Night of apocalypse

Chapter 1034 Angry

In the room, modules of various colors and shapes were piled up in a messy manner, the number of which was no worse than the revenue gained by the military headquarters from the city of Anjikara. In addition to modules, there are also many various modules and equipment such as swords, knives, giant axes, and armors piled up in the room.

Shen Qiu took a deep breath, his face full of disbelief that this group of people actually had such a huge fortune.

At this time, Bai Mucheng's eyes flashed with a rare solemnity, and then he said to Shen Qiu.

"It seems that these are the guys who have been selling problematic modules and equipment in the city recently. Shen Qiu, stay back and stay away!"

"Ah? Why are you retreating?"

Chen Qiu was slightly startled when he heard Bai Mucheng, but he still obeyed Bai Mucheng's words and stepped back.

"Recently, there have been frequent disqualifications in the city, and nine out of ten of them are related to these modules. I suspect that special viruses are attached to the surfaces of these things, causing those who come into contact to lose control."

Bai Mucheng explained to Shen Qiu.

In fact, Bai Mucheng herself is not very afraid of these problematic modules and equipment. After all, her abilities are of the suppression type, and her resistance is relatively high. But she was worried that something would go wrong with Shen Qiu, so she asked him to retreat immediately.

After hearing what Bai Mucheng said, Shen Qiu's face turned dark.

"No way, I touched it before."

"How did you come across the problematic module?"

Bai Mucheng asked very surprised.

"It's not like someone was selling it to me when I first entered the city. Later, I gave the problem module to Wu Di. Wait, no wonder when the problem module was given to Wu Di, the guy used a box to pick it up. He already knew the feelings. , you didn’t tell me? It’s so uninteresting.”

Shen Qiu complained about Wu Di with a dark face.

Bai Mucheng thought for a while and said to Shen Qiu.

"Don't take it too seriously. This is just a guess on our part. In fact, there may be a problem with the module itself that causes it to go out of control. After all, if there was a special virus on the surface, it would have spread to a large area. And you are so powerful. The resistance itself should be very good. It has not been absorbed into the body, so it should be okay if it is only touched for a short time."

"All right."

When Shen Qiu heard what Bai Mucheng said, she felt a little relieved.

Then the two people focused their attention again on the mountains of treasures in the room.

Bai Mucheng frowned and said.

"Chen Qiu, tell me where they got this bunch of things."

"I don't know why these things give me a very depressing feeling, a bit like funerary objects. Could these guys have dug some graves?"

Shen Qiu said with a solemn expression.

"I'm afraid you're right. Look on the right side of the room. There's a robe there!"

Bai Mucheng reminded Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu looked along Bai Mucheng, and immediately saw a black dragon-patterned robe thrown on top of the piles of equipment. If you look carefully, you can see that the dragon pattern embroidered on this robe has the head bowed.

"Looking at these clothes, these people must have dug an extremely high-end grave."

"That's right."

"Mucheng, you have been operating here for so long, are there any big tombs near the city of Anjikara?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of it."

Bai Mucheng shook her head and replied.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, Wu Li, Sun Ji and others walked in, and saw Shen Qiu and Bai Mucheng face to face.

Wu Li and others' expressions suddenly changed, and they asked fiercely.

"who are you?"

Shen Qiu glanced at Wu Li and others, smiled and said to Bai Mucheng.

"No need to guess, everyone is here! Once we take them down, everything will be clear."

"Well, I think so too. Be gentle when you strike."

Bai Mucheng told Shen Qiu calmly.

At this time, Sun Ji's expression suddenly changed and he looked at Shen Qiu resentfully.

"Chen Qiu, it's you!"

Although Shen Qiu was wearing a mask, Sun Ji recognized his voice immediately.

When Shen Qiu heard Sun Ji's unkind tone, he became even more puzzled. Is this kid sick? Why do you feel so resentful towards yourself? However, Shen Qiu was too lazy to talk nonsense and admitted directly.

"That's right, it's me. Now I'll give you two choices, either lie down and let me go, or I'll beat you until you're full of teeth."

When Kong Si and others heard Shen Qiu admitting his identity, they all said in horror.

