The brother and sister were examined, and the skeleton cavalry who had just killed the zombies also returned from the rear.

Walk past the side of the buggy.

The lance was still dripping with sticky blood.

The brother and sister looked back and saw that there was no zombie in the distance.

All fell to the ground.

What a fierce cavalry!

The two of them were shocked.

Although I don't know why these skeletons can stand up, they are obviously more powerful than zombies.

12 skeleton cavalry killed so many zombies.

It's simply terrifying.

When the brother and sister turned to look at the Skeleton Cavalry.

The roadblock was removed, and the survivor responsible for the inspection said: "Follow the road, you can see the exchange place."

"Oh, thank you!"

The brother and sister reacted, drove the severely deformed off-road vehicle, and continued to drive inside.

The road ahead is smooth.

Scrapped vehicles and debris were piled on both sides of the road, and not a single zombie rushed out.

Some survivors on patrol can also be seen.

Look here from time to time.

Obviously, this area is completely controlled by survivors and is not disturbed by zombies.

"Brother! Do these skeletons that can move have supernatural powers?" the woman in the co-pilot said suddenly.

Can patrol with survivors.

All they could think of was superpowers.

"That's probably it. I've only heard about some supernatural powers on the radio, but we haven't seen the effects." The man driving the car said.

The woman looked out the window at the skeleton patrol passing by, "This power is so perverted, every skeleton is a thug."

The man was a little yearning, "Yes! Unfortunately, I have only taken the first-level corpse core. If there is a second-level corpse core, I would also like to try it to see if I can awaken my powers."

The woman immediately turned her head and said seriously: "No, let me tell you, the success rate is so low, how could it be your turn? What should I do if you die?"

"If you can awaken powerful superpowers, you can soar into the sky. At worst, you can even become the leader."

"They also have powerful superpowers. There are a few who can take corpse cores and survive."

"I'm just telling you what you're shouting about. Moreover, the zombies are getting stronger and stronger. Sooner or later we will try to take the corpse core." The man said helplessly.

The off-road vehicle continued to move forward slowly, and gradually saw the towering courtyard wall in front of it, as well as skeletons holding firearms standing on the courtyard wall, and even two machine guns pointing outside.

"Damn, this place is no worse than the military side." The woman exclaimed.

Now it seems that this shelter in the old factory area is no worse than the military one.

With sufficient firearms, there are still so many skeletons that can be controlled, which is likely to be higher than that of the military.

I had never heard of the shelter in the old factory area being so powerful.

Why did it suddenly rise!

"Here we are, stop talking nonsense," the man said.

Ahead, following the guidance, we entered the open market courtyard.

A sign was erected at the door with the values ​​of various items marked on it.

"10 grams of gold in exchange for 10 kilograms of grain"

"One first-level corpse core can be exchanged for 50 kilograms of food. A total of 5 cores will give you 10 kilograms more."

"First-level deformed corpse in exchange for 10 kilograms of grain."

"One second-level corpse core can be exchanged for 100 kilograms of grain. A total of 3 cores will give you 30 kilograms more."

"Level 2 deformed corpse in exchange for 30 kilograms of grain."

"One rifle can be exchanged for 15 kilograms of grain, and 100 bullets can be exchanged for 10 kilograms of grain."

"One heavy machine gun..."


"One armored vehicle in exchange for 300 kilograms of grain."

"Special talents can be exchanged for 100 kilograms of grain per person."

Various exchangeable items are clearly listed on the notice board.

The brother and sister looked over, their eyes opening wider and wider.

"Brother, they really exchanged food for gold! They don't drink polluted water, they must have lost their minds!"

The car has arrived at the entrance of the market, and there is no need for the other party to continue to lie.

Marked, it was obvious that the exchange was really intended.

"Don't talk nonsense. If your brain is broken, others can't be broken either..."

The woman chuckled, "I just said casually, it would be great if they could exchange them. The price they buy guns is so low, half cheaper than the military. They also buy armored vehicles and special talents. Am I considered a talent?" "

"Is being able to eat considered a talent?"


After reading the notice board, the off-road vehicle entered the market directly.

The two got out of the car and came to a wooden table, "Let's exchange for food."

"Did you read the notice board?" the arranger asked.

"Look, we brought some gold jewelry." The man said.

"Bring it over and we'll weigh it. If it's ok, you can go get the grain again."


He reopened the car door and handed over a small plastic bag containing various gold jewelry.

After weighing.

"A total of 104 grams, go over there and get the food!"


We got on the bus again and continued to the food collection area.

When the two big bags of flour were stuffed into the back seat, both of them swallowed and spit.

That’s really great.

Moreover, the warehouse where the other party took the grain was filled with bags of grain.

"Okay, you can go!"

After the exchange was completed, the staff said directly.

"Oh, okay!" The man in the driver's seat turned on the engine twice and asked awkwardly, "Can the car be repaired here? There's something wrong."

"If you go there to repair your car, you will be charged some fees."

"Uh..." When they heard the charge, the two of them hesitated.

But the condition of the off-road vehicle is such that it may not be able to be driven back without repairs.

I drove to the car repair location and made simple repairs.

When the car could start, some more grain was deducted.

The brother and sister drove the vehicle back the same way.

On the way back.

The brother and sister were still a little unable to recover.

Are you exchanging gold for food?

Apart from the fact that zombies are more dangerous along the way, the rest of the process does not take more than twenty minutes.

"They have a lot of food, and why do they need to exchange it for gold?" The woman tilted her chin and pondered.

The man said: "They all say that gold can be found in troubled times. Is this what they think?"

"Those were troubled times, not the end of the world. Now everyone is almost dead, so what's the use of gold?"

"Then tell me why. Anyway, we have already replaced the food."

"Yeah, this is what I can't figure out."

The brother and sister chatted quietly.

Suddenly, several cars drove over. The brother and sister immediately looked serious and put their guns on their legs.

In addition to zombies, other survivors are equally dangerous.

However, the other vehicle did not stop, honked its horn on the way, and passed directly by.

"I'm also going to exchange for food," the man said.

"Well, they brought more stuff."

While he was talking, another military truck and two armored vehicles passed by from one side.

It is also in the direction of the old factory area.

"The military also went."


The man narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the military vehicles going away in the rearview mirror, then turned directly and rushed towards the military market.

The woman frowned, "What are you doing?"

"While they don't understand the market, let's go to the military and exchange for some big guys, kill the aberrant dogs at the intersection, and then exchange for more food."

"Finally, we have food, so we just exchange it for it?"

The man said: "We have more than 30 people in the base. How long can just two bags of food last? Why not change more weapons while others are still waiting to watch. In a few days, all the food may be replaced. Gone."

The woman was stunned and felt that there was some truth to it.

"Okay, then hurry up and change. When food is abundant, the military may raise the price of weapons."

"I thought so too!"

The old factory area, the reception room of the open market.

Qi Hancai walked in and said: "Chief, Captain Yang is here."

Behind her, followed Yang Long from the military and two team members also wearing combat uniforms.

"Captain Yang, we meet again so soon." Wu Heng stood up and shook hands with the other party.

Yang Long also smiled and said: "Little brother, you deceived me so badly."

"Hey! Where did Captain Yang come from?" Wu Heng motioned for the other party to sit down.

"You never said you were a superpower, nor did you say you had so much food."

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