Of course, Bai Eun's words were only for Kaido.

As a reincarnated person who knows most of the plots and secrets of One Piece, he knows too well that the so-called Nika's fate is real.

But so what?!

He is a reincarnated one!

He is a character in the One Piece world that didn't exist and shouldn't have existed!

And he comes from a country and nation where a prince and prince will have a kind of Xiangning, who does not believe in fate, and constantly breaks fate, and firmly believes that man will win the sky, and man can go against the sky and destroy the unreasonable!


Even if the blood flowing in his body has changed, his soul is still the seed of that country and that nation!

Coincidentally, Kaido was also taking a path against the sky in the first half of his life!


Kaido, who was only 10 years old at the time, was bloodbathed for the country.

As a ghost, he is aggressive by nature, but strangely does not enjoy it, but asks the reason for the endless war that has made the people of this country miserable.

The answer is to hand over the heavenly gold to the Celestial Dragons!

At that time, Kaido's rhetorical question was: "Why should everyone obey the Draconian?!".

At that moment, Kaido was even anti-war, and he even fantasized about a peaceful world without the Draconians.

The seeds of revolt have been planted ever since.

In that era when the world government frantically bought genius children as combat power, Kaido, who was so terrifying that he was rebellious, was found at the door.

He was chained by a bunch of garbage and did not struggle, until the king completely betrayed him for the right to participate in the World Conference, and the boy finally went down that crazy path!

Kaido ran away, and if you want to ask him what his dream is at this moment, it is only to slaughter all the powerful people in this world!

And when he arrived on Hive Island, why did he join the Rocks Pirates?

The reason is simple!

Because that crazy captain's dream is to become the king of the world!

Because the premise of becoming the king of the world is to slaughter all the powerful people of today!

But even that invincible existence was still defeated in the end.

That's right, what this pirate group brought him was nothing but the precious fish and fish fruit that Charlotte Lingling gave him.

What's more precious is to let him know how difficult this dream of turning the world upside down is.

But you see, when this teenager was caught at the institute, when he met the same doomed racial descendant Abel asked:

"Can you change the world?".

At that time, Kaido's expression was clearly the protagonist of infinite light!

"Only I!!" can change!".

Then he took the other party to make a big fuss and successfully escaped, and renamed the other party KING, which is the meaning of the monarch and the emperor.

That's right, even his subordinates are kings!

"From now on, I will protect you!"

Kaido's madness really has a different kind of charm.

But just a few years after that, Kaido's eyes changed.

He even asked Ember self-deprecatingly:

"Do you still think I'm Joey Boy, and will the world I want to create still be what you want it to be?"

Yes, his whole person has changed.

Maybe it's the disappointment of humanity, or maybe it's the enjoyment of power, what he wants now is a world where the flames of war burn the prairie ...

Dragon slaying warriors will eventually become evil dragons.

Later, Kaido was invited by the Black Carbon Twilight Cicada to settle in Wano Country and met Mitsuki Mita.

From then on, Kaido's entire second half of his life began to be shrouded in prophecy.

Until the well-known Wang Luffy landed on the island of ghosts, shamelessly hung up, and defeated Kaido with the power of the legendary Nika.


Kaido should not have been defeated by such prophecy and fate!

Whether it's evil or good.

Since Bai Eun has come to this world and called Kaido his father, he will never allow such a result to happen!

That's why he's here to say these things.

The purpose is to correct Kaido's mentality!

This is a world where supernatural powers exist, and this is a world where it is possible to turn wishes and desires into Devil Fruits if you desire them enough!

Vegapunk said that the [Devil Fruit] is actually the [Possibility] of [Human Evolution] that people are pursuing!

It is a secret treasure born in response to the heartfelt desires and desires of human beings!

In short, if you believe, you will have, and if you do not believe, you will not!

Kaido, who was in the original time and space, was tortured by the world to believe in the so-called fate, and was finally defeated by fate!

In the current time and space, Bai Bai Eun is determined to completely reverse Kaido's mentality!

What bullshit is called fate, to put it bluntly, is just the result of careful design and preparation!

After seeing through the essence, there is nothing to be afraid of!

As long as you don't believe in fate from the beginning, you won't be bound by fate, and you can break the fate that everyone else believes!

Man will conquer the sky! The human heart can go against the sky!

It's just a mere will to distort reality, and Bai Bai En doesn't believe that Kaido's will is really worse than Luffy!


After listening to Bai Bai'en's words, Reilly was also thoughtful.

"That's a very novel statement, I've never heard of ......."

"Uh-huh, giggle-......


Suddenly, Kaido, who was sitting on the side, burst out laughing.

At this moment, for some reason, his heart seemed to have broken through some kind of shackles, and there was an unprecedented sense of pleasure.

Faintly, he seemed to hear a dragon's groan from his heart.

"Uh-huh, giggle-......


The sudden burst of wild laughter lasted for a long time, and Kaido even laughed out of tears.

Bai Eun looked at Kaido with an inexplicable expression.

'Isn't it ...... My words work so well?'

He was a little unconfident.

Reilly and Natsuki also looked at Kaido with strange expressions.

Why did you laugh all of a sudden? And you can't stop laughing? Kaido can't be broken somewhere, right?

Just as Reilly was full of malicious speculation, Kaido's laughter finally stopped.

"I see!".

"It's all just artificially designed!"

"The reason why I wavered from my dreams was just my powerlessness to reality!"

"And the source of powerlessness is actually very simple!".

"I'm not strong enough!!".

"Invincible in the world is never the end!".

"It should just be a starting point!".

"What I, Kaido, want to do now is not only to be invincible in the world, but also to be invincible in the sky!"

"Only in this way can everything I want to achieve be completely realized!"

'I'm going to go against the sky!!'

These four words Kaido did not say it himself, but he let out a deafening roar in his heart.

He has completely recognized his path.

All the vacillation, all the powerlessness, all the everything, just because I am not strong enough!

Then just go and get stronger!

It's very simple.

I'm just confused by the appearance of being strong now, and I can't see the essence of my strength enough!

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