Night of apocalypse

Chapter 411 Oops (Part 2)

"Before Clear Sky City was under attack, supplies were very tight, not to mention after the attack. And let me tell you this, not only the food shortage outside the city, but also the inside of Clear Sky City, the entire eight major cities of the Red League Everyone is nervous, even the new nobles are nervous."

"How did this happen? Didn't you reserve food before?"

"Yes, but most of them are in the eighth district. Don't think that the eighth district seems to be fine now, but it's not completely fine at all."

"Since the eighth district is so important, why didn't the Hongmeng send more people there when the accident happened?"

"Why didn't you send them? Everyone who can be sent has been sent. It's just that the focus of the Red League is still on the development of different worlds. Otherwise, can your strength grow so fast now? Can there be so many things for sale in the mall?"

City Lord Baishao directly discussed with Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu thought about it carefully, it seems that this is really the truth.

Although the Hongmeng didn't do anything on the surface, in fact, it has been continuously obtaining resources from other worlds. Therefore, everyone's strength is improving every day.

If the current him was allowed to deal with the affairs of the eighth district back then, it would not be so strenuous at all.

"My lord, if this is the case, can you lower the price of food outside? I don't ask too much, just maintain the market price stipulated by the Hongmeng! You don't know that those profiteers have raised the price to an outrageous level. .”

Shen Qiu pondered and said.

"Shen Qiu, listen to what my uncle said, if you brought it up before the attack on City of Clear Sky, I might give an order that would still be useful, but even if I give an order now, they won't listen to it, they will just obediently obey."

"Why? Isn't the outside also under your jurisdiction?"

"Yes in name, but not in fact. Now there are four big ground snakes entrenched outside the City of Clear Sky. These four snake heads used to be afraid of me and dare not mess around. But now that my Tianqing Army has been injured, they naturally don't Put me in your eyes, there is a saying that is good, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake."

When City Lord Baishao said this, he couldn't help but shook his head with a very helpless expression.

"Are they so arrogant?"

Shen Qiu frowned slightly.

"That's not it, let me tell you, even though the price of food is skyrocketing now, the Red League doesn't completely ignore it, and some people have distributed a large amount of relief food to ensure the minimum survival outside. The reason why the situation outside is so bad now is very Most likely, it was the ghosts of these people, you must know that I did not withhold any relief food."

City Lord Baishao said very sadly.

Bai Lanxin looked at her father chatting endlessly with Shen Qiu and hadn't had much wine yet, so she spoke.

"Stop chatting, Shen Qiu, let's have a drink."

"You drink first, I'll talk to my uncle."

Shen Qiu was chatting speculatively with City Lord Baishao, how could he be in the mood to drink.

"That's right, as you go, don't you see that Shen Qiu and I are chatting speculatively?"

City Lord Baishao impatiently waved to Bai Lanxin.

Bai Lanxin was speechless for a moment, her father was simply here to make trouble, not only couldn't help, but added to the trouble.

Thinking of this, her eyes flashed brightly, and in this case, she would not be polite and even put her father down together.

So Bai Lanxin raised her glass.

"We ate and chatted together, and had a drink together."

After more than two hours.

Shen Qiu's stomach felt a little uncomfortable after drinking, and his head was a little dizzy. This Bai Lanxin is really too good to drink.

Fortunately, with the evolution of genes, his physique has also been strengthened now, so his drinking capacity has also skyrocketed, but he is not completely drunk.

He stood up and said.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

"Don't run away."

Sitting next to Shen Qiu, Bai Lanxin grabbed Shen Qiu's arm and said with a drunken look in her eyes.

"Don't worry about leaving."

Shen Qiu couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry.

At this moment, City Lord Baishao got up and said enthusiastically.

"I just want to go to the toilet too, let's go together."

"Uh, okay."

Seeing that the Lord Baishao was so enthusiastic, Shen Qiu couldn't say anything, so she walked towards the toilet with him.

At this moment, the drunken Bai Lanxin squinted her eyes to see that Shen Qiu and Bai Shao had left, immediately took out the sleeping powder from her body and twisted it on, poured it into Shen Qiu's wine glass and chanted frantically.

"I'm really convinced, how did this guy become so drinkable?"

In order to prevent the effect of the medicine from being insufficient, Bai Lanxin did not forget to pour in more, since it is colorless and odorless anyway.

After pouring, Bai Lanxin stretched out her index finger to stir the wine glass, then put it in her mouth for a while.


"Well, it's done."

The drunk Bai Lanxin said to herself very satisfied.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Bai Lanxin froze for a moment, and immediately realized that she wanted to close her throat and spit out the swallowed saliva.

As a result, his eyes went dark, he felt dizzy for a while, he sat down on the chair, and finally lay down on the table.

Not long after, City Lord Baishao and Shen Qiu came back talking and laughing.

"Mr. Shen Qiu, let me tell you, from the moment you stood up to face the Monkdo beast, I knew you were extraordinary."

"City Master Baishao, you are too absurd, huh? Bai Lanxin."

At this moment, Shen Qiu saw Bai Lanxin lying on the table, and was also startled.

City Lord Baishao glanced at it, coughed and said.

"Sorry, my little girl doesn't drink very well."

"No, she's had enough."

"It's okay, uncle will drink with you."

"No, I'm almost done drinking, it's time to go back."

Seeing that Bai Lanxin drank too much, Shen Qiu prepared to withdraw.

"Okay, then I'll see you off."

"No, I'll go back by myself. Bai Lanxin is drunk and needs your care."

"Don't worry about her, I'll let Housekeeper He Yue take care of her."

"Isn't that too troublesome?"

"No trouble, let's go! I'll see you off!"

City Lord Baishao warmly greeted Shen Qiu and walked out.

Underground of Gray Alliance Dix's abandoned factory.


With the screeching sound of rusty friction, the iron door was opened.

A dark, blurry figure walked in, through the emergency lights of the underground factory that came on and off.

You can see the scarlet eyes of that fuzzy figure, leaving faint afterimages wherever they pass.

Not long after, that figure went straight to the center of the underground factory, sat on an armchair, and snapped its fingers.


In an instant, one after another projected communication images emerged.

In the images that appeared, there was a person whose figure could not be seen clearly. You can only see pairs of eyes full of evil, desire, greed and other negative emotions.

These emerging images all opened their mouths and greeted the figure sitting on the armchair in a low voice.

"Master Gamaka!"

The name Gamaka is enough to cause shocks in any place of the Three Leagues, because he is the only deputy leader of the defeated army sect.

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