Chapter 41

For the rest of the first quarter, the Rockets finally found a little bit of shooting touch from the outside.

Relying on three-point shots to make the scores of the two sides not so ugly.

But in the face of the crown's crazy inside attack, he was never able to restrain him.

At the end of the first quarter, the Lakers had a 13-point lead, 37-24.

In the first quarter, the crown played the whole game, cutting down the luxurious statistics of 25 points, 12 rebounds and 4 blocks.

Wang Mian used his excellent performance to tell everyone that he once again dominated the inside line!

And his opponent is the former All-Star, three-time Defensive Player of the Year DPOY winner Warcraft Howard!

With his excellent performance, Wang Mian comprehensively suppressed Howard!

Howard only scored 3 points and 2 rebounds, which is not even a fraction of the crown data.

"He grabbed 12 rebounds in the first quarter, five of which were frontcourt rebounds!

"What surprised me the most wasn't this, it was Dwight Howard's performance against the crown. "

"He shot 0 of 8 in the first quarter, scored 3 points on free throws, and only grabbed 2 rebounds, the data is not as good as a fraction of the crown, and he was completely blown into slag by the crown!"

"Everyone was immersed in the scoring performance of the crown, but the crown's defensive ability was seriously underrated!!".

"Counting this game, he has won 3 consecutive games and 0 opponents! The opponent is completely unable to put the ball in the basket under his defense!".

"It's just horrible, is there a center in the league who can score under his defense?!".

The crown got 25+12+4 luxury data in the first quarter, while Howard, who was in the opposite position, only got 3+1+0 dismal data, and people who didn't watch the game will even wonder if the data of the two is messed up

The stats of the crown are the stats of superstars, and Howard's stats are not even as good as role players!

It seems that Dwight Howard is the guy nicknamed Warcraft...

At the end of the first quarter of the game, Wang Mian walked off the court to rest, and at this moment, the audience suddenly resounded with a deafening MVP shout.

Everyone knows that the MVP shout is dedicated to the crown of the best performance of the game.

"This is only the third game of the crown's career, and he has conquered the fans at the Staples Center!"

"Wang Mian has won the recognition of all Lakers fans with his strength!!".

"He's entitled to be the MVP of the crowd!!".

"It's the first time, but definitely not the last, and he'll enjoy it every night in the future!".

The two commentators were also stunned, knowing that the last player who could be chanted MVP by all Lakers fans was Kobe Bryant!

And Wang Mian used his performance to perfectly take over the mantle of Kobe!

"Wang, you did a great job today. "

During the break, Kobe Bryant deliberately switched positions with Llarinance Jr., sat next to the crown, and kept complimenting.

"You beat Dwight, this guy was MVP-level before!".

"Did you hear this MVP shout? It used to belong to me, but now it's been snatched away by you kid!".

Since Howard left the Lakers, Kobe Bryant has always looked down on Howard and felt that he was a soft egg.

Seeing that the crown broke him up today, Kobe Bryant was also in a good mood, praising the crown while joking with him.

"Haha, boss, look at Dwight's iron-clad face, see if he dares to pretend to be forced in the future!".

Llarinance Jr. was also happy, he felt that this game was simply too simple.

With the crown guarding on the inside, Nance Jr. feels very relaxed on the court, and even if the defense occasionally leaks, the crown can help him make up for it.

Recognizing the crown as the boss is simply the most correct choice in his career!

"It's so easy to win this game, just hand the ball to the crown. Nick Yang on the side also said.

The whole Lakers felt like they had found a treasure.

They were still in the playoffs last season, but this season under the leadership of the crown is about to usher in the opening 3 consecutive wins!

Unlike the relaxed and happy atmosphere on the Lakers' side, everyone on the Rockets bench has serious expressions.

"We were so limited in the first half that you had to step up and score in the second quarter!".

Head coach McHale said to Harden with a serious face.

He didn't expect Howard to get back into shape.

The crown on the other side is a big demon king!

At a time when Howard can't score inside, Harden has to step up!

So the head coach put his hope on Harden.

It's just that he performed equally badly today, and McHale was a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, Coach, I won't let you down!".

Harden, who was sitting in his chair, replied with a heaping breath.

originally thought that the Lakers were a soft persimmon, so he played crazy with his girlfriend Kardashian last night, and his physical strength was obviously greatly affected today.

Whether it's a breakthrough or a shot, it's a bit overwhelming.

I thought that today's opponent, the Lakers, could easily solve it, but I didn't expect that the monster of the crown made the development of things seem to be out of control.

But in the face of Coach McHale's entrustment, he could only agree to it.

Howard, on the other hand, sat with a blue face and an expressionless face, and he still couldn't believe that he had been beaten by a rookie.

McHale glanced at Howard, who was speechless, with some concern, and wanted to say something comforting, but he didn't know how to say it.

The break ended and the second quarter began.

In the second quarter of the bench between the two sides, the Rockets showed the depth of the bench of last season's Western Conference Finals team.

During the break between Harden and Howard, Tylawson and Josh Smith stepped up from the bench.

They hit back-to-back shots from beyond the three-point line, and Howard took advantage of the absence of the crown to re-demonstrate his ability as an All-Star center and the best defensive player, ravaging the interior and the first quarter of the game.

Soon the gap narrowed to 7 points.

But with six minutes left in the second quarter, the crown was back on the court.

Seeing the crown return to the court, Howard quickly changed his style of play.

He reduced his individual offense and instead gave the ball to Harden more for him to score.

But Harden's state today is very confused, and he frequently plays iron with the ball on the outside, and is easily rebounded by the crown.

was even stolen by Kobe Bryant and completed a fast-break dunk.

And on the inside, due to the defense of the crown, Harden did not dare to break through too deeply, and once he broke through, he was greeted by a big hat.

The 7-point difference was stretched to double digits in a blink of an eye!

"With all due respect, the arrival of the crown directly changed the situation on the field!!".

PS,The fourth update has arrived.,35 chapters were reissued with the wrong chapter before.,But I found that the impact was not big.,Haha.。

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