Night of apocalypse

Chapter 413 Desolation

"Boil the mixed noodles into a batter soup, and serve it down first to top it off."

Zhang Can said with a deep breath.

"No, brother, the rest of the food is reserved for you."

"Send them all."

"All right."

Wu Qi hesitated and replied, then left.

Seeing that Zhang Can handed out all the rest of the food, Tong Xiao's expression eased a little, but he was still very anxious.

Zhang Can continued to sit on the chair for a while, then got up and walked outside the house.

Xiao Tong and the others followed behind.

I saw people lying everywhere outside, and some women and children with dry skin could be seen, gnawing on dry bark in one hand, and scooping water from a tank with a plastic cup in the other.

The whole stomach is stretched out.

Not far away, Wu Qi and the others had already set up a pot. They boiled water, poured mixed flour into it and stirred it, and the hot noodle soup was ready.

A scrawny, disheveled and dirty child is holding a bowl and queuing up to get it.

None of the older people went up to get it.

At this moment, a dirty little girl received a bowl, and hurriedly walked towards the old man lying on the stone not far away, and shouted happily.

"Grandma, there is something to eat."

It's a pity that no matter how the little girl shouted, the old lady didn't respond.

The little girl shook the old grandma's hand, but still did not respond, and then burst into tears.

"Hey, grandma, wake up soon, there is something to eat."

But the old man remained motionless, with a peaceful expression on his face, for fear that his granddaughter would be worried if he saw it.

"Grandma! Wake up!"

At this moment, the little girl couldn't bear it anymore, and burst into tears.

Zhang Can and others saw this scene in their eyes.

The hungry and dizzy people around looked at this scene with a sad look on their faces.

Xiao Tong couldn't help but clenched his hands into fists, his bones rattled, and he said to Zhang Can.

"Brother, have you seen it? We can't wait like this any longer. Do you really want to go all the way to the dark and trust that person?"

"Shut up!"

When Zhang Can saw Xiao Tong questioning Shen Qiu, he immediately reprimanded him a little angrily.

"Brother, wake up! How can those high-ranking people remember us?"

Xiao Tong said to Zhang Can.

"My elder brother told us to wait, and he will definitely come back, just wait for me!"

Zhang Can said angrily that he was in a more uncomfortable mood than anyone else. But just like what Shen Qiu said, what future will there be if you continue to grab it?

"Brother, you can't trust him just because he helped you! We can't afford to lose, you know we are waiting for him with our lives!"

Xiao Tong roared angrily.

Zhang Can kicked Xiao Tong directly and scolded angrily.

"shut up!"

"Okay, don't let me say it. I won't say it. But wait until you continue to wait. I can't watch my relatives starve to death one by one. Brothers are willing to come with me."

Xiao Tong roared with red eyes.

Immediately, half of the brothers present gathered beside Xiao Tong.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Can's expression changed suddenly and he yelled at Xiao Tong.

"Why not, you are willing to wait to die, but we are not, brothers follow me to snatch those profiteers."

As Xiao Tong said, he turned and left with his half-brother.

"Xiao Tong, come back to me!"

Zhang Can roared very angrily.

"Nothing to do with you!"

Xiao Tong and the others walked very resolutely, they didn't listen to Zhang Can's words and went further and further.

Wu Qi and the others looked at Zhang Can at a loss, and asked hesitantly.

"Brother, what should we do? Shall we go?"

"No one is allowed to go. If you still recognize me as a big brother, you will all stay here, and no one is allowed to run around!"

Zhang Can yelled at Wu Qi and the others angrily.

Wu Qi and the others lowered their heads one after another, and they all fell silent.

With a livid face, Zhang Can walked to the side of the stone and sat down.

He just sat quietly like that, the anger in his heart gradually faded, replaced by hesitation, sadness and pain.

In fact, Zhang Can has been silently enduring all kinds of pressure during this time, and he knows very well that people starve to death every day.

But he couldn't go back to his old job, he promised Shen Qiu that he would do nothing until Shen Qiu came back.

Zhang Can knew very well that if anyone could lead them out of the darkness, it must be Shen Qiu, and there was only one such opportunity.

But his brother didn't understand.

Time just passed by little by little, and dusk fell in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Can looked at the gradually setting sun with a sad expression on his face. At this moment, a hand was pressed on Zhang Can's shoulder, and at the same time there was a sigh.

"Hey~ The world is suffering, so it's a relief to go away. Sorry, I'm late."

Zhang Can was slightly taken aback, then turned his head to look over.

Seeing Shen Qiu standing behind Zhang Can, he stood up excitedly and said.

"Brother, you are here."


Shen Qiu nodded with a rather serious expression, he saw quite a few people dying of starvation along the way.

He didn't expect the situation to be worse than he imagined.

Zhang Can smiled happily at this moment, he excitedly said to Shen Qiu.

"I knew big brother, you will definitely not ignore us."

"Don't talk about that, I think the situation here is terrible, is there nothing to eat?"

Shen Qiu didn't talk nonsense, and asked straight to the point.

"No, the last bit of food, I've been through today, but it's useless at all."

Zhang Can shook his head and replied.

"Well, let's buy some food first."

"No, big brother, now a catty of noodles has risen to 200 union currency."

"When I left, wasn't it 60?"

When Shen Qiu heard the price, his face immediately sank. Not to mention that the maximum price limit of the Red League is 5 Union coins, the increase in the past few days alone is outrageous.


When Zhang Can mentioned the price, he was also very angry.

At this moment, Wu Qi ran over in a panic and shouted at Zhang Can.

"Brother is not well, something happened."

"What happened?"

Zhang Can's expression changed and he asked.

"Xiao Tong took people to rob Zheng Ang's gang of profiteers, but they were taken down instead."

Wu Qi said out of breath.

Zhang Can's face turned dark. He wanted to call out for copycats, but when he saw Shen Qiu standing in front of him, he held back.

Shen Qiu frowned and asked.

"what happened?"

"Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't restrain the people below. That Xiao Tong saw so many people starved to death every day, so he took people to rob profiteers without permission, and it ended like this."

Zhang Can lowered his head and explained.

Hearing this, Shen Qiu pondered and asked.

"What role is that Zheng Ang?"

"That Zheng Ang is the largest grain seller in our area, controls all grain sales channels, and is the henchman of Xu Bin, the largest local snake in our area."

Zhang Can explained to Shen Qiu.

"How is that Xu Bin's strength?"

Shen Qiu asked calmly after hearing this.

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