"Boss, this guy is the third star envoy Shen Qiu! What should we do?"

Even though Kong Si and the others are all villains, they are also very concerned about information from all aspects. After all, the most taboo thing for people who work for a living is to offend those big shots, and they will die without knowing how.

Wu Li immediately took a step back, with a look of fear on his face, but when he thought of the countless wealth in the room, his eyes suddenly turned red, and then he said fiercely.

"Brothers, don't care who he is, they are here to steal our things."

When Kong Si and others heard Wu Li's words, the fear on their faces instantly turned into anger, and they all spoke with red eyes.

"Tear them apart!"

Greed immediately erodes reason.

For a time, Wu Li and others' skins became abnormal, with raised blood lines appearing one by one, and their faces became more and more ferocious. Even the two minions who were directly suppressed by Bai Mucheng and fell unconscious also got up and their eyes changed. He turned red and stared at Shen Qiu and Bai Mucheng like wild beasts.

"Trouble, these people are getting out of control."

"Stopping them is of little value if it gets out of hand."

Bai Mucheng said calmly.

"Yes, if you lose control, you can only kill him!"

Shen Qiu replied helplessly.


Wu Li took the lead and ran away in an instant. His skin grew hair, his head turned into a wolf's head, his hands turned into sharp claws, and black aura burst out from his body.

The atomic fluctuations instantly increased several times, and half of his feet suddenly reached the LV4 level.

Kong Si and others were affected by Wu Li, and their whole bodies burned up. Some of them turned into stone men, their auras surged, and they all lost control in an instant.

When Shen Qiu saw this scene, he had a helpless expression on his face, and he became more and more worried about what was happening.


Wu Li rushed towards Shen Qiu madly, tearing at Shen Qiu with his sharp claws.

At this moment, Shen Qiu's whole body flashed with violent purple thunder and lightning, and he drew out the dark abyss and struck it with a knife!

"True Thunder Slash!"


Wu Li's claws were directly cut open by An Yuan, but as if he was in pain, he opened his bloody mouth and bit down on Shen Qiu with his sharp fangs exposed.

Shen Qiu raised his left hand, and the violent purple thunder and lightning gathered to form a huge dragon claw. He directly grabbed Wu Li's head arbitrarily, and then squeezed it hard!


Wu Li's head was crushed directly, and thunder and lightning swept through his body, instantly making him burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

As for Kong Si and others who rushed up, Bai Mucheng raised her left hand and snapped her fingers, and the invisible suppression instantly froze them.

Then Bai Mucheng rushed forward like a stream of light, waving the rapier in his hand.


Heads flew up one by one and fell to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, all the people who lost control were killed by Bai Mucheng as if chopping vegetables.

Only the trembling Sun Ji was left at the scene, with an incredible look in his eyes.

Both Shen Qiu and Bai Mucheng's eyes fell on Sun Ji. Sun Ji took a step back in fear. He knew that Shen Qiu was very strong, but he didn't expect that Wu Li and his younger brother would all be killed in less than a few seconds. .

"Sun Ji, tell me, why did you get together with this group of people, what happened to these things, and where did you get them?"

Shen Qiu asked directly.

Sun Ji, who was very frightened at this time, heard Shen Qiu's words, and the fear in his eyes was replaced by anger, and he said angrily.

"You have the nerve to ask me! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't hang out with them."

"Ah? What does it have to do with me?"

Shen Qiu also felt confused. Although he didn't like Sun Ji very much, he was still a member of Yun Xiaoxi's best friend Shiyao, and he didn't care much about him.

"Pretend, you keep pretending, it's because I met you in the first place! Shiyao ignored me and was fascinated by you! I just said a few words to you, and she kicked me out of the team , you are the culprit of everything!"

Sun Ji gritted his teeth and said.

After listening to Sun Ji's words, Shen Qiu understood why this guy was hanging out with Wu Li and others, but he was also shocked.

Does Shiyao like herself? He felt this was incredible.

Shen Qiu didn't notice it at all. He only remembered that when he was in Qianyin Kingdom, he made her very angry just for acting.

At this time, Bai Mucheng chuckled and said to Shen Qiu.

