Wu Heng looked at the two standing skeletons and frowned slightly.

The attendants actually all have level 12.

The status of this special inspection envoy is not low.

Normally speaking, the resident deacons in remote areas with stable political power are only level 12.

Here, he is just a servant.

After a brief glance, his eyes fell on the skeleton mage.

[Skeleton Mage (Level 15)]

【Level: 15】

[Attributes: Constitution 27, Strength 15, Agility 17, Intelligence 37, Perception 28, Charisma 20.]

[Characteristics: Empty Skeleton, Advanced Soul, Magical Senses, Conjuration Scholar, Master Spellcaster, Source Law Theory. 】

[Experts: Cloth Armor Specialization (Advanced), Staff Specialization (Advanced), Dagger Specialization (Intermediate), Arcane Echo, Soul Knowledge, Haunting Knowledge, Untiring Concentration, Spell Craftsmanship. 】

[Skill: Life Support Technique. 】

Wu Heng frowned and looked at the mage's panel.

In terms of attributes, it is the standard template for a mage, with high intelligence, perception and constitution being the second highest attributes, while strength and agility are its own shortcomings.

Of course, the position of a mage is not a profession that relies on strength.

Going out in the carriage, accompanied by escorts and attendants, is obviously the configuration of a noble gentleman.

In terms of characteristics, there are conjuration scholars, represented by mages of the conjuration school.

Wu Heng mainly focused on [Yuanfa Theory].

[Source Law Theory]: You understand the commonalities between the roots of magic and the essence of magic in basic theory, and can thus fully understand everything from the perspective of arcane magic (all skills you have learned, the spell level is increased by one level, and the spells of this faction are decrease greatly.)

The skills and spell levels that have been learned are increased by one level.

It seems that Kalema himself is really no ordinary person.

Keep looking down.

Skills are a bit miserable.

There is only one ‘life-sustaining technique’.

After the mage class is converted into undead, all faction skills will disappear.

Only the magic of the Necromancer faction is left, and the life-sustaining technique belongs to the Necromancer faction.

All other skills are not retained.

"From now on, you will be called the attendant of the tub, and you will also be called Kalema." Wu Heng named the two skeletons, then stepped aside and began to put on the original armor.

Wu Heng continued to take out two space rings and began to examine them.

Not only Kalema's, but the Tub Attendant also has a space ring.

First he opened the tub attendant's ring and looked at it.

Various daily necessities, water, food, extra weapons and armors, and money bags filled with coins.

Then, Wu Heng continued to check Kalema’s space ring.

In addition to some daily items that are not available, there are quite a few magic props inside.

[Soundproof Pot] [Spell Wooden Staff] [Energy-Gathering Robe] [Sincerity Clay Doll (Rare Item)] [Space Ring (5 cubic meters)].

First look at the [Soundproof Pot].

【Soundproof Pot】

(Description: A prop etched with insulation text, which can isolate the outward transmission of sound.)

The shape of the soundproof pot is more like a spiral vase.

Large, complex runes were etched on it.

Not to mention the shape, props with this kind of sound insulation effect are rare on the market.

【Spell Wooden Staff】

(Description: A magic prop made of special wood roots, etched with arcane reflux, light of conjuration, and magic effect of the conjuration faction +17%.)

A magic wand.

The effect provided does not seem to be too high.

His own spine staff, the effect of necromantic magic is +23%, and it also provides two spells.

The conjuring wooden staff in front of him was etched with two effect-increasing runes, and the spell effect was only increased by 17%.

After all, I got my own in exchange for a third-level meritorious service, so the level is close to that of a rare item.

The next one is the magic robe [energy-gathering robe], which can reduce the mental energy consumption when casting spells.

This one should be a spare, I already have one on me.

Then [Sincerity Clay Doll] looks directly into the clay doll's eyes and it will tell the truth.

The last one was also a space ring, and Wu Heng continued to mentally explore it.

There was nothing in it, just two money bags of gold coins, and a gold ring with an eye on it.

A secret order?

This was not the first time Wu Heng had seen this kind of ring.

Generally, members of the Secret Order will have one like this to prove their identity.

Kalema is from the Esoteric Order?

Impossible, how could the association allow a person from the Secret Order to be the special envoy for inspection?

Then, Wu Heng thought of another person in his mind.

The captain Kalema killed.

"This ring is his!"

In other words, the whole thing this time was once again caused by the secret cult.

Just like a dog-skin plaster, people keep coming to trouble him, and he can't kill them all.

Moreover, the location of the secret order headquarters has not yet been found.

"Write a letter to Lilith? Ask her to intensify her attack on the Secret Order?"

"For what reason? Just make it up and if it is found out, it will easily destroy the trust established between each other."

While Wu Heng was thinking, he put away all the props he took out.

