Chapter 35

"Derek, you're ready to help Rudy in a moment. "

"The opposite power forward, Larry Nance Jr., is a newcomer and can relax his defense. "

Coach Schneider said to Derek Feffers again.

"We can see that Coach Schneider seems to be very angry, he is very unhappy with the current situation on the field. "

"yes, just over two minutes into the game, they were already 9-0 down, and any coach would be very angry about that!".

The on-site commentator looked at Coach Schneider's terrifying expression and said in surprise.

In 2 minutes, Wang Mian made 4 consecutive dunks, and the Jazz's interior line became a complete hole. "

"How many of the four dunks do you think will be in the top 10 today?!".

"Haha, I think I have a chance to score, these dunks are very beautiful!".

The timeout ends, and the Jazz offense.

Because the outside of the team today feels average, and Gobert on the inside is very limited by the crown.

Hayward, as the boss of the team, has to open things up.

After breaking through Nick Young's defense, Hayward struck the box and prepared for a layup.

But he obviously underestimated Wang Mian's interior defensive ability too much.

Just as he was about to fly into the basket with a light pick-and-roll.


A large hand came from behind him and hit the basketball with precision.

"Beautiful! from the crown of the crown, gave Gordon a big hot pot!".

"Gordon Hayward's thinking about this ball is too simple, he probably hasn't watched the crown's last game, and he doesn't know the crown's blocking ability!".

After a pause, the Jazz still didn't break their scoring drought. "

Bryant grabbed the ball, didn't pause, and launched a fast break.

Bryant made a shot from mid-range, but it didn't score, and it bounced out.

Gobert just returned to the defense at this time, not far from the basketball position, and was about to accept the rebound.

But what I didn't expect was that a huge force came from behind again.

A black shadow rocketed from behind him.

There is no doubt that the owner of the dark shadow is still the crown!

"WOW! it's the crown again, he's just everywhere!".

"Gobert's rebound is in vain again, and his stats are still all 0 so far!".

"Gobert is averaging 10 rebounds per game, but he hasn't grabbed any of them so far in this game!"

"After Wang Mian grabbed this rebound, his stats have come to 9 points, 5 rebounds and 2 blocks!".

The crown who won the rebound did not attack, but passed the ball to Kobe, who seized the opportunity this time and hit a steady shot.

He didn't forget that his mission was to limit Gobert's rebounds to less than 5, so he didn't really care about scoring.

Goebel was already regretting it by this time.

I knew that I wouldn't have pretended to talk big before the game started...

Now that he is completely suppressed by the crown, he knows with his ass/eyes that the media will laugh at him wildly after the game.

In the following game, as Gobert had predicted, he was completely the backdrop for the crown.

Rodney Hood's mid-range throw, no.

The crown under the basket easily pushed Gobert away and protected the backcourt rebound.

The Lakers' positional offense, Kobe Bryant's three-pointer hit the iron.

The crown completely ignored Derrick Feves and Rudy Gobert and soared into the sky, grabbing the rebound.

"MMP!, this damn monster!".

Goebel's teeth itched.

Whether it is on the offensive end or the defensive end, in the face of the crown, he can't even touch the basketball.

Not to mention rebounding....

He was about to start doubting his life, the first time he had encountered this in such a long time in the NBA!


Wang Mian was in the air, he didn't wait for the ground at all, and after touching the basket, he smashed it directly into the basket.

"It's another frontcourt board! Gobert couldn't touch the ball at all against the crown!".

"The comprehensive suppression on the rebounds, the !! of the Marble Mountains on the court".

At the end of the half, the data of the crown at this time has come, 28 points, 20 rebounds, 7 blocks, and 3 assists!

At this time, the score on the court was 65-40, and the Lakers led by 25 points!

Gobert, who was opposite the crown, only had 2 points and 0 rebounds in the half!

These two points were obtained when Wang Mian was replaced by the coach!

"28 points and 20 rebounds in the half!".

"25+20 at half-time, the crown has set another record!".

"In the previous game, no rookie has scored 25+20 data in the half!".

"Will he grab 40 rebounds in the game?

Gobert was depressed and walked into the tunnel dejectedly.

On the court, he was like an ATM, and he was frantically brushed with rebounds by the crown.

Coach Schneider stopped scolding him at this time.

He also understood that it was not that Gobert did not work hard, but that the gap between his strength and Wang Mian was too big.

"Rudy, don't be knocked down by today's game, it's not that you're not strong, it's just that the crown on the other side is too perverted. "

Coach Schneider patted Gobert on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

The gap of 25 points at halftime is theoretically possible to catch up, but at this time, the momentum of the Jazz team has completely lost.

Gobert, in particular, has begun to be afraid to play because of the blow he has received.

In the Lakers' locker room, Llarynance Jr. looked at Wang Mian with a look of admiration, and he admired himself more and more as the boss.

Facing Gobert, who has the potential to be the best defensive player, he still does whatever he wants on the inside, suppressing the opposite side to 0 rebounds, which is simply ruthless.

Even Kobe Bryant kept giving a thumbs up to the crown, 25+20 at halftime.

This kind of animalistic performance is the first time I have seen it in Kobe's 20-year career!

Thackeray, the "cornerstone" of the team's rebuild, is enthusiastically pinching the crown and beating his legs.

Head coach Byron Scott also smiled very happily, and it was too much effort to coach a player like Wang Mian.

It seems that today can easily collect the second game victory.

The second half of the game begins.

The Jazz didn't let Gobert continue to play, but instead sent a lineup on the outside, hoping to rely on three-pointers to catch up with some scores.

But under the suppression of the crown's inner line, all this came to naught.

Without a center, the Jazz have become a cash machine for the crown.

He played just six minutes in the third quarter to lead the Lakers' lead to 30 points.

Although the Jazz team is tenacious, in the face of such a large score gap, they can only helplessly raise the flag and surrender.

The Lakers also replaced all their main players and clocked out in the third quarter!

The 30-point score advantage was maintained until the end of the fourth quarter.

The full-time whistle blew as the Lakers defeated the Jazz with a 133-104, 29-point lead on the road, making it two wins in a row

In this game, the best player is undoubtedly still the crown!

Wang Mian got an astonishing statistic of 28+20+7+3 in the first half.

The whole court even won a quasi-triple-double of 40+30+9!

Hammered alive the opposing Breaking Bad Gobert!

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