
When he raised his head, he was greeted by a black man with arrogant eyes, dark skin, and a little shorter than himself.

It's familiar.

After recalling for a second, Chen Hao remembered the identity of the person who came.

"It's him..."

The black man who suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked him, Chen Hao found that he still knew him.

I'm afraid that many old CBA fans before the crossing knew this CBA celebrity...... "Grim Reaper" ~ Smash Parker!

"Why, don't you dare to fight?" Parker looked proud.

As a professional player in the NBA league, although after the end of last season, the team did not choose to renew his contract, and there was no team to ask for it, and he couldn't play, but after all, he is a professional player, and this kind of player on the field will naturally not be taken into his eyes.

If he hadn't happened to pass by and heard a black guy say that there was a Chinese man who set up a ring here and won a ball and gave 100 meters, he wouldn't have come over.

He recently signed a low-key two-year contract with the Lakers, and this time is the time of spring breeze, after all, this is the giant Lakers, and it is in the international metropolis of Los Angeles, which is really gratifying.

Today, I even met someone who delivered money to the door, and Parker was in a happier mood.

A yellow man less than two meters old can play basketball?

Parker expressed disdain.

I don't know what Parker thinks at this time, but Chen Hao is still very happy to play against NBA-level opponents.

"It's only 100 meters... Come on, let me see how strong the professional players really are. "

After the school holiday, he has been active on the wild court, and for so long, the first time he met an NBA-level player, although it was a little bit worse, but it was just enough to test his current color, Chen Hao naturally would not let it go.

He stopped leaving, put his coat aside, and walked towards the pitch ......

"Good guts~".

Chen Hao was not afraid at all, Parker raised his eyebrows, and followed with a relaxed expression, in addition to curiosity in his heart, he also had a trace of self-satisfaction, someone could recognize him at a glance, it seems that his popularity in the basketball circle is still okay.

But now that he recognized his identity and dared to play, Parker said that he had to tell the Chinese kid what the insurmountable gap between professional and amateur was.

At the same time, the spectators who had been paying attention to Chen Hao and eating melons also heard Chen Hao's words, and looked at Smash Parker, all of them were very puzzled~

Who is this?

I don't know at all~

In the end, it was a hardcore Lakers loyalist who gave the answer.

"Smush Parker, the point guard I signed from free agency last week, ......


"What about the others?".

"Uh... No, just a fringe free agent who couldn't play in the league, how could I remember it so clearly. "

"Okay, but no matter what, this guy is also a professional player, and his level is definitely not comparable to that of an amateur, I don't know if Hao can win. "

"It's definitely okay, in terms of appearance, Hao will blow up that guy!".

"Looks ......


Listening to the discussions of the people around him, the corners of Smash Parker's mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, and he secretly made up his mind that he must abuse Chen Hao fiercely to prove his name.

"You attack first~".

Without giving Chen Hao a chance to object, Smush Parker put on a defensive posture inside the three-point line, as a professional player, facing an amateur, he still has this demeanor.

"Then you're welcome~".

After raising his hand to receive the basketball, Chen Hao controlled the ball and posed as a triple threat.

"The action is quite standard, it seems that it is not an ordinary amateur~".

As a professional player, although Parker's strength is average, he still has eyesight, and he immediately put away the contempt in his heart and looked much more serious.

"That's right......


Feeling all this, the corners of Chen Hao's mouth hooked up slightly, and after dribbling the ball twice under his crotch, he turned his back and avoided Parker's extremely fast steal, broke into the three-point line, and rushed straight to the inside.

Feeling the sound of hurried footsteps behind him, Chen Hao smiled even more, rushed into the restricted area at full speed, and hit a steady layup.

Dribbled the ball seventeen times, broke through, moved six meters two, and scored a basket...... 300 meters to hand, Meizizi.

Turning around, Parker's eyes were full of coldness.

"Come again?" Chen Hao said with a smile.


In the middle of the words, Parker walked directly outside the three-point line and showed his determination with his actions.