"Another girl, she said you didn't flirt with women, you could almost have a back garden."

"No, I was really wronged. I only know it now."

"Why do I feel so different?"

"Wait a minute. Let me clarify for you about Sun Ji. You really misunderstood. I really didn't know Shiyao liked me, and I don't like Shiyao either. I just treat her as an ordinary friend."

Shen Qiu quickly said to Sun Ji, and also explained to Bai Mucheng.

He was really wronged. He knew that Shiyao had a crush on him.

When Sun Ji heard Shen Qiu's words, his eyes were bloodshot and he said with great anger.

"What are you talking about! You don't like Shiyao?"


Shen Qiu nodded subconsciously and replied.

"You actually look down on her?"

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Sun Ji became even more excited. In Shen Qiu's eyes, the person he couldn't love was just a passerby, and he didn't like him at all.

This sense of gap instantly drove him crazy!

"Hey, calm down. Isn't it okay that I don't like her?"

Seeing that Sun Ji was so excited, Shen Qiu quickly dissuaded him.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Sun Ji suddenly roared, the skin all over his body cracked, and bloody bone spurs grew out. The bones of his body were lifted up, exuding a foul smell of blood.

"It's over!"

Shen Qiu slapped her face. He had never been so speechless. He even clarified that he didn't like Shi Yao, but in the end, this guy got out of control. It was so damn hard that he didn't know what to say.

It's wrong to like it, and it's wrong not to like it.

Seeing that Sun Ji had entered the disqualified state, Bai Mucheng raised the white rapier in his hand.

"Striking Light Stab!"

Bai Mucheng's sharp sword penetrated the past and instantly hit Sun Ji's chest.

The entire rapier was pierced into his chest and into his heart, but Sun Ji did not die, but stretched out his left hand to grab the rapier.

Bai Mucheng then burst out with strength, suppressing Sun Ji and retreating.


Sun Ji raised the sharp claw of his right hand and was about to sweep it towards Bai Mucheng.

Shen Qiu activated Instant Lightning Jiying and touched the ground with his toes, like a bolt of thunder!


Sun Ji's right arm was cut off by Shen Qiu, and the smelly blood spattered out.


After Sun Ji's arm was cut off, not only did he feel no pain, but he became even more cruel and grinning!

Bai Mucheng stared at Sun Ji with cold eyes!


Sun Ji knelt down instantly, and Bai Mucheng suddenly withdrew his rapier and swept it with a cold light sword.


Sun Ji's head was immediately chopped off.

Shen Qiu looked at the dead Sun Ji, then at the corpses on the ground, and sighed helplessly.

"They are all dead, and the clues are gone."

"It's not all your fault. Originally, he was still alive, but you actually used words to stimulate him into a state of disqualification. If I didn't know you well, I would have doubted whether you did it on purpose?"

Bai Muchengpo looked at Shen Qiu thoughtfully.

Shen Qiu suddenly felt helpless and explained in a dumbfounded manner.

"It's not my fault. Who knows what got him so crazy? I clarified it, but he got even more excited."

At this moment, Shen Qiu felt as if he could not wash away even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

"never mind."

Bai Mucheng did not continue to hold on.

"Then what happens next?"

Shen Qiu asked a little embarrassed.

Bai Mucheng raised her bracelet and sent a message, then said to Shen Qiu.

"I sent a message to Wu Di, and he will bring someone over to take over here soon! The modules and equipment in the room must be sealed separately before we can figure out what the problem is. As for the investigation of the source, we can only find another way. .”

"How about this? Let me take away the dragon-patterned robe. I'll help you investigate and see where it came from. Maybe I can find some clues."

Shen Qiu thought for a moment and said to Bai Mucheng.

He planned to take it back and ask Anji, maybe she knew it and knew what was going on.

"Okay, I've also prepared the ore you want. Where do you plan to transport it?"

Bai Mucheng asked with a slight nod.

"Help me transport it to the wilderness plains of Bardo."

"Okay! I'll give you Major General Meng Zhi's contact information, and you can just go find him."


