Night of apocalypse

Chapter 485: Cruel and merciless (addition for leader Bingshan Muxue)

"No, when did you become such a mother-in-law, and you always push back after a drink. You don't have any business, do you?"

Dilu asked with a smile.

Gotta narrowed his eyes slightly, and then showed a hearty smile.

"Since you have said so, I will not shirk."

"That's right."


In the city of Amokgan, the city lord's mansion.

In a resplendent and resplendent room, Harman Weiss was rolling on a soft water bed with two extremely sexy beauties.

From time to time, the excited shouts of beautiful women can be heard.


At this moment, a sudden knock on the door interrupted Harmanweiss' interest.

But he didn't get mad, he just said something indifferently.

"Come in."

Immediately after the door was pushed open, Angela walked in, she looked at the two beauties indifferently and said.

"You all go out."

The two girls immediately got up from the bed, hurriedly carried their clothes and left.

At this time Harman Weiss also got up and picked up the clothes while changing, and asked.

"whats the matter?"

"My technical supervisor, Deheng, found that the database was passive. It should be people from Lanmeng who invaded our network."

Angela said to Harman Weiss.

When Harmanweis heard this, his expression suddenly became gloomy.

"I see."

At this moment, Harmanweiss' bracelet vibrated, and a message popped up. He picked it up, took a look, and said angrily.

"Okay, good method!"

"Master Harmanweiss, what happened?"

Angela was also very surprised to see that Harman Weiss was a little angry, so she asked.

"Gota just sent me a message, and that fellow Dilu went to the Dungofas stronghold to inquire about the news."

Harman Weiss sneered.

"Who gave him the guts to betray you?"

Angela was also very surprised.

"Who else could it be? It must be the guys from the Gray Alliance. I really underestimated them. How long has it been! They have already come to the door one by one. They are really tricky."

The expression on Harmanweiss's face was a little distorted.

"My lord, what should we do now? How about we hand him over?"

Angela couldn't help suggesting.

"Hand it over? To whom? If I hand it over to the Gray League, I will offend the Blue League and the Red League. If I hand it over to any of the other two parties, I will offend others as well."

Harmanweiss is a little bit stuck at the moment. To put it bluntly, none of the three alliances are easy to mess with.

He would feel bad if he offended any one, let alone offended so many.

Angela lowered her head slightly, thought for a while and said.

"Master Harmanweiss, why don't we let Lu Chuan go and let them fight for their own blood?"

"Hmph, let him go? Now that those guys have already caught up with the smell, do you think I can let him go quietly? As long as Lu Chuan walks out of the stronghold, they will be able to sit in solidarity." I caught it. Most importantly, both the Gray League and the Blue League have come to me to beat others, and I have already lied to them."

Harman Weiss said grimly.

In fact, it's no wonder Harmanweiss is so annoyed, he is in a very bad situation now.

If it is not handled properly, it may be over for him.

"Master Harmanweiss, what should we do now? We seem to be in a dilemma."

Angela looked at Harman Weiss.

Harmanweiss twisted his neck and made a clucking sound, with a flash of ruthlessness in his eyes, he said viciously.

"It's not completely impossible. I can't send Lu Chuan out quietly, but I can make him disappear into this world without a sound."

"This, isn't it that all three parties have offended?"

Angela looked at Harman Weiss in shock, her heart fluctuated like a stormy sea.

"What are you afraid of? As long as there is no proof of death, what can they do to me, they can't attack us for no reason, right?"

Harman Weiss showed a piercing smile.

Angela's expression gradually calmed down, but at this moment she felt that Harman Weiss was trying to die.

You must know that it is very bad to offend the first alliance. This guy wants to kill people and offend the three alliances in one go.

But Angela didn't show any dissatisfaction, she just spoke.

"Okay, then what to do next."

"Inform Keuti to execute the man, and clean up the body, so that he can completely disappear in this world without leaving a trace."

Harman Weiss said directly.

"No problem, I'll arrange it right away. It's just a pity for such a mysterious thing. Since the Three Leagues are desperately fighting for Lu Chuan, then it proves that the thing must be priceless and meaningful."

Angela said with some regret.

When Harmanweiss heard Angela's words, his expression twisted and struggled.

And Angela didn't talk nonsense, turned around and walked out the door.

Just when she was about to walk out of the room, Harmanweiss suddenly changed his words.


Angela stopped immediately and turned to look at Harman Weiss.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

"Don't kill me yet, you tell Kewuti that I will give him three hours at the end, and order him to pry Lu Chuan's mouth open at all costs. He is allowed to use the hallucinogenic injection Amitank, no matter what the dose is, It doesn't matter even if it is killed, after three hours, no matter whether it succeeds or not, it will be destroyed."

In the end, Harmanweiss was no match for greed.

He paid such a high price, and Harmanweiss was also extremely unwilling to let him give up like this.

"Understood, I'm going to deliver the order."

Angela then backed out.


Inside an inconspicuous steel building in the city of Amokgan.

General Dominguez sat calmly on the sofa, holding a glass of spirits in his hand, with a tense expression.

They invaded the database of the entire city of Amokgan, and finally found some clues, and locked the target point in the Dungofas stronghold.

As a result, so many scouting mechanical insects were sent in, and after searching for a long time, they couldn't find Lu Chuan's whereabouts.

It made Dominic a little suspicious, whether they found the wrong one.

At this moment, suddenly a subordinate rushed in to report.

"General Dominguez, someone is visiting."


Dominfran then tapped the bracelet a few times, and an image was projected at the entrance of the building.

I saw a man in a black cloak and a grimace mask standing at the door of the building.

"Who is this?"

Hedomi on the side was also very surprised.

After seeing it, Dominfran had a smile on his face, and he said.

"Let her in."


The subordinate immediately responded.

Not long after, the man in the black cloak appeared in the hall.

Dominic Fran, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at the person in front of him, smiled and said.

"It's really a rare visitor!"

The man in black didn't respond to Dominfran, but instead glanced at Hedomi and the others in the living room.

"You all go out first."

Dominfran naturally saw the other party's concerns, and then waved his hand to let Hedomi and others go down.

When Hedomi and the others saw that Dominfran had spoken, they led them back out temporarily.

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