Wait until all items are put away.

Head back with the two skeletons.

Take Kalema back to the dormitory.

Wu Heng took out all his necromancy books and said, "You don't have to do anything, just read here and learn these skills as soon as possible."

Skeleton Kalema sat down at the desk, took out a book of Weakening Ray and opened it.

Wu Heng closed it again and took out the [Bone-Slaking Technique], "Read this book first!"

Kalema took over the [Bone Art] and began to look through it carefully.

With Kalema's intelligence and reaching level 15, it shouldn't be difficult to learn these skills.

It's just a matter of time.

Wait until the arrangements are made here.

Wu Heng glanced at the time.

It was still quite early, so he took out his walkie-talkie and called Qi Hancai directly.

Walked out of the dormitory, went downstairs and just walked to the door.

Qi Hancai rushed over from outside.

"What are your orders?" Qi Hancai stood aside.

Wu Heng asked directly: "How are the preparations for cleaning up the central square?"

"No problem. I have accumulated a lot of those solid iron bullets in the past few days. Based on each flying dragon carrying two thousand, it can be thrown back and forth more than twenty times." Qi Hancai answered standing aside.

The cleaning of the main road has almost been completed.

Only the area around the city center square is left. As long as it is cleared, the road to the passenger terminal can be opened.

The plan had been decided a long time ago, but the matter of his suspension delayed it for several days.

Now that the matter is resolved, it is time to open up this road.

Wu Heng said directly: "Tomorrow, let's go clean the central carousel. Everything that needs to be prepared is ready!"

"Understood!" Qi Hancai nodded.

The two stood at the door and chatted about the news of the past few days.

At the same time, after some discussion, we faced the construction of the old factory area.

After chatting for a while.

Wu Heng also returned to the dormitory, glanced at Kalema who was still reading a book seriously, and opened the gate to Treasure Island.

Dining room.

The three of them sat at the table and had dinner.

Wu Heng picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth, glanced at Anderweier, and asked: "Weier, is there nothing wrong with the association?"

"It's nothing. The biggest thing is that there are a new batch of wanted posters, and I have already taken pictures of them." Anderweil replied.

Information transmission in this world is still relatively slow.

Even if the cargo ship discovers that Kalema is missing or dead, it will report it to the association at the next port.

It will be delivered to Treasure Island by then, maybe a few months later.

It's hard to find out clearly even if you want to, as long as you don't leak those props.

"Well, come back early next time when nothing happens." Wu Heng said.

"It's already very early. If it's any earlier, it will be noon." Andwyer said softly.

"Um, really. It's okay to come back at noon occasionally."

Anderweil also smiled, "I know, Master."

Minnie was also at the side, picked up a piece of sea fish meat, brought it over and said: "Master, eat this, I heard it is very nourishing. Eat more, you will have strength at night."

Wu Heng was stuffed into his mouth and muttered, "You don't seem to be satisfied with what you said."

"No, it's more powerful. I can use it to punish the little fox at night." Minnie said, picking up another piece and stuffing it into his mouth.

Anderweier rolled her eyes at her, "Obviously you stick to the master every day and always make trouble with me."

After dinner, we chatted for a while in the living room.

Then they went back to the room to rest together.

The next day.

Wu Heng first went to the association.

Although I didn’t think the news of Kalema’s death would spread, I still took a look.

I found that nothing happened.

Go to the association dormitory and get the bug back, then go home directly.

Open the gate and go to the zombie world.

Skeleton Kalema was still sitting at the desk reading a book. Wu Heng took a look, took out the walkie-talkie and asked: "Qi Hancai, are you ready?"

Soon, a reply came over the intercom, "Ready, ready to go at any time."

"Okay, let's go when I get downstairs."


When Wu Heng went downstairs, the motorcade had already stopped at the door.

Two military trucks and one off-road vehicle.

A round window was opened on the top of the passenger side of the off-road vehicle, and a skeleton stuck its upper body out of the round window, manipulating a heavy machine gun.

Here in the old factory area, the firearms are still in charge of skeletons with shooting expertise.

Ordinary survivor patrols are equipped with heavy crossbows.

Wu Heng mobilized the skeleton army.

Then he opened the door and got directly into the co-pilot of the truck.

The convoy started, and under the protection of the skeleton army, it left the factory and headed towards the target direction.

City Center Carousel.

It connects the main roads in four directions and is also the most prosperous section of the city.

Surrounded by shopping malls, large supermarkets, the Workers' Cultural Palace, and a mobile phone street.

A large number of zombies gathered in a small pedestrian street next to the auto repair shop. There must be more zombies here.

An army of skeletons escorted the convoy forward.

After clearing two waves of small corpses along the way.

At the end of the line of sight, one can see a circular turntable and densely packed zombie figures.

