screamed in panic, "What have you done?"

Lin Moyu smiled and said, "You guess."

Lin Moyu was not anxious at all and did not catch him. It seemed that he was not afraid that he could escape at all.

The future Buddha looked around, suddenly realized something, and his voice trembled, "In the virtual realm of the Holy Lord!"

Lin Moyu snapped his fingers and said, "Correct answer, but unfortunately there is no reward."

"Just stay well in the virtual realm. Holy Lord Hao will arrive after a while."

After Lin Moyu finished speaking, his body gradually became weak.

Seeing Lin Moyu about to leave, the future Buddha screamed, "Come back and let me go, and you can do whatever you want."

"As long as you promise to let me go, I can recognize you as my master and become your slave forever."

"A Saint-level thug will be of great help to you. Believe me, I am very obedient.

Lin Moyu's figure continued to disappear, and at the same time a disdainful sneer sounded, "I have plenty of thugs, but I can't stand a loser like you!"

The door to the virtual realm is closed, and everything is closed in darkness.

While Lin Moyu caught him, he had activated the token of Saint Hao and opened the virtual realm.

The virtual realm was opened just in case. Lin Moyu felt that a Soul Devourer tribesman and a soul in the Saint Realm must have a way to save his life.

One hundred thousand years ago, Xiao Zhanshen failed to completely wipe them out, so he must be careful.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to use the command card given by Saint Hao to evolve the virtual realm and get trapped in it.

The virtual realm opened silently, and the future Buddha was not even aware of it.

As a result, Lin Moyu guessed it correctly, and he indeed had a way to save his life.

If there was no virtual realm trapping him, he might really have escaped.

That’s when the real trouble comes.

The aftermath of the explosion has finally subsided, and the starry sky is gradually being repaired under the rules of the big world.

The self-destruction of the Holy Lord was too strong, and the repair speed of the entire starry sky was very slow, and it would take some time to recover.

Lin Moyu returned to the battleship, looked at the unconscious Yu Qingrou, and popped out a burst of life force.

The majestic vitality fell on Yu Qingrou, who groaned softly and slowly woke up.

Seeing that Lin Moyu was okay, Yu Qingrou's eyes showed surprise, "Are you okay?"

She didn't care at all why she fainted just now, she only had Lin Moyu in her eyes.

Lin Moyu smiled and said, "It's okay, it's all over."

Yu Qingrou looked down at Lin Moyu and made sure that Lin Moyu was really fine. Only then did she feel relieved. How could I have fainted just now?

"The soul of the future Buddha used soul attack...

Lin Moyu briefly talked about what happened just now.

Yu Qingrou was shocked to hear that this could be the case.

She had also heard about the Soul Devouring Tribe, which was a very terrifying race.

What's scary is not their strength, but their talent.

Two minutes later, with the distortion of space, the God of War Castle finally appeared in the starry sky.

Along with the God of War Fortress, there were also several warships from the Starry Sky Murloc Tribe.

The elders and saints flew out, and Lin Moyu and Yu Qingrou also rushed forward.

Seeing that Yu Qingrou was okay, several fishmen clan elders breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the battleship Princess, which was almost turned into scrap metal, everyone's expressions changed.

The atmosphere of war is everywhere here, the broken starry sky is still slowly being repaired, and the power of rules is permeating the air.

Needless to say, the battle here is fierce.

Wu Shengzun whispered, "Where is the Buddha now? In which direction did he escape?"

Lin Moyu said, "He is dead."


Several people were horrified and shocked, how could such a majestic Buddha die?

If he is really dead, there is only one possibility, and that is Lin Moyu killed him.

But how could Lin Moyu kill Buddha.

The difference in realm is really too big.

The one who knows Lin Moyu best among the people is undoubtedly Hao Shengzun. He knows that Lin Moyu's combat power is very strong and cannot be measured by realm.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to kill the Holy Lord.

The War Saint's eyes flickered, "How did he die?"

"Forced to self-destruct and die!" Lin Moyu said again what he had just said to Yu Qingrou.

At the same time, he handed Wu Shengzun's token to Wu Shengzun. There was a virtual realm in the token, and the virtual realm contained the soul of the future Buddha.

When they heard that the soul of the future Buddha turned out to be a spirit-eater, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

From their faces, Lin Moyu knew that this matter was very big.

He guessed that the Soul Devourers were far more terrifying than what he knew.

There must be something hidden in it.

Saint Hao checked his token and saw the soul of the future Buddha from the virtual realm.

"It's really the Soul Eater Tribe!" He casually increased the intensity of the virtual realm in the token, just in case.

Zhan Shengzun frowned, "We are in big trouble.".

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