Night of apocalypse

Chapter 499 Inside Story (Part 2)

After several hours.

Red lookout checkpoint military airfield.

A helicopter gunship landed.

I saw a famous doctor pushing a cart over, and a large transport plane was parked not far away.

Shen Qiu and Wu Di carefully carried the unconscious Lu Chuan down.

Soon Lu Chuan had special personnel to send it to the transport plane.

At this time Wu Di said to Shen Qiu.

"Brother, I'm leaving. I'm going to escort Lu Chuan back to the city of Shenxing."

"Well, good luck."

Shen Qiu waved his hand at Wu Di.

General Tang Yi and others were quite surprised to see that Wu Di and Shen Qiu were so familiar, but they didn't ask any more questions.

Then Wu Di left with his people.

At this moment, Chen Ye leaned over and asked.

"Boss, how do we go back?"

"What are you afraid of, our transport plane is waiting for us, let's go, go back!"

Shen Qiu stretched his waist, finally it's done, he can go back and have a good rest.


Chen Ye cheered excitedly.

At this moment, Shen Qiu suddenly remembered something, he turned his head to look at Bei Kailun and said.

"Wait, Bei Kailun, do you have an ID card?"

"Identity card? Are you talking about this thing?"

Bei Kailun took out a Hongmeng identity card.

"You have?"

"I have all three alliances, isn't this the most basic operation?"

"Yes, let's go."

Shen Qiu gave Bei Kailun a thumbs up.


the next night.

City of Sunshine Star Central Hospital.

In a separate ward, Lu Chuan was lying on the hospital bed, and his injuries were treated effectively.

The body monitoring device placed by the bed kept ticking.

A doctor and a nurse are always watching, and a non-commissioned officer in military uniform stands in the corner.

At this moment, Lu Chuan's eyelids moved, and he slowly opened his eyes. The glare of the light made him close them again.

At this time, a female doctor noticed, and she shouted excitedly.

"He's awake, awake!"

"Quickly inform Chairman Longyan!"

The sergeant in charge said excitedly.

Not long after, there was a rush of footsteps.

Chairman Long Yan walked in with Wu Di, Vice Chairman Wang Heng and others.

When Lu Chuan saw Chairman Longyan and others, he was very excited and struggled to get up.

"Lie down and don't move."

Long Yan spoke soothingly.

Lu Chuan lay down well after hearing this, and he said hoarsely.

"My lord, why am I here?"

"Thanks to Wu Di and the others, they led the team to rescue you."

Chairman Long Yan said.

Lu Chuan then turned to look at Wu Di and said.

"Thank you General."

"You don't need to thank me, and it's not just my credit."

Wu Di waved his hand and replied.

Lu Chuan suddenly thought of something at this moment, and became emotional again, he said to Chairman Long Yan.

"My lord, I didn't take good care of that thing. It fell into the hands of the Snake Snake Organization. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about things. The matter has been settled, and I will send someone to put pressure on it. If they really don't spit it out, then I don't mind letting the entire city of Amokgan disappear."

Chairman Long Yan spoke in the end with a very firm tone.

When Lu Chuan heard this, his excitement gradually eased.

At this time, the chairman of the Longyan Council asked a little puzzled.

"Lu Chuan, there is one thing that I don't quite understand. It's okay for the Blue League to know about the things you carry. But the Gray League shouldn't know. Why are they chasing you so hard?"

"That's right, why do those mad dogs from the Gray League keep biting you? And they want to kill you?"

Wu Di was also very puzzled. Normally speaking, if there were no people from the Gray League to bite Lu Chuan to death, he would have successfully escaped and returned to the Red League. The Blue League would not have enough time to react.

Hearing this, Lu Chuan thought for a while and said.

"The Gray Alliance has been biting me, it may be related to one thing."

"whats the matter?"

Wu Di continued to ask.

"When I came back from the overlapping world, I came out of a special overlapping exit. That exit is very special, surrounded by a large number of overlapping phantoms of the world."

Lu Chuan said immediately.

"Isn't it all overlapping? Isn't this a very common thing? What's worth them chasing and killing you?"

Wang Heng, vice chairman of the council, was at a loss and couldn't figure it out at all.

After hearing this, Long Yan said with a flash of light in his eyes.

"This is not necessarily the case. Although they all overlap, the nature of the overlap is not exactly the same. Under normal circumstances, there are three types of overlap. One can only transport us to another world, and the other is to unilaterally send us to another world. The last one sent to our side is that both sides are interoperable."

"I see."

When Wang Heng heard this, he suddenly realized.

Chairman Long Yan then asked Lu Chuan.

"Tell me specifically, that special overlapping port."

"The overlapping entrance I came out of the Gray League subverted my cognition. It is a two-way entrance and exit. It not only allows two-way traffic, but also leads to different worlds. The world changes every once in a while. The most important point, This entrance is stable. I have observed it for several days. This entrance will appear at night! When I figured out the special entrance and was about to evacuate, I ran into the special scout of the Gray Alliance, so I was exposed! The Gray Alliance Maybe it was because of not leaking the secret that they chased me crazily."

Lu Chuan simply explained.

Long Yan and the others were shocked when they heard Lu Chuan's words.

They didn't expect that there would be a stable entrance and exit, and it could lead to different worlds.

In fact, this kind of stable access has advantages and disadvantages.

The downside is that there will be a steady stream of monsters coming out of it and spreading around.

The advantage is also obvious, that is, it can be oriented to a designated world.

If nothing else, just take General Wu Di as an example. He should have gone to the lost underground city a long time ago, but he has not found the entrance to return, so he has been delayed until now.

After all, it is impossible for people to be lucky every time.

"I see, thank you for your hard work. Take care of your injuries here, don't worry about anything, your body will heal soon, Hongmeng will never forget what you have done."

Chairman Long Yan said softly to Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan said with reddish eyes.

"President, this is what I should do."

"Well, take a good rest."

The Chairman of the Longyan Council kindly asked.



The fifth administrative region of Hongmeng, the beach area of ​​Missi City.

A member of the public is spontaneously cleaning up the beach, washing up garbage and rotting fish carcasses.

At this time, the landscape lights of the buildings in Missi City were also turned on.

"Oh, it's finally stabilized."

A rather old man, looking back at the city lit up with thousands of lights, said with great emotion.

"Yes, although the previous impact caused serious losses. But as long as people are alive, there is hope. As long as we work hard to mend, life will get better one day."

The friend next to him said in agreement.

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