Shen Qiu then took out the mechanical capsule, threw it on the ground, and took out an empty box from it. Then Shen Qiu opened the atomic magic suit and walked into the room, picked up the dragon pattern robe and put it into the box.

After doing all this, Shen Qiu said goodbye to Bai Mucheng.

"I go first."

"Go ahead and let us know as soon as possible if you have any clues."

Bai Mucheng told Shen Qiu.


Shen Qiu said nothing and left immediately.

late at night.

Transport vehicles drove to the Baduo wilderness plain one after another. At this time, Shen Qiu and Major General Meng Zhi were sitting in the front armored vehicle.

Seeing that it was almost done, Shen Qiu immediately spoke.

"Stop! This is it."

"Lord Shen Qiu, are you sure that you will transport it here? In the wilderness, you won't even see a ghost?"

"That's right."

Shen Qiu smiled and replied.

"All right!"

Meng Zhi immediately picked up the wireless communication device and issued the order.

"Everyone stop!"

For a moment, the entire transport truck stopped, and many escorting soldiers got out of the car and looked around blankly.

At this time, Shen Qiu opened the car door and jumped out, shouting loudly.

"Open the door!"

Suddenly the whole ground shook, the ground cracked, the entrance to the backup base opened, and then Aulie moved out with mechanical engineers.

Meng Zhi and others were shocked when they saw this scene, but they quickly reacted.

"It turns out that the mechanical corps of Anjikara City is here."

"General Meng Zhi, please help keep this secret."

Shen Qiu smiled and said to General Meng Zhi. Of course, he just said casually that he would have to evacuate here anyway and the backup base would be abandoned.


Meng Zhi solemnly assured.

"Thank you, just unload the goods here and they will take care of the rest. I have other things to do first."

Shen Qiu said to Meng Zhi and others.

"Okay, Lord Shen Qiu."

Meng Zhi saluted Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu immediately walked towards the base.

On the other side, the southern outskirts of Anjikara City.

A patrol team of five people wearing black armor sat on a pile of rocks.

"The weather is getting colder. Let's drink some hot water to warm your body."

The captain, a middle-aged man with dark and rough skin, picked up a hot water bottle and handed it to his teammates.

"Thank you, Captain Wang Lu."

Several companions took the hot water bottle and said with a smile.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound in the distance.

Captain Wang Lu's ears twitched and he felt something was wrong, so he stood up and looked into the distance. At this time, the sky in the distance was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

"What's wrong? Captain?"

The companions present asked in confusion when they saw Captain Wang Lu standing up.

"Listen carefully, there seems to be some strange sound!"

Wang Lu said solemnly.

"There seems to be a really strange sound, coming from the front."

Wang Lu's team members listened carefully and hesitated before speaking.

"Give me a flare!"

When Wang Lu heard what the team members said, he said without hesitation.

They immediately took out a portable flare and handed it to Wang Lu. Wang Lu looked at the sky in the distance and turned the bottom switch.

call out!

Suddenly a small flare was shot into the sky!

For a moment, part of the dark wilderness was illuminated, and in an instant, a series of ferocious figures came into the eyes of Wang Lu and others.

"Yes, disqualified person! Send an early warning to the city of Anjikara!"

Wang Lu roared in shock and anger.

Anjikara City·Reserve Point.

Bai Mucheng and Wu Di stood in the independent warehouse, watching soldiers wearing black armor opening the things brought back.

At this time Wu Di also said to Bai Mucheng in great amazement.

"There is so much filth, shouldn't Anjikara City stop this time?"


Bai Mucheng shook her head and replied.

"You mean, there are others?"

"Not ruled out!"

"No way, the amount of these things is already astronomical. If there are others, how many have they dug out?"

Wu Di suddenly lost his composure.

"Do you know why I think so?"


"Because when I was packing these items just now, I saw a bunch of scattered pearls. Those pearls were obviously from a necklace, but they were torn off. The internal marks were still new. It was very likely that they were fought for. Being torn apart means that there are more than just this group of tomb robbers."

Bai Mucheng said very carefully.

"That would be troublesome."

Wu Di replied, covering his forehead.

However, at this moment, a piercing siren suddenly sounded in the city of Anjikara.

