National Transfer: Necromancer! I Am A Disaster

Chapter 2375 I’Ll Beat You Up If You Ask Too Many Questions!

A golden lotus appeared under the body of the Buddhist lich. He sat on it, pinching the orchid in his hand, and the treasure looked solemn.

Lin Moyu looked at the birth of the Buddhist lich, and felt more and more mysterious.

At that time, the Lich of the Buddha Kingdom had no offensive power. The Buddha Kingdom in the palm of his hand was like a formation. It had a certain effect of weakening and increasing the power, but the effect was not obvious and the number of times it was used was only a handful.

The most powerful thing among Buddhist lichs is the ability to see the truth. This thing can be used to save lives, and it can also be used to judge future choices.

The law of destiny is a very magical law.

The mysterious master is able to make arrangements that span two million years, and Destiny is indispensable.

This time, the Lich of the Buddhist Kingdom, who has become the pinnacle supreme, has attack power. Although there are no spells, every attack is a real pinnacle supreme attack.

The Palm Buddha Kingdom has become the Eternal Buddha Kingdom. The Eternal Buddha Kingdom is real and has always existed.

Just like the world of rules belonging to the Buddhist lich, it can absorb the souls of the dead and turn the dead into believers.

And the greater the number of believers, the stronger the power of the Buddhist demon will be.

As for how strong it will be in the end, it depends on the number of believers.

If there are enough of them, the Buddhist lichs may be able to break the boundary between the Supreme and the Heavenly.

The most important thing is the Avenue of Destiny, which is stronger than the past truth-seeing technique, and it can also launch attacks in Destiny, which can be launched three times a day.

Although the specific effect is not yet known, Lin Moyu thinks the effect will not be bad.

The Lich of the Buddhist Kingdom can be said to have been completely reborn. Except for the same name, it is completely different from the Lich of the Buddhist Kingdom.

"If you have a chance, give it a try!" Lin Moyu's heart moved and he put away the Buddhist demon.

Lin Mohan's practice has also come to an end. The sword energy storm gradually subsided, and a terrifying sword with black flames was burning behind Lin Mohan.

The sword energy was stained with black fire, and the starry sky continued to shatter wherever it spread.

With the current supreme state, Lin Moyu can see that Mohan is not the supreme in the world.

The original power she obtained has nothing to do with the big world.

"Sister must have obtained the original power in the boundary sea and was promoted to the Supreme."

"Normally speaking, my sister would be suppressed in the big world."

"But no, is it because my sister was born in the big world? Or is it because my sister's origin level is high enough."

All the original power from outside the big world will be suppressed by the big world.

There are only a few situations where this suppression can be broken.

One situation is that Lin Mohan's origin power is not lower than the origin of the big world.

The origin of the big world is the sixth level, and the origin that allows Lin Mohan to achieve supreme status is no less than the sixth level.

Only in this way will the oppression of the world become ineffective.

The second possibility is that Lin Mohan was born in the big world and has the imprint of the big world.

Although she achieved supreme status outside, the world still recognized her and did not suppress her.

Both situations are possible, and I don’t know which one it is.

But that doesn't matter, as long as it's my elder sister.

The World-Destroying Sword finally disappeared, and Lin Mohan's aura firmly stood on the high-level supreme, with a solid foundation and no appearance of nothingness.

The realm raised through bloodline resonance has no adverse effects on her.

Lin Mohan opened his eyes, his gaze splitting the starry sky like a sword.

Lin Moyu joked, "If an ordinary person from the other side of the world was looked at like this by my sister, he probably wouldn't be able to survive."

Lin Mohan drank lightly, "It's over."

Lin Moyu nodded, "It's over."

Lin Mohan's tone suddenly changed, "Then let's get down to business."

Lin Moyu's heart skipped a beat and suddenly felt a bad feeling.

Lin Mohan said, "Because you had something to do in the past few hundred years, I didn't care about you. In addition, in the previous thousand years, we have to settle old and new accounts together.

"Tell me, why didn't you give birth?"