Showdown again~


The basketball jumped quickly between the fingertips, the crotch and the ground, the frequency was very fast, but Chen Hao's expression was extremely peaceful, and in the process of controlling the ball, there was no obvious direction of the shoulder shifting, so that Parker could not judge the direction of his breakthrough.

With such superb ball control ability, Parker put away the last trace of contempt and pride in his heart, and began to devote himself to this duel that he did not pay attention to.

"This level of possession...... This guy can't be a nobody!" Parker thought to himself.

It was this momentary distraction that gave Chen Hao a great opportunity to break through, with a speed of up to 80, with a ball control ability of 95, in the blink of an eye, it had already been wiped from Parker's side.

Even as a professional player, Parker's reaction speed was very fast, and he reacted at the first time, but he was still pulled away by the distance between the two positions, which was due to Chen Hao's explosiveness, otherwise he would have been completely thrown away.

Knowing that he was about to lose his defensive position, Parker turned and chased after him.

But as soon as he turned around, he was greeted by Chen Hao's sudden stop and retreat.

With his center of gravity lost, Parker almost fell down, but fortunately, his physical fitness was not bad, and he forcibly stabilized his body.

But he has lost his defensive position.

I could only watch Chen Hao burst past him, step on the free throw line and jump easily, and steadily send the ball into the basket.

"Extremely good ball control, great speed, standard shooting...... This guy is certainly not just an ordinary basketball fan!".

Parker's heart was extremely affirmative, and at the same time, he asked, "Who are you?"

"An ordinary ** international student~" Chen Hao smiled.

As everyone knows, Parker has begun to curse God in his heart, a person who can easily break through his own defense is still ordinary, so what is he?

Is it rubbish?!

If Chen Hao knew Parker's current inner drama, he would definitely not let him doubt himself so much.

After all, it is the famous name of our big CBA, and this bit of face still has to be given.

"Are you still coming?!".

Seeing Parker stunned in place, Chen Hao couldn't help but ask.

"Come on, but can you change me to attack this time~" Parker looked over with a little blush.

"Forehead ......".

Seeing that Parker directly put down his arrogant style, his eyes were full of sincerity, as a good person, how could Chen Hao bear to refuse, and immediately nodded and said: "Yes~".

"Thank you~".

Parker, who knew that he was a little unreasonable in his request, seemed very polite.

But he didn't notice that the melon-eating audience on the sidelines at this time, especially the hardcore Lakers fans who were in it, looked at it with disdain, and muttered ...... in a low voice

"Why did I sign such a weak chicken point guard~".

"You have to believe Phil Jackson's vision, since he signed this guy, it means that he still has some strength, although the defense is not high, but the offensive side may surprise us?".



Under the gaze of everyone, Chen Hao acted as a defender on the defensive end for the first time in more than three months.

It's not that he doesn't want to defend, it's that none of the opponents he has encountered during this time can defend him, and he won't be given a chance to defend.

"I don't know what level my 50 defensive ability is~".

Shaking his head slightly, Chen Hao devoted himself to the duel, looking directly into Parker's eyes.

Feeling the defensive pressure coming from Chen Hao's body, Parker took a deep breath and controlled the ball steadily outside the three-point line.

It didn't drag, and after a few dribbles, it was a direct hard burst, seeking physical confrontation.


As soon as the collision occurred, Chen Hao's body shook slightly, but he stabilized his body and did not lose his defensive position, which made Parker's eyes glaze.

Most of the time, the physical confrontation of amateur players will not be too good, but it turns out that Chen Hao's physical strength is not bad.

At least with Parker's current physical condition, he can't fight hard.

Knowing this, Parker suddenly changed his ways, stopped and turned to change direction, and the moment the basketball just broke away from the tip of his right finger and was about to hit the ground from his crotch, a palm suddenly poked out of .....

"Not good~!" Parker's expression changed drastically.

But it's too late!

After rushing a few steps forward, Chen Hao had already taken the basketball into control.

glanced at the amount, and was stunned: "There is 200 meters for stealing one, which is twice as much as the score?!".