Wu Di was stunned for a moment, his whole face sank and he said.

"What happened? Why was the alarm sounded?"

"Something must have happened."

Bai Mucheng's eyes flickered and he said coldly.


Wu Di's bracelet vibrated at this moment. He raised it and glanced at it. The call was from Lieutenant General Lin Xuan, and he immediately picked up the call.

"What happened?"

"Not good, General. The peripheral scout team discovered that a large number of disqualified people are attacking the city of Anjikara."

Lin Xuan said anxiously.

"Damn it, I really won't let anyone calm down for a day. I immediately ordered all the troops to enter the defensive position to fight!"

Wu Di cursed angrily.


Lieutenant General Lin Xuan responded immediately.

Bai Mucheng, who was standing aside, said to Wu Di immediately after he hung up the communication.

"Come on, let's go check out the situation."

"Okay! It's really unlucky for people to choke on cold water."

Wu Di also complained irritably.

At this time, many sleeping people in the entire city of Anjikara were startled by the sudden alarm.

One by one, they ejected themselves from their beds, hurriedly put on their clothes and equipment, picked up their weapons and rushed out of their houses.

Compared with normal cities, the people who can live in the city of Anjikara are almost all awakened people, and everyone has more or less fighting ability, so they do not have much panic.

They all rushed to the street first to look around.

It turned out that there was no attack on the city, and they started talking in confusion.

"What went wrong?"

"I don't know! But I saw that many regular troops in the city were mobilized, and a large number of war weapons were transported towards the south."

"Could it be a strange tide attacking the city?"

"Impossible? Are there any strange tides around here?"

At this time, the head of the Doha Group, Zhang Ke, was also standing on the street with a group of people, their faces full of uneasiness.

At this time one of his subordinates hurried over.

"Lord Zhang Ke, I heard about it."

"What did you say?"

Zhang Ke asked very nervously. Since they dug up a lot of wealth and sold it secretly, his nerves have become very sensitive.

Every slight disturbance seemed to be directed at him.

"It's like this. Outside the city of Anjikara, a large number of disqualified people appeared inexplicably. Now the people from the military department are forming a defense line to stop them."

"Disqualified? How could this happen?"

Zhang Ke's face twitched slightly.

At this time, a pretty female secretary, Cao Mei, beside Zhang Ke said to Zhang Ke very uneasily.

"Master Zhang Ke, could it be that someone from that place is alive?"

As soon as these words came out, all the faces of Zhang Ke's subordinates turned green, and they were very frightened.

"Master Zhang Ke, what should we do? If it is really those corpses that have mutated, are they not coming for us? Are they coming to seek our lives?"

"What are you afraid of? There are Wu Di and others in Anjikara City! It's strange that those bastards can rush in."

Zhang Ke cheered up forcefully.

"Yes Yes"

After hearing Zhang Ke's words, Cao Mei and others felt a little relieved.

But then Zhang Ke gave instructions to Cao Mei and others.

"But we have to be prepared. You go and pack your things. If the situation is really wrong, we will escape immediately."

"Master Zhang Ke, isn't there something wrong with those things? Do you want to take them away too?"

"So what if there's a problem? We spent so much effort to get it. Once we can't survive here, we will need a lot of wealth when we return to Blue Star. Without wealth, do you want to be a beggar?"

Zhang Ke said greedily.

"My lord is right."

All the subordinates present responded.

At this time, Bai Mucheng and Wu Di rushed to the southern wall of Anjikara City.

On the city wall, elite soldiers set up weapons one after another, and rocket vehicles and howitzers formed a square array behind the city wall.

It was Lieutenant General Lin Xuan who was responsible for commanding the battle.

When she saw Wu Di and Bai Mucheng coming, she immediately saluted and said.

"Vice President Bai, General, you are here."

"How is it going?"

Bai Mucheng asked crisply.

"Everything is ready. The strange wave of disqualified people will arrive soon. We are only less than 3 kilometers away."

Lieutenant General Lin Xuan reported the situation immediately.

"Get ready to fight!"

Wu Di said directly.


Lieutenant General Lin Xuan saluted Wu Di and immediately began to notify all personnel.

