Chapter 29

At the post-game press conference, head coach Byron Scott was present with the crown and Kobe Bryant and Larry Nans Jr.

"Wang Mian scored 55 points, 29 rebounds and 9 blocks today, did you think of it before the game?".

"Was it intentional that the crown didn't play in the preseason to surprise all the fans during the regular season?".

"Kobe, what do you think of this young man? "

As soon as they sat down, the reporters at the scene couldn't wait to start asking questions.

Byron Scott smiled, not caring about the chaos of the scene, knowing that the reporter's mood was as excited as himself.

"I've been in the NBA for almost 20 years and I've never seen a better rookie than him. "

"The crown is going to create a basketball tsunami in the league!"

Bryant spoke first, and praised the crown in a very rare way.

You know, Kobe Bryant's character he won't praise others casually.

Obviously, Kobe Bryant has regarded the crown as a top star in the NBA!

"It was a privilege to learn how to play next to the eldest crown, and he gave me a taste of victory. "

Little Larinand, as the younger brother of the crown, naturally blew it unceremoniously.

"I think it's not just the young players, the crown is the best center in the NBA right now. "

Of course, Nance Jr.'s words may not be considered blowing.

In his eyes, the crown is fully worthy of the title of the current NBA's No. 1 center!

In today's era when all teams have begun to play small ball, there are really not many centers who can compare with the crown!

"I'm very happy that the crown is a member of our team, otherwise we would have lost this game. "

"But I was a little disappointed today that he was a little bit worse off in the number of blocks, and he didn't even get a double. "

Byron Scott directly put the reason for the team's victory on the crown and started a little joke.

"Otherwise he'll have a triple-double on his debut!".

As soon as Scott's words came out, everyone at the scene and the reporters in the audience burst into laughter.

The crown got 9 blocks today, which is definitely not too little, and there are only a handful of people in the NBA who can achieve 9 blocks in a single game.

Unexpectedly, Coach Scott, who was still serious just now, would make such a joke.

When Wang Mian heard Coach Scott's words, he also smiled and said

"Coach Scott is right, I will definitely pay attention in the future games and try to get more blocks. "

Everyone at the scene laughed again, and the crown had already won 9 blocks in this game.

More are capped?

Do you want 10?!

Everyone thought that Wang Mian was just joking with the coach's words.

After all, blocks are not the same as rebounds and scoring, and many times you can't get them if you want to.

Not only must you have a strong level of bounce, but your opponent's offensive options are also very demanding.

However, Wang Mian himself was very serious, and he had no doubt that he could complete it.

10 blocks, for him, not too difficult.

Give him a few games and there will always be a double-double.

"Wang, what do you think of Wilt Chamberlain's long-standing record for scoring and rebounding in his debut debut?"

"Are you fully used to the NBA-level game? There are a lot of people who don't think about you before the game, thinking that you can only play in summer league. "

The reporter at the scene returned the question to Wang Mian and asked directly.

At this time, everyone in the interview room fell silent, wanting to hear what Wang Mian would say.

Many young people who are interviewed for the first time are easy to say the wrong thing in the interview, and Kobe Bryant is also looking at Wang Mian at this time, ready to help him out.

However, Wang Mian looked calm, glanced at the reporters who were on the scene again, and replied with a smile.

"I'm very happy to be able to break Chamberlain's record, I heard that he has a lot more. "

"NBA games and Summer League are both games, and I don't think there's any difference. "

"I even think it's easier to play in the NBA. "

Wang Mian's words amused the teammates and coaches around him who were ready to help him out of the siege.

What do you mean I heard that he still has a lot of records?

You mean, the next step is to break Chamberlain's other records?!

Although it is not impossible, it is too pretentious to say it directly!!

Besides, the NBA game is much easier

Isn't this a hint that the Magic team is also a summer league team?!

After the interview, major sports also began to take action, and Wang Mian's performance today also made headlines.

ABC Radio: "55+29+8, Historic Rookie Strikes!Breaking Werther Chamberlain's 60-year-old record!".

ESPN Sports: "Nine blocks is not too many! Wang Mian said that he has the ability to double the block!".

Sports Illustrated: "The crown formula is born, NBA games and summer league are games, they make no difference!".

"Arrogant or confident, the NBA game is too easy!".

The reports of major media about the crown instantly detonated the network of the United States.

Everyone realizes that a phenomenal player has landed in the United States/Benefit/Strong!

At the same time, the major sports forums and Weibo of the Celestial Empire have exploded!

Wang Mian's debut performance in the NBA made all the Celestial Empire fans boil instantly.

The highlights of the 55+29+8 debut also instantly topped the hot search list of the scarf!

"55+29+8, what kind of data is this? "

"This block and dunk are too domineering, isn't it? "

"Da Yao has never played this kind of statistic in his NBA career, right? "

"You tell me it's a rookie?

In the lion pounce sports of the Celestial Empire, posts about the crown are constantly swiping the screen, and the popularity overshadows all other NBA stars.

Lion's pounce server also crashed for another hour due to a large number of posts about the crown.

"I thought it was a beast, but it turned out to be a forced king!!".

"CBA games and NBA games are all games, there is no difference between them!".

"Varsity games and NBA games are games, there's no difference between them!".

"Pitch and NBA are both games, they make no difference!".


Netizens also made up all kinds of jokes based on the formula created by Wang Mian during the interview.

The boss of the lion pounce looked at the skyrocketing traffic on the backstage, and his heart was also happy.

At the same time, he also realized that due to the emergence of the crown, there will be another wave of basketball craze in China, and the number of users will grow explosively.

So I gritted my teeth and decided to arrange to upgrade the server immediately!

PS, the third watch, begging for evaluation votes, flowers, kneeling and begging!

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