Lin Moyu felt a headache, and he knew that Lin Mohan was going to say something serious.

After running away thousands of times, I still couldn't escape this disaster in the end.

Lin Moyu said with helplessness, "Sister, I'm not pregnant."

Lin Mohan said, "Why can't you give birth if there is no birth? You can work harder."

Lin Moyu felt a little unjust and felt that her elder sister had begun to be unreasonable, "Didn't I work hard enough? Sister, do you want to ask Qingqing and Yuzhu."

He has really worked hard these years, but he just didn't give birth.

But Yu Qingrou, because of his efforts, his longevity has been increasing.

Coupled with the use of boundary sea fish bones for solidification, Shouyuan is now no different from the human race.

But it seems that this has nothing to do with not being able to give birth to a baby. Thinking about how Luo Shen came about, it has nothing to do with this.

Lin Mohan said (ccaa), "I don't care about that. If you can't give birth to a child, it's because you don't work hard enough. I promised grandma that I must give birth to a child for the Lin family. You must give birth!"

Lin Moyu's head was completely swollen, but looking at Lin Mohan's posture of drawing his sword at any time, he could only give in, bloodline suppression, no solution!

"It will definitely happen. I really can't wait until I reach the Heavenly Realm to make one."

Lin Mohan raised her eyebrows, "How can one be enough? At least a hundred. You have to spread the branches here no matter what. After you leave, "The incense of the Lin family cannot be cut off!"

Lin Moyu responded instinctively, "Okay, okay, don't say a hundred, just 11,000 will do..."

Suddenly Lin Moyu shut up. He realized some problems in Lin Mohan's words, "Sister, you said I will leave the big world in the future?"

Lin Mohan looked at her, and you will naturally know when the time comes. "

Lin Moyu frowned slightly, realizing that Lin Mohan must know something he didn't know.

Lin Moyu tried to get some information from Lin Mohan and played the emotional card, "Sister, there shouldn't be anything to hide between us.

Lin Mohan interrupted him, "Don't do this, I will tell you some things when the time comes. Don't ask now, or I will beat you up if you ask too much!"

"Okay." Faced with Lin Mohan's strength, Lin Moyu decisively chose to retreat.

Lin Moyu recalled some things from his childhood.

At that time, Lin Mohan fought with other people's children for herself, and beat those who bullied her until they cried.

When I got home, I didn't even get a word of comfort, and I also beat myself up.

The reason turned out to be that he was so useless that even a few idiots couldn't beat him.

Bloodline suppression has been established since that time and is unbreakable.

Lin Mohan said, "Next, you should go to the Boundary Sea to hunt for the origin and repair the big world, right?

Lin Moyu nodded, "Sister, you are right."

Lin Mohan hummed, "Then you go, I'll leave too.

Lin Moyu No one asked where Lin Mohan was going.

Just like the last time Lin Mohan left, Lin Moyu didn't ask.

Lin Mohan once said that everyone has his own way.

Obviously Lin Mohan also has his own way. Where does this way come from, how to know it, and what Lin Mohan knows, Lin Moyu has no idea.

But one day in the future, Lin Mohan will tell himself.

Maybe one day I can know everything from other ways.

"I'll send you there!" Lin Moyu's heart moved and he planned to open the door to space.

At this moment, he has reached the supreme level, and the space gate can reach as far as two million light years, which is comparable to the space gods in ancient times.

Lin Moyu guessed that the reason for this may be because he masters the laws of time and space at the same time.

The fusion of the two laws has a certain bonus effect.

Lin Mohan snorted lightly, "No need!"

As he spoke, the Heaven and Earth Sword flew into his hand and he stroked it at will.

In an instant, a space crack was cut out in the starry sky, reaching into deep space.

Even the deep space was chopped to pieces, and the space was cut off by the sword energy, and it was unknown where it led.

Before entering the space crack, Lin Mohan's beautiful eyes glanced at Lin Moyu coldly, "Hurry up, or you will know the consequences."

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