Soon all the defense forces were in a state of preparation for battle, when the strange wave of disqualified people entered the attack range.


Flares were fired into the sky one after another.

The dark wilderness was immediately illuminated. Wu Di and Bai Mucheng looked over, and a ferocious disqualified person in the wilderness came into their eyes.

While these disqualified persons were illuminated by the flares, they also saw the defensive troops on the walls of Anjikara City, and they all rushed towards them with red eyes.

They are like wild beasts that have been hungry for many years, with only the desire to kill in their eyes.

Wu Di frowned and said.

"Why do these disqualified people feel a bit similar to the group underground in Anjikara City?"

"Look at those humanoid delinquents, their clothing style is the same, but the material doesn't look as good as theirs. Forget it, let's not think about those. The top priority is to destroy them. Judging from the current number, it's okay. The problem is not that big."

Bai Mucheng observed it with an optical mirror and said calmly.


Wu Di and others nodded in response.

Soon a large number of disqualified people began to approach the city wall.

Bai Mucheng then waved his right hand.

At this time, Lin Xuan on the side immediately shouted into the communicator.


Bang bang!

Rockets and howitzers rose into the sky one after another, like raindrops falling on the tide of disqualified people.


The huge explosion swallowed up many disqualified people, and without any surprise, each of the disqualified people was blown to pieces.

However, when the explosion ended, the groups of disqualified persons were scattered very sparsely. Only some of the stronger and rock-type disqualified persons continued to move forward.


Lieutenant General Lin Xuan just said excitedly.

As a result, in the distance in the sky, a group of black and dense disqualified people emerged like a tide, and their number was even greater than the first wave.

Lieutenant General Lin Xuan's face darkened, and then he issued an order angrily.

"Fire position, continue bombardment and baptism."

At this time, Wu Di and Bai Mucheng were quietly watching the troops below, dealing with the incoming disqualified ones. Although the situation is still under control, they already have a very bad feeling in their hearts.

In the backup base.

Shen Qiu put his hands in his pockets and came to the production area in a good mood.

Yun Xiaoxi, An Ji, Road Ba and others are all here, supervising the production line to produce resonator shells.

"Shen Qiu, you are back!"

Anji happily jumped out of Yun Xiaoxi's arms and ran towards Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu knelt down, picked up and rushed over, Anji said with a smile.

"I've only been away for a short time and you already miss me!"

"No way, I just feel bored."

Anji said desperately.

"Boss, you've been here for a long time. Did you go do other things?"

Chen Ye said to Shen Qiu with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, the ore is not that easy to get. Besides, I also went to meet some friends in the middle, which wasted a little time."

Shen Qiu coughed and replied with a guilty conscience.

"Thank you for your hard work, Shen Qiu. If I had known earlier, we would have gone with you to help."

At this time Yun Xiaoxi spoke.

"It's okay. By the way, Angie, I need your help with something."

Shen Qiu awkwardly changed the subject.

"whats the matter?"

Angie asked curiously.

"It's like this. In the city of Anjikara, people have been getting out of control for no reason recently. Later, it was discovered that a group of guys dug a tomb from nowhere and got a large number of problematic modules and equipment!"

Shen Qiu simply told An Ji.

"Ah, is there such a thing?"

Anji was also startled.

Chen Ye and others came over very gossipy.

"Wow, who is so lucky!"

"What the heck, there's something wrong with those things. Now let's make people panic. We finally caught them, but when those guys were stimulated, they all lost control and became disqualified."

Shen Qiu said angrily.

"Ah! Forget it, I won't be able to bear it."

Chen Ye replied awkwardly.

"Anji, do you think there are any big tombs nearby?"

"Big tomb? Is there anything iconic that you can show me?"

Anji was also stunned and quickly replied.

"Yes, I brought back a piece of clothing."

Shen Qiu replied immediately.

"Quick, take it out and take a look."

Anji then said to Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiuji put it down, took out the mechanical capsule and threw it directly on the ground. Then he took out a sealed box from inside, opened the box, took out the black dragon-patterned robe, unfolded it on the ground, and showed it to Anji.

