Night of apocalypse

Chapter 456 Dusky Star Necklace (Part 1)

Everyone was shocked by the price above, and the previous benefits were gone.

For a while, everyone in the hall was whispering.

"These three-star equipment is more expensive than the other, and the price is too outrageous."

"Actually, it has nothing to do with us. After all, this is not something we can touch. It is only considered by those at the top."

"It seems to be too."

"And I've heard that all three-star weapons are obtained at the cost of the lives of many masters and personnel."

"Hearing what you say, it's understandable that these equipment are so expensive. After all, the price of obtaining it is there, but I really want to ask, can anyone afford the most expensive Dusky Star necklace? Ten million points ! Is this really something people can get together?"

"Are you stupid? Even if someone can make it together, they won't buy it. Now that the points are so tight, who doesn't give priority to buying main weapons and armor?"

"That's still so expensive, won't there be a discount?"

"You don't understand now, let me tell you a gossip, which is unknown to others. The necklace was donated by the Long family. I heard that it was designated by the chairman of the council. This piece of equipment is by far the only jewelry category The top of the list. The reason why it hangs out is more to suppress the place. Every time the things in the mall are emptied at the back, this makes Hongmeng face where to put it. The people below see the empty mall. Still have the motivation to fight?"

"It makes sense."


Listening to their discussion, Shen Qiu fell into deep thought.

"Shen Qiu."

At this time Li Yan shouted.

Shen Qiu came back to his senses immediately, he turned his head and asked.

"What's wrong?"

"What did you buy?"

Li Yan asked curiously.

"I didn't buy anything, I just bought a gene module. And before I bought too much, it was all emptied."

Shen Qiu also couldn't laugh or cry.

"You can't blame others for this, and other modules are not so nervous. The reason why the modules of your department are so tense is largely caused by you."

Li Yan said with a smile.

"It seems to be too."

Shen Qiu smiled wryly, but didn't say much.

"Hey, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. There are so many good things to look at, but none of them are affordable."

Li Yan said with great emotion.

"no way."

Shen Qiu also smiled.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the hall.

The eyes of Shen Qiu and others were attracted by the commotion, and they all looked over.

"Give way!"

Nan Zhe, director of the KPI department, came with a group of subordinates, and he said to everyone present with a smile.

For a while, everyone retreated to make enough space.

Nan Zhe said to everyone with a smile at this moment.

"Thank you for gathering at the KPI headquarters today to witness the reform and update of the History Department. After a resolution, we will show everyone the three heavyweight equipment of this update!"


Everyone present applauded.

Although the KPI headquarters supports trial equipment, capital verification is required, and it is impossible for ordinary people to see real samples of top-level equipment.

At this time, a subordinate came over pushing a small display case covered with red silk cloth.

"The first piece of equipment, the scarlet gun!"

After Nan Zhe made the announcement, he directly lifted the red silk cloth, and the scarlet spear was displayed in front of everyone, and everyone could clearly see the weapon.

Immediately, the heart of the person using the long gun type weapon was beating wildly.

Nan Zhe clapped his hands, and the second small showcase was pushed up. He quickly lifted the red silk cloth on it and announced.

"Aron's Shield!"

Immediately, a shield with a lion-man pattern engraved on one surface and embedded with a P3 cube module came into everyone's eyes.

"Wow, this is that top shield! Seeing it with my own eyes makes me even more shocked."

"If this is arranged for the main fighters of the team, it would be a shame."

"It's awesome. The team went bankrupt every minute. The price of this shield is 600W points, which is more expensive than that gun. Under normal circumstances, this is the equipment that the first-hand land reclamation team must deduct. I didn't expect this to be available. Come out and sell."


Shen Qiu looked at these equipments, although he felt quite amazing, but he would not be so excited and lost his composure.

At this moment, Nan Zhe raised his hands to signal for everyone to be quiet, and a small display case was pushed up.

"Now it's the most important part. Today you will witness with your own eyes what is called the pinnacle of art."

After Nan Zhe gave a speech full of emotion, he immediately lifted the red silk covering the third showcase.

An extremely luxurious and noble black gemstone necklace caught everyone's eyes. The entire necklace exudes a soft black halo. Its shape and color are perfect and impeccable, just like bright black stars.


In an instant, everyone on the scene was attracted by it and made a sound of amazement.

They knew that this Dusky Star necklace was very beautiful, but they didn't expect the real thing to be more dazzling than the video and pictures.

Shen Qiu was also deeply attracted, he had entered the treasure houses of the two kingdoms, seen countless works of art, necklaces and the like, but it was the first time he saw such beautiful ones.

At this moment, Shen Qiu heard two KPI female members talking in a low voice.

"It's really beautiful."

"Don't you know that you have the opportunity to wear a necklace of this level in this life? If someone can give it to me, I can marry him."

"Stop dreaming. If someone can afford a necklace of this level, it will belong to the Eight Great Families. Aren't you daydreaming properly?"



At this time, no matter whether it was from Team Zero, Gu Yuan or General Tang Yi, they were all attracted by the necklace.

They all showed admiration in their eyes, but they all showed restraint.

In fact, this almost perfect art equipment is more attractive to them than to ordinary people.

Because they have seen a lot since they were young, there are very few that can make them feel amazing.

Shen Qiu stroked his chin at this time and began to think. He probably scanned the top-level equipment updated this time. According to normal logic, weapons and armors should be purchased first.

But now he has three lightsabers in his hand, and one is better than the other.

As for the armor, the silver-scale phantom armor on him is barely enough. Of course, it does not mean that there are no updated and better armors this time. The main reason is that they are updated. Most of them are heavy armors. Agility must be more or less affected, this is not suitable for Shen Qiu.

So Shen Qiu couldn't help but stare at the Dusky Star Necklace. Although this piece of equipment is auxiliary equipment, it can increase abilities in an all-round way. Don't underestimate these words, this is a comprehensive increase, which is equivalent to wearing this necklace, all aspects will be strengthened, and it will directly become the upper hand against the masters of the same level.

In addition, the most important point is that this necklace also has an active defense ability. If it is used well, it means that one more life can come out at a critical moment. Not to mention that this necklace also has mental resistance, the importance of this special resistance is self-evident.

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