"If you go any further, you may attract the attention of the zombies." Qi Hancai said.

Wu Heng nodded, "Stop the car and let everyone start preparing!"

"Okay!" Qi Hancai picked up the walkie-talkie and handed over the task.

With a thought, Wu Heng released Xiaoxiao and Granda and asked them to go ahead to investigate the situation.

Soon, two ghosts flew back from a distance, got into the body, and shared the scene they just saw.

The roads surrounding the carousel, as well as the roads extending in the other three directions, were filled with dense zombies.

And at the feet of the zombies, there are scrapped cars crowding the road.

It seems that when the zombies broke out, this road section formed a serious jam, and the cars all crashed together, forming a car cemetery.

Among the corpses, several deformed zombies can be seen.

Big guy, creeper.

No big-headed zombies were seen, but big-headed zombies are relatively timid and are probably hiding in a nearby building.

After Wu Heng looked at the shared pictures, his attention was attracted by some weird zombies.

They have the same body shape as normal zombies, and the skin on their bodies is still shriveled, but it is no longer rotten and dilapidated.

It's more like a mummy without fat.

These zombies are scattered among the corpses.

It does not move aimlessly like other zombies. Instead, it turns its head to look for the target, and will push approaching zombies aside.

It seems that he has some intelligence.

New zombie? Or are ordinary zombies evolving again?

Qi Hancai noticed his expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Is there any update on the zombie information on the radio?"

"Yes." Qi Hancai recalled for a moment and said: "Several types of zombies have been updated. There is a splatter zombie, which is characterized by spraying thick liquid, and a plague ghost, which is characterized by exuding dust viruses. The third-level zombie has announced a Millipede, I heard it’s a monster made up of many limbs.”

"What about ordinary zombies?"

"The main station said that ordinary zombies in some places have begun to possess certain intelligence, but they did not release any more information."

Wu Heng nodded. It seemed that the zombies mixed in were probably the kind of evolved zombies mentioned on the radio.

If all zombies evolved intelligence.

That would be an even greater disaster for the survivors.

"You stay in the car. There are a lot of corpses today, so everyone should be careful," Wu Heng said.

"Oh, okay!" Qi Hancai nodded, picked up the walkie-talkie and gave instructions.

After getting off the car.

Get the skeleton army ready.

Wu Heng patted the two deformed dogs and said, "Go and lure those zombies over."

The two deformed dogs kept shaking their bony tails.

After hearing Wu Heng's words, he ran out immediately.

When he was within a hundred meters of the zombie, all the zombies nearby turned their heads and looked over.

First he was stunned, and then he let out a deafening roar.

Almost at the same time, the nearby zombies also roared, spreading backwards in waves.

The skeleton dog turned around and ran away, while the group of corpses also quickly caught up.

Crowds of people squeezed into the middle road, pushing and shoving each other, like a rushing black wave, desperately chasing the fleeing skeleton dog.

The ground began to tremble, and the roar of corpses was as loud as thunder.

The skeleton dog's erect tail was also tucked up, and it lowered its head and ran as fast as it could.

The corpses are coming.

The ground shook, and the ear-splitting roar mixed with the fishy smell spread, like purgatory on earth.

Qi Hancai, Wang Chenggang and others looked at the dense darkness in the distance, and their expressions changed dramatically, full of horror and fear.

This amount really exceeded original expectations.

If it were any shelter, it would be flooded in an instant, with walls, iron bars, machine guns and artillery.

There is no way to stop so many zombies.

There are too many.

Can these skeletons withstand it?

Everyone suddenly became a little uncertain.

Wu Heng looked at the tide of corpses running in the distance, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

He said to the big-headed skeleton behind him: "The skeleton flying dragon flies out and drops iron bombs."


Five skeletal flying dragons rushed into the sky instantly.

Quickly reaching the sky above the corpses, the magazine opened, and dense iron bullets fell like black raindrops.

Boom boom boom~!

In an instant, there was an explosion and thick smoke rose into the sky.

The iron bullets dropped by the five skeletal flying dragons instantly cleared the entire road.

The ground was covered with broken limbs, rotten flesh, and blood.

More corpses continued to rush forward, stepping on the flesh and blood on the ground.

Once again the whole road was crowded.

Roar and charge.

Behind, Wang Chenggang and others kept scanning the distance while changing the magazine.

I wish I had a few more hands and could just stuff the magazine into it.

The two ghosts responsible for the investigation flew back again, and Granda said: "There are corpses coming around on the right, and there are a lot of them."

"Uncle, there are zombies rushing over from the left."

Wu Heng's eyes instantly narrowed and he quickly looked around on both sides.

Tall buildings block the view, but you can still faintly hear running footsteps.

"Sure enough, there are big-headed zombies."

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