When Anji saw this black dragon-patterned robe, she immediately covered her mouth with her hands and her eyes widened.

"This this"

"you know?"

Seeing Anji's reaction, Shen Qiu quickly asked.

As a result, Anji did not return to Shen Qiu, but looked at the black dragon-patterned robe on the ground with a shocked expression.

"Angie? Angie?"

Shen Qiu shouted in confusion.

Anji finally came to her senses under Shen Qiu's constant shouting, but her little face suddenly showed an extremely angry look.

"Who, who did it? This lady is so angry."

"Wait, do you recognize this dress? Whose does it belong to?"

Shen Qiu asked in astonishment.

"This belongs to the Lord of the City! Ah~ I'm so angry, who did it!"

Anji was also so angry that she stamped her feet.

Yun Xiaoxi and others were shocked when they heard this, and Chen Ye couldn't help but say.

"Damn it, aren't they digging the tomb of Lord Andre of Anjikara City?"

"It's the tomb of the Lord of the City. Woohoo~ These bastards dug up the Tomb of the Lord of the City."

Anji suddenly started to cry. Although there were no tears, she kept wiping them away.

For a moment, the mechanical weapons of Roadhog and others all around him made low and angry electronic synthesized sounds.

"It's too much, it's too much."

Shen Qiu's face also became very ugly. This time he was cheating. These people actually dug up the old city lord's grave.

"Angie, don't be angry yet."

"It's weird if you don't get angry. I'm so angry with you! I'm so angry with you!"

Angie walked around angrily.

Shen Qiu didn't know how to persuade him for a while.

Chen Ye and others also looked at each other in shock and did not dare to say a word.

Tang Kexin showed a sweet smile. It was really interesting. The people from Anjikara City actually dug up the grave of Anji's old city lord. It was really amazing.

At this moment, Levitation Knight Aulie walked in and reported to Shen Qiuhui.

"Lord Shen Qiu."

"Has the ore been unloaded?"

Shen Qiu quickly changed the subject and asked.

"No, but your friend who escorted the ore asked me to bring you a message."

"You tell me."

Shen Qiu coughed and said.

"Lord Shen Qiu, I just received an emergency message. The city of Anjikara was attacked by a large number of disqualified people. We went back to rescue first."

Levitating Knight Aulie played the words that Major General Meng Zhi asked to relay.

Shen Qiu's face changed slightly and he said in surprise.

"What's going on? How come the city of Anjikara is attacked by a large number of disqualified people?"

"Hmph! You deserve it!"

Angie pouted, looking very angry.

"Angie, don't be angry first. Do you know what's going on?"

Shen Qiu immediately understood the problem from Anji's words and quickly asked him.

"Humph, I wouldn't tell you even if I knew it."

Angie said angrily with her hands on her hips.

"Angie, don't be angry, just tell us what's going on."

Yun Xiaoxi persuaded softly.

Anji said angrily to Shen Qiu and the others.

"Hmph, you want to know, I'll tell you! Do you remember those disqualified people in the dungeon of Anjikara City?"

"Remember! But weren't those disqualified ones eaten by that MX monster? The rest were also wiped out by us."

Shen Qiu asked puzzledly.

"Humph, those disqualified people are only the nobles of Anjikara City, so they are all buried in the underground city of the city. As for other people, they are all buried with the city lord. The number reaches one million! These idiots dug up the city lord's There must be something wrong with the built-in hibernation device in the tomb. Once millions of disqualified people emerge, I tell you, they are dead! Even God can’t save them! These are not miscellaneous monsters, but disqualified people. As long as they are in the disqualified state, their combat power will be reduced. At least three times more than before, a novice becomes a master in an instant!"

Angie said fiercely.

Shen Qiu, Yun Xiaoxi and others were also shocked when they heard Anji's words.

They couldn't help but shudder when they thought of millions of disqualified people. It was simply a nightmare.

This time we are really in big trouble.

"What should I do? Shen Qiu, isn't the city of Anjikara in danger?"

Yun Xiaoxi asked Shen Qiu uneasily.

"That's right! Boss, Anjikara City certainly didn't expect that there are millions of disqualified people. By the time they realize something is wrong, it will probably be too late!"

