NBA: I! The Most Versatile Player Ever!

Chapter 206 The God of Basketball: I think 6 championships are harder!

When the East and the West were in chaos, the Celtics were also under pressure to win.

In order to prepare for the playoffs, not only the strong teams are working hard, but the teams on the fringes of the playoffs are also working hard.

The defensive end has also gradually become loose, and the confrontation has gradually become more intense.

Even in the game against a defensive team like the Pistons, the confrontation has reached the level of the playoffs.

The layup was pulled down, and the referee directly chose to ignore it.

The dunk was thrown, and the referee clearly whistled.

In the high-intensity hand-to-hand combat, even the Celtics began to lose, and they couldn't win as many consecutive victories as they did at the beginning of the season.

In March, the Celtics went 12-3.

The Celtics' record is also fixed at 66 wins and 7 losses.

There are only 9 games left until the end of the season.

Since entering into April, the fighting between the teams has become more and more intense.

The Celtics' first opponent is the Timberwolves.

To say that the Timberwolves this season, in terms of lineup, is indeed not bad.

Big hard special an MVP-level superstar, plus Jason. Richardson and Ricky. Davis two prospective All-Stars.

There are also blue-collar basket protection center Mark Blunt, excellent defense Trenton Hassel and others.

Just looking at the lineup on paper, the Timberwolves are definitely not bad.

But can't stand it, the western killing is too tragic.

The Timberwolves fought until the beginning of April, with a record of 41 wins and 32 losses.

If it is placed in the East, it is the fourth-ranked team in the East after the Nets.

But in the West, the Timberwolves are one game away from eighth in the West.

At this point the season is coming to an end, for Big Hard.

Even know that the Celtics are very strong, but they have to fight hard to win.

From the very beginning of the game, Big Hard showed his determination.

After the pick-and-roll, he received a pass from Jason Richardson and hit a hard jumper!

After the hit, the big tough special, directly beat his chest and feet to show his toughness.


There is nothing then.

As an MVP-level superstar, Da Hardte has always been criticized for his ability to tackle tough problems in his career.

Therefore, the Timberwolves will trade for Jason Richardson, a guard who can attack with the ball.

I hope to rely on Jason Richardson and Ricky Davis to make up for the lack of attacking ability of the Timberwolves.

The idea is good, but the actual operation is somewhat problematic.

Although Jason Richardson can hold the ball, a lot of tactics are transparent.

When the attack was stagnant, everyone knew that the Timberwolves would definitely let Jason Richardson single.

The player who defends Jason Richardson must also be the defensive gate in the lineup.

The Celtics just have such resources.

Shane and Tony take turns taking care of Jason Richardson.

Make Jason Richardson the Iron King of Minnesota.

Only 6 of 18 from the field.

As far as the hit rate is concerned, it is enough to say that the Black Mamba is possessed!

A certain black mamba in LA :???

Jason. Richardson, as the strongest attacking player of the Timberwolves, played like this.

The result of the game is naturally no suspense.

The Celtics defeated the Timberwolves 104-94.

Gu Yu scored 23 points, 11 assists and 7 rebounds in the game.

Continue on the road to assist king.

Due to the arrival of Junzilei this season, Gu Yu's shot rights have inevitably been reduced.

In the original history, the Celtics three giants formed a team.

Both need a Perkins who doesn't need the ball and a coach who doesn't shoot a lot.

At this time, Gu Yu, Pierce and Junzilei teamed up, and it was impossible for them not to be affected.

Gu Yu also chose to change from scoring champion to assisting champion.

This season, he is averaging 10.9 assists per game and currently ranks first in the assists list.

If nothing else, Gu Yu should be the assist champion this season.

Although from the fans' point of view, the scoring champion looks more honorable than the assisting champion.

But for Gu Yu, it is better to be the assist king.

He led the team's offense alone, played more easily, and won more games.

Wouldn't it be better?

After beating the Timberwolves, the Celtics went on to beat the Pacers and the Bulls one after another, bringing the win to 69.

69 wins!

This victory was already the second-best record in history before the Warriors won 73.

The next opponent is the Knicks.

New York fans: Don't always use us as a backdrop!