After coming back to his senses and looking at Parker, who was unwilling to be very unwilling, Chen Hao smiled and said, "Are you still here?"


Once again, he walked outside the three-point line, and Parker looked more serious than ever.

Although Chen Hao's personal strength is indeed very strong, under the watchful eyes of so many people, it is really embarrassing to be suppressed by an amateur guy, and he must find his way back.

The showdown unfolds again~

This time, Chen Hao did not directly try to steal, but was ready to test other methods.

Compared with those amateur players, as an NBA-level player, even if it is just an ordinary level, Parker's confrontation is undoubtedly much stronger, and the basic skills are very solid.

There are no bells and whistles in possession, no deliberate pretentiousness, everything is based on use value.

Such an opponent makes Chen Hao have to go all out.


After another physical collision, Parker directly relied on the reaction force after the collision, stepped back to the three-point line, and shot a three-pointer directly.

hit Chen Hao off guard.

Subconsciously, Chen Hao rushed forward two steps, and after jumping, he slapped it with a slap.


With a crisp sound, feeling the pain coming from his arm, Parker frowned, and threw the ball out indiscriminately, naturally unable to score.

Three do not stick.

glared at Chen Hao.

Seeing this, Chen Hao said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, but I can't help it~".

"Can't help it......" Parker was speechless.

Immediately corrected: "You foul, or my turn~".

"Of course~".

agreed, and a glimmer of light flashed in Chen Hao's eyes.

Just an ordinary thug foul can get 300 meters, which is more than the score and steal data, which suddenly opened the door to a new world for Chen Hao.

Scoring is enjoyable, but swiping money is the priority right now.

"I'm a man... I like defense the most~".

Standing inside the three-point line, Chen Hao put on a defensive posture.

Immediately, Parker felt a little strange, and there was always a feeling that he should leave immediately.

Soon, as the showdown continued, Parker knew why he had the ...... idea


"You're foul!".

"I'm sorry, I'm not a professional player, I can't control my hands, do it again, next time I will definitely not foul again~".


he said




"I'm sorry, I can't really blame this ball, the speed of your breakthrough is too fast, I subconsciously raised my hand, who knew that it just hit the ......".

Parker: "......







For nearly half an hour, Chen Hao kept fouling Parker on the defensive end, making all kinds of thugs, pulling people, and pulling clothes.

To be honest, if it weren't for Chen Hao's tall stature, good muscle mass, and the fact that he was not a native of Los Angeles, Parker would have gone up to fight a long time ago.

Where will you be fouled all the time.

Isn't that bullying?

Even the surrounding melon-eating audience was a little unbearable to watch.

The arm full of finger prints, the torn clothes and pants in many places, and the expression of the aggrieved little daughter-in-law who was angry...... It's so miserable.

Unbearable to be humiliated, after Parker was fouled by Chen Hao again, he turned around and ran.

That's right, it's running!

He wanted to leave this place of right and wrong, he didn't want to stay here anymore, and he never wanted to see Chen Hao again.

Looking at Parker's back as he quickly moved away, Chen Hao smiled at the corner of his mouth and whispered: "I should be able to see you again soon, lovely Death, I will definitely compensate you for a set of clothes when the time comes." "

His eyes shifted to the surrounding melon-eating audience in a timely manner, and with a hint of laughter, he said loudly: "I defend, you attack, lose once and give you 1000 meters, who will come~".

As soon as the words fell, everyone on the sidelines couldn't wait to run, and they didn't want to stay for a second.

"Uh...... Don't even want such a good opportunity, what a fool~" Chen Hao shook his head slightly.

With his current physical condition, the duel with Parker has basically drained his physical strength, and it is the weakest moment.

I wanted to send warmth, but others didn't appreciate it.

Everyone: "Believe in you ghost~".

Soon, Chen Hao was the only one left in the stadium, and thinking of Fang Cai's experiment, Chen Hao knew that he had to adjust his plan.

Scoring or something, how can there be fun to defend.

He's going to be a top defender from today!

At the right time, the system panel was called up, ready to buy skill ......

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