Chen Ye also followed suit.

Shen Qiu took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and said to Anji.

"Angie, can we help them?"

"Bah, I won't help them! They dug up the Lord's grave. Angry! Angry!"

Anji crossed her little hands on her chest and turned her head to the side.

Shen Qiu could tell that Anji was really angry, and he sighed slightly and said.

"Anji, I understand that you are angry because the old city lord's tomb was dug up. But listen to me, although the thieves who dug up the old city lord's tomb are from the Red League, this is not what the Red League meant. This is a typical one. You can't throw all your anger at the Hongmeng because of the behavior of rat excrement spoiling a pot of porridge. They don't want this to happen. If it were Wu Di and the others, even if they accidentally dug up the old city lord's tomb, they wouldn't know about it later. I will quit immediately."

Angie turned her head to the side and said angrily.

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen. Angry! I am very angry! In short, I will not help them."

"Oh, okay. After all, it's true that what we did was unethical. I'm sorry."

After Shen Qiu finished speaking, he was ready to go out.

"Chen Qiu, where are you going?"

At this time, Anji saw Shen Qiu preparing to leave and asked quickly.

"Alas~ I have too many friends and brothers in Anjikara City. I can't ignore them, so we have to help."

Shen Qiu sighed and said to An Ji.

If it were for other things, Shen Qiu might really beg Anji more, but in this matter, he really couldn't bear to beg Anji.

"Are you crazy! Are you going to die? Those are the millions of disqualified people! They are equivalent to the enhanced millions of awakened people! They can bite you to death! Even if my troops are pulled up, they can't defeat them. !”

Angie said angrily.

"Then we have to go for a while, Yun Xiaoxi, let's go."

Shen Qiu said to Yun Xiaoxi and others.


Yun Xiaoxi and others responded one after another.

Shen Qiu immediately left with Yun Xiaoxi and others. In fact, he didn't want to get involved in this matter, but Bai Mucheng, Wu Di, Huang Gin and others were all there, so it was really impossible for him to stand by.

What we can do now is try our best to help in the past. We can help as much as we can, as long as we have a clear conscience!

Anji looked at Shen Qiu's leaving figure and shouted angrily.

"Do you really want to help? I won't go, I really won't go! Even if you beg me, I won't go either."

"Know it!"

Shen Qiu didn't look back, just waved his hand.

Seeing that Shen Qiu really left with his team, Anji was so angry that he stamped his feet.

"I'm so angry. I'm so angry. He actually left without coaxing me. Go get a beating! I don't care about you anymore."

Roadhog, Levitation Knight Ole and others looked at the angry Angie in confusion.

"Master Anji, aren't we going to help?"

"No help! Humph!"

Anji's face bulged and she said very angrily.

City of Anjikara.

The disqualified ones rushed to the bottom of the city wall under the intensive fire attack. They launched various attacks against the city wall one by one.

Huge fireballs, ground cones, ice blasts.

Walls that are constantly being attacked!


Some walls collapsed.


Groups of soldiers fell down, letting out shrill screams.

At this time, Wu Di saw that all the disqualified people were attacking, and he couldn't bear it any longer. He said to Bai Mucheng.

"I'll go down and help!"

"I'm with you!"

Bai Mucheng responded immediately.

So the two of them jumped down, and Wu Di's whole body exploded with energy, like a ferocious beast rushing towards the incoming disqualified person.


The disqualified beasts turned into beasts and pounced on Wu Di.

"Wuji collapses!"

Wu Di punched through the air and hit him!


Thousands of disqualified persons were thrown away. However, several of the disqualified persons who were smashed out had their bodies severely deformed and survived. They stood up staggeringly and rushed forward again.

Wu Di was shocked.

At the same time, flames struck one after another, and the wind blades hit him.

Wu Di immediately jumped away!


A huge explosion swept across, and Wu Di turned his head to look over, only to see the disqualified ones with bright lines all over their bodies staring at him.


At this time, screams kept coming from all around.

Wu Dixin was suddenly startled. He glanced over and saw soldiers being killed one by one by the brutal disqualified people. The situation was worse than imagined. (End of chapter)

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