At this time as the Knicks coach Larry. Brown is also very helpless.

Even if the Olympics use me as the background board, but also in the regular season?

As the leading star of the Knicks, Marbury was also very tough when interviewed by reporters before the start of the game.

"I know, everybody wants to see the Celtics get to 70. 39

"But that doesn't mean the Celtics will win, and we won't just throw in the towel!

What Marbury said is indeed very imposing, but the strength of the Knicks is obviously a lot worse.

After the start of the game, the Knicks were directly hammered by the Celtics.

After all, the power gap between the two sides is too great.

The Celtics are still No. 1 in the league, while the Knicks are the second-to-last in the East, second only to the last-to-last Eagles in the East.

Such a gap in strength can't be changed by Marbury's words that look tough.

Relying on the Jagged defense, the Celtics easily let the Knicks fall into a frenzied blacksmithing.

Gu Yu relied on his passing ability to lead the Celtics to a terrifying lineup.

With both offense and defense suppressed at the same time, how can the Knicks win?


With the timer heading towards the end, the Celtics overcame the Knicks with 102:88.

After the game, Miller, who was commenting on the scene, also began to cheer loudly!

"Ladies! Gentlemen! Let's congratulate the Boston Celtics!"

"70-7! Celtics make new history! They are about to break the myth that the Bulls created! 99

After the game, the Celtics will also open a small champagne battle in the locker room at Madison Square Garden.

A record of 70 wins is a pride to remember for both players and teams!

After beating the Knicks, the Celtics ended their winning streak by the 76ers.

Iverson is also fighting for the playoffs at this time.

Facing the Celtics, he made 20 of 31 shots, 2 of 5 three-pointers, 12 of 14 free throws, and scored 54 points, 8 assists, 2 rebounds and 3 steals.

Facing Iverson, who was like a god, the Celtics finally swallowed a defeat with 101:105.

After being defeated by the 76ers, the Celtics were 70-8.

The Celtics' opponents in the remaining four games are the Raptors, Hornets, Clippers and Cavaliers.

The Raptors have also been one of the worst players this season.

And Gu Yu also let Bosh know, what is a low-level monster!

A triple-double of 28 points, 12 assists and 18 rebounds led the Celtics to a 106-91 victory over the Raptors.

In the game with the Bobcats, the gang leader Qiao directly expressed that he was very upset!

The Bobcats are still hoarding talent at this time, although the Bobcats are not entirely without a chance to beat the Celtics.

After all, 1% is also an opportunity.

The Celtics also used a 98:78 20-point victory to interrupt the Bobcats' fantasy.


At the end of the game, Pierce and others rushed to the center of the court from the bench.

72 wins!

Matching the myth of the Bulls, no matter for any team, is an honor enough to be recorded in NBA history!

In the face of the reporter's interview, Pierce also began to pretend.

""々We are the strongest team in history!

"Championship! The Boston Celtics are here!!! 35

Junzilei was also very excited at this time.

"72 wins! But it's not the end!

"Gu was an incredible leader who led us to a fantastic season!"

Dior: "Champion! We are about to create a new myth!

(Lee's) ......

After the game, the gang leader Qiao was inevitably chased by the media for interviews.

The gang leader Qiao knew that he could not escape, and also accepted an interview with the media.

"Michael, the Celtics have tied the Bulls' 72 wins, maybe even broke, what do you think now?

"I have no idea, after all records are broken by players."

"Gu Yu is about to win the assists title, he also won the scoring title before, do you think it is difficult for Gu Yu to win the scoring title and assisting title, or is it more difficult to break 72 wins? 35

Before Gu Yu crossed over, a total of six players had won the assists and scoring titles at the same time, but at this time James, Westbrook and the bearded player had not yet won them.

Therefore, only Zhang Dashuai, LOGO man and Nate Archibald have won the scoring and assisting titles.

And Gu Yu will be the fourth player to lead the scoring and assists.

This honor cannot even be achieved by historical stars such as Joe, Magic, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

Qiao Gangzhu faced the reporter's question, and then smiled recently.

"If I had to choose, I think six championships is harder! 35

good guy!

The reporters at the scene called the good guy!

A little careless, Ning began to pretend to beep